Organic Brazil nuts in pieces.
Harvest and fair processing in Bolivia.
Bag of 1 kg.
Brazil nuts originate from the primary forests of South America, they are known for their atypical lipid profile and their richness in minerals, in particular selenium (4.6 mg/kg). Their production has dropped drastically in Brazil, a victim of deforestation since the 1970s. Bolivia has now become the main producer.
Its taste between almond and macadamia nut allows it to go well with both sweet and savory. Its texture is crunchy and the half-nut shape that Biovie offers is the ideal size for eating it easily or adding it to your preparations without even cutting it.
Very useful for making your own vegetable creams or nut cheeses.
🦜 Why pieces and not whole nuts?
Our partner Natural'Andes has created a real innovative and ethical sector around the piece of Brazil nuts. To support artisanal work and the local population, they have chosen to shell by hand. Hand shelling causes breakage, which makes these slightly damaged nuts unattractive to most large exporters. But they are very good!
Each broken nut is therefore nicely cut by hand by the Bolivians of Riberalta. Their size varies between that of a hazelnut and a large almond. The piece has only advantages:
- Anti-waste:
The nuts damaged during shelling are downgraded, but by recovering these losses, we can save 15% of annual production. The pieces are therefore the result of the upcycling process.
- Job creator:
The manual cutting of the broken nuts allows the creation of a new job. Today, 20 people are employed solely to carve each nut manually.
- More convenient to consume:
Consumers prefer it for its size, which is more suited to their needs, unlike a whole Brazil nut. With the size of a hazelnut, the piece can be eaten more easily in one bite, mixed in muesli, yoghurt or in a mixture of dried fruits.
🦜 Nuts that are still wild
Brazil nuts are among the few nuts that are not cultivated, they are collected in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Indeed, the nut ripens at the tops of hundred-year-old trees, up to 50 meters high. Amazonian nut trees need their natural ecosystem to thrive. As with chestnuts, it is up to humans to collect the fruit that has fallen from the tree. This one looks like a large coconut and contains 10 to 25 nuts. The bur is opened at the foot of the tree using a machete and the nuts with trigonal edges are extracted from the forest to be shelled.
The collection of Brazil nuts preserves the Amazon from deforestation.
Discover the harvest in pictures in this video:
🦜 Ethical and sustainable production
Brazil nuts are important foods for their supply of unsaturated fats, fibers and nutrients.
Selenium: it is the vegetarian star of selenium intake! This powerful antioxidant essential to the human body strengthens the immune defenses and balances the hormones of the thyroid. It is essential for the production of an enzyme, glutathione peroxidase, which acts in the antioxidant mechanisms of cell membranes.
After analysis, Natural Andes Brazil nuts indicate a rate of 4600 µg/kg. For the EU standard, this corresponds to 70 grams of nuts, i.e. between 10 and 15 Amazonian nuts per day (and therefore double for pieces).
E vitamin: it is also a very good antioxidant that limits the effects of free radicals on the body. E vitamin derivatives have cyclooxygenase activity which leads to an anti-inflammatory effect. We can also note a protective effect of atherosclerosis (atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries) and therefore a reduction in the risks associated with cardiovascular disease.
Selenium coupled with E vitamin would have a preventive action of certain cancers, mainly on that of the prostate.
Magnesium, zinc and phosphorus: essential components of many mechanisms in the body, they act on mood as well as on the solidity of bones or teeth, on immunity, the regulation of sebum in the skin or on blood coagulation.
Lipid profile: the Brazil nut is rich in lipids, it contains a majority of polyunsaturated fatty acids (22% monounsaturated and 25% polyunsaturated) against 16% saturated fatty acids (in particular palmitic acid and stearic acid). The consumption of unsaturates seems to improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin (hormone that regulates blood sugar levels) and thus reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. They also allow better regulation of cholesterol levels for the benefit of HDL (the "good" cholesterol).
Fibers: they regulate the digestive system and the duration of intestinal transit. They bring a feeling of satiety which can be interesting if you try to limit your calorie intake. Finally, they slow down the absorption of carbohydrates by the body.
In terms of climate, the Brazil nut has a good carbon yield!
According to the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) conducted with the Natural Andes sector, Brazil nuts emit 0.77 kg CO2 equivalent (EQ)/kg*, i.e. practically the same rate as cultivated walnuts and produced in France (0.75 EQ/kg). The method of production in its natural environment reduces the impact of greenhouse gases, and transport represents only 30% of the carbon footprint.
In addition, the Brazil nut being a protected species, its exploitation contributes to the conservation of millions of hectares of Amazonian forest and prevents deforestation and intensive cultivation of soybeans for livestock, as is the case in Brazil...
* 1kg of meat = 20.18 (EQ)/kg
It is a project that first stems from Maxime Chiquet's encounter with the inhabitants of Bolivia, with whom he lived for more than 5 years. During his travels, he was able to meet small producers who still work in a traditional way and respect traditions. Their story touched him and more particularly, the fact of seeing that they are no longer valued at the expense of productions which are becoming industrialized.
Then, from the meeting with Jhomaira Vera, his wife, with whom he decided to set up Natural'Andes in order to promote the Living, the Earth and the Human. Their commitment is based on the preservation of human values respectful of its land, the Pachamama (Mother Earth). Authentic Bolivian culture is respectful of the Earth, but industrialization threatens the nobility of sustainable ancestral practices, which preserve the future and the economic security of producers.
Their reason for being: authenticity. Their action: 100% endemic organic products sourced from the sector leaving a positive impact on their production area.
Beyond organic and fair trade, their commitment to producers is established at 3 levels:
- Sustainability of production activities.
- Economic security for the local population.
- More homogeneous distribution of wealth.
The search for the Authentic Terroir: it is to preserve the Human and his Earth.
- Ingredients: 100% Brazil nuts from organic farming, in pieces (half-nuts)
- DMD: 15 months after packing.
- Packaging: 1kg packaged in a protective atmosphere.
- Storage: Cool and dry, preferably in a tightly closed jar.
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