Organic leek seeds to germinate, doypack of 200g
From the alliaceae family, such as onion and garlic, leek is native from the Middle East. Appreciated for its refreshing properties for millennia, leek has been a flagship vegetable for the Hebrews, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Much more than a vegetable, they considered it a real remedy and spread it throughout Europe.
Its sprouted seeds with a sweet onion taste and a surprising bright yellow color will enhance your dishes and give them powerful diuretic, detoxifying and antioxidant properties!
Soaking : 12 hours
Germination : 10 days
Rich in potassium and low in sodium, leek is a very useful diuretic in case of urinary retention or constipation. Moisturizing and detoxifying, its germinated seeds are recommended to fight rheumatic diseases and acute and chronic inflammations of the respiratory and urinary tract. Sources of C vitamin and iron, they also participate in the formation of collagen and red blood cells, thus ensuring our good immunity.
Rich in B6 and B9 vitamins, sprouted leek seeds are the allies of the nervous system and the good metabolism of the proteins, for a good energy and mental health! Their B9 vitamin content is particularly interesting to promote cell renewal, especially in convalescent people, but also to contribute to the development of the fetus in pregnant women and the growth of children.
Their sulfide compounds (thiosulfinates) and antioxidants are a major asset in the prevention of diabetes and good cardiovascular health. They are particularly rich in kaempferol, a polyphenol known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In combination with reducing the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease, kaempferol may also help prevent the development of certain cancers. Leek also contains allicin, the molecule that gives garlic its anti-microbial, cholesterol-lowering and tension-regulating properties.
Prebiotic, sprouted leek seeds improve the digestion and health of the microbiota thanks to the presence of inulin, which will nourish the intestinal bacteria and allow them to produce anti-inflammatory short-chain fatty acids. A diet rich in prebiotics also helps your body to assimilate nutrients well!
- Packaging: doypack of 200g.
- DMD: 3 years after the date of production
- Delivery: everywhere except Overseas Departments and Territories
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