The centrifuge is the most common and cheapest juice machine. It is used in many homes and also by industrialists because it is appreciated for its rapid use. Food is grated and centrifuge uses the centrifugal force principle to separate the juice from the fibres. Foods are crushed at higher temperature by the speed of rotation which varies between 3000 and 10,000 turns per minute for a centrifuge. A juice extractor turns from 30 to 120 laps per minute. A centrifuge therefore rotates about 100 times faster than a low-speed extractor.
At this velocity the centrifuge damages the cell walls of the fruits and vegetables, so the cells are damaged and exposed directly to oxygen which oxides the juices at the time of production and thus reduces their nutritional interest. Juice loses its precious enzymes and many nutrients are destroyed. These oxidized juices are not kept and must be consumed quickly.

The vis juice extractor has a slow movement, the extraction is soft, cold without heat production.
A juice extractor keeps maximum nutrients, phytonutrient vitamins and enzymes. The extractor allows to produce a nutritionally more interesting juice than a centrifuge juice. This juice remains stable and can be stored in the refrigerator, ideally vacuumed, 24 hours. The ideal being to consume it as soon as it is produced.
The juice extractor (and especially the Juice me up) is a very fast and easy to clean device compared to the centrifuge.
The juice extractor remains more expensive than a centrifuge, but the investment made is compensated by its best yield and optimised nutritional intake.