Regain energy and vitality in 21 days with the Revitalization program by Justine Lamboley, naturopath, Heilpraktiker, and author.
Once you complete the program, you will experience liberation from:
- Caffeine addiction
- Constant cravings for sweets
- Sleep disorders
- Brittle hair and nails, dry skin, and excessive coldness (especially in extremities)
To receive the free ebook "Regain Health and Energy: 6 Practical Tips," click here!
Regain energy and vitality in 21 days with the Revitalization program by Justine Lamboley, naturopath, Heilpraktiker, and author.
Modern diet, even organic, stress, endocrine disruptors, Wi-Fi radiation, heavy metals (due to systematic vaccination, contaminated fish, and dental amalgams, among others), energy and emotional imbalances, all weaken our bodies, which become devitalized and demineralized. Most of us are deficient in vitamins or devitalized.
Most people never think of taking revitalizing breaks to replenish minerals, vitamins, and energy in their bodies.
However, it is vital to practice both naturopathic therapies: detoxification and revitalization. Fasting detoxifies and regenerates the body, while revitalization provides nutrients to the body.
Once you complete the program, you will experience liberation from:
- Caffeine addiction
- Constant cravings for sweets
- Sleep disorders
- Brittle hair and nails, dry skin, and excessive coldness (especially in extremities)
To receive the free ebook "Regain Health and Energy: 6 Practical Tips," click here!
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