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    wakame curly dehydrated seaweed
    Organic Dehydrated Wakame Seaweed (500 g)
    organic low-temperature dehydrated wakame large pieces
    curly dehydrated wakame seaweed in raw salad
    organic low-temperature dehydrated wakame curly salad
    wakame curly dehydrated seaweed
    Organic Dehydrated Wakame Seaweed (500 g)
    organic low-temperature dehydrated wakame large pieces
    curly dehydrated wakame seaweed in raw salad
    organic low-temperature dehydrated wakame curly salad

    Organic Dehydrated Curly Wakame Seaweed

    Curly wakame seaweed, in large pieces, dehydrated, 500g

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    Dehydrated curly wakame seaweed, special salad and dish format, 500g packet


    In partnership with BRETALG, This wakame is hand-harvested and dehydrated to preserve all its benefits. We offer you a unique format: large "curly" pieces that triple in volume when rehydrated. This allows you to use the wakame as a base for your salads, dishes, and sides, just like fresh wakame. You can also eat it as is, to replace chips at your appetizers !

    We are dehydrating at 120°C for the curly wakame, which is what gives the curly seaweed its shape. Therefore, we do not have the same benefits as fresh seaweed or those dried at 40°C because some vitamins and enzymes are thermolabile. However, we retain the full profile of minerals and trace elements, and this seaweed is very easy to use in salads as a main ingredient.

    Its taste is quite mild, with a slightly smoky flavor, and its texture, once rehydrated, is firm and pleasant.

    🌿 Recipe idea for spring/summer:

    - 25 g of wakame
    - 50 g of parsley
    - 1 handful of sprouted mustard or clover seeds
    - 3 tomatoes
    - 1/2 cucumber
    - 1/2 bell pepper
    - 1 lemon
    - Linseed oil or sesame oil
    - 1/2 glass of seawater
    - 1 clove of garlic
    - Pepper
    - Paprika

    Cut the vegetables and garlic, making sure to retain their water. Mix all the ingredients. Let the salad swell for at least 2 hours so that the wakame rehydrate and gain volume.
    Enjoy !

    🌿 Also find our various books dedicated to algae:

    - Seaweed in everyday life A book by Aurélie and Eric Viard, published by Editions Galilimard, to help you better utilize the benefits of seaweed in your diet !

    - Cooking with seaweed a book and recipe journal co-written with BRETALG, at Éditions Marie-Claire, containing 80 recipes to make you love seaweed !

    🌿 Wakame is very rich in nutrients.
    It contains:
    - vitamins: A, B1, B3, B6, B12, B2, B9, and K (like all algae), B5 (pantothenic acid)
    - fibers, particularly soluble ones (40% fiber)
    trace elements: calcium 1002mg/100g (wakame is ten times richer in calcium than milk); it is an excellent source of magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, zinc.
    fatty acids like omega-3
    - antioxidants, including fucoxanthin, a carotenoid pigment that gives it its brownish color
    phytosterols, compounds that chemically resemble cholesterol and prevent the body from absorbing it.

    > A significant advantage: wakame is low in calories and a source of protein, with an energy value of 184 calories per 100 grams (14 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat, 5.7 g of carbohydrates, and 41 g of fiber).

    > Complete nutritional profile of the Center for the Study and Promotion of Algae (for 100g of dehydrated seaweed)

    🌿 To learn more, check out our blog articles:

    > Seaweed and Microalgae: Benefits, Nutrients, Culinary Uses

    > Demystifying the Relationship Between Algae and the Thyroid

    🌿 Also find in this video explanations about the use of algae, which are true treasures of the oceans!

    🌿 BRETALG selected a supplier in Asia capable of providing the same quality as what they produce themselves in Brittany. Same type of harvest, same analyses, same mindset around seaweed and food.

    However,BRETALGDoes not have the necessary equipment to produce these wakame curly in large pieces as we wanted; in fact, no one in Europe possesses this expertise. The seaweed comes from the country that has been cultivating, valuing, and using it in cuisine for the longest time: China. They have the ancestral know-how, conduct very rigorous controls, and have cutting-edge techniques to handle the seaweed with the gentleness it requires.

    - Packaging : Resealable kraft packaging of 500g

    - DDM : 2 years after the production date

    - Conservation : in a dry place and away from light

    - Origin : Asia

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