Filtering water bottle to purify any water (except seawater). Made from bio-based material (sugar cane), 100% recyclable. 550 mL capacity.
Filter capacity: 200 liters, then only the filter can be replaced.
After years of use, we FINALLY have the opportunity to offer you the eco-friendly version of the Water To Go filtering bottle! Exclusively in France, Biovie brings you this bottle that purifies any fresh water from anywhere, made from bio-based material (unlike the classic plastic version).
We chose this bottle because the filtration efficiency it achieves is superior to all other systems we have personally studied. This bottle is versatile, cost-effective to purchase and use, lightweight, low-tech, recyclable, mostly made from plant-based material, and the filtering part is replaceable.
Since 2016, we have been taking it with us on our trips, vacations, commutes, urban journeys, and hikes in nature. It allows us to purify water wherever we are, avoiding the need for plastic bottles and relieving us from the mental burden of finding good-quality water. We have drunk filtered water from this bottle on a train in Sri Lanka, at an artisan market in India, at a bus terminal in Costa Rica, on a river in Thailand, in a waterfall in Croatia, from a public fountain in Venice, not to mention numerous other everyday life occasions. It never leaves our side.
Whether on a hike, trek, or traveling in countries where access to safe drinking water is difficult, or in places where the water doesn't seem well-treated, the Water To Go x Biovie bottle allows you to hydrate yourself calmly and safely. It eliminates 99.99% of harmful contaminants in water: viruses, bacteria, chemicals, and metals.
No more fear of parasites, intestinal diseases while traveling, or dehydration. With this bottle, there's no more constant buying of plastic bottled spring water that ends up in the trash within minutes.
The filtration system, originally developed for NASA, is proven and patented.
We have created this Telegram group for questions/answers and testimonials.
🚰 How does it work?
Water To Go bottles use a unique 3-in-1 filter technology, combining traditional and nano filtration methods.
> A mechanical filtration: it uses a membrane with tiny pores (0.7 microns) that prevent the passage of major contaminants.
> A nanotechnology: it involves nano-alumina, which carries a positive charge when wet and attracts negatively charged contaminants in the water. The induced positive electrical charge allows the filter to trap particles even smaller than the membrane pores, greatly enhancing the filter's effectiveness. It can capture viruses as small as 0.03 microns, including the polio virus.
> An activated carbon: its large surface area traps major contaminants and primarily works on improving taste and odor.
BPA-free guarantee.
🚰 What contaminants are filtered out?
This 3-in-1 technology filters 99.99% of contaminants from fresh water. Especially:
> viruses and bacteria: E.Coli, cholera, typhus, dysentery, botulism, polio, hepatitis A...
but also Norwalk, Tota Virus, Adenovirus, Enterovirus, Reovirus, Coliforms, viral botulism, Vibrio disease, Campylobacteriosis, Leptospirosis - Weil disease, Legionella.
> potentially fatal parasites: cryptosporidium, tapeworm, Giardia, Guinea worm Threadworm...
but also Echinariosis with echariosis, Cistorosis schistosomiasis, Hookworm nematode, Pinworms Onchiocerca, Fasciola Hepatica.
> toxic metals and chemicals: chlorine, fluoride, lead and mercury, gold and silver, nickel, copper, iron, aluminum, volatile organic compounds including formaldehyde... the filter removes more than 90% of the natural arsenic 3 and arsenic 5, a major result for a non-industrial filter.
> microplastics
These results come from several studies carried out by different laboratories in different countries. They all agree on the effectiveness of the filter and therefore on the harmlessness of the filtered water for the body. Find the 4 studies to download here:
• London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (ENGLAND)
• Bangalore Test House (INDIA)
• BCS Laboratories (UNITED STATES)
🚰Tested in the laboratory... and in real conditions!
The filtering water bottle has been tested by tens of thousands of people all over the planet since 2011. Anonymous, but also top athletes, mountaineers, extreme adventurers, survivalists:
- Ash Dykes used the filter bottle to drink the entire route of China's heavily polluted Yangtze River.
- Holly Budge has climbed Everest and covered more than 1000km on horseback in Mongolia. She used the water bottle in her expeditions around the world.
- Eric & Aurélie Viard, during their trips to Costa Rica, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand or Mexico ;)
Still not convinced? Watch this video which will end up reassuring you in 50 seconds:
(the bottle used is the transparent plastic model and not the bottle sold by Biovie, the filter is exactly the same however, only the container changes)
For more videos on the use of the Water To Go bottle, we recommend this test in real conditions by "Techniciens du sport" (FR) or this test with water from a pond (in English).
🚰 Use and replacement of the filter
The bottle has a removable filter that screws onto the bottle cap.
During the first use, it is important to ACTIVATE the filter: fill the bottle with water (non-salty), flip the bottle so that the filter is fully submerged, let it sit for 15 minutes, then open the pouring spout and empty all the water through the neck by squeezing the sides of the bottle.
Some carbon granules may be visible; if that's the case, simply continue rinsing the filter until the water runs clear. Please note that the carbon granules are not harmful to health.
Your filter is activated and ready to use!
> The same method should be used if you haven't used the bottle for a while and the filter has dried out.
Standard use of the filtering bottle:
1) Remove the lid with the filter.
2) Fill the bottle with water (not saltwater).
3) Put the lid and filter back on.
4) Open the cap and drink!
Caution: Do not allow unfiltered water to come into contact with the outer lid or neck!
The filter controls the flow. Do not squeeze the bottle while drinking, this can create excess pressure on the filter, and in extreme cases can pressurize the cap and create a leak between the cap and the bottle.
Filter capacity = 200 L
Knowing that a person's water needs are on average 1.5L to 2L of water per day, the filter can last 100 days, or just over 3 months for daily use.
Then simply replace it with a new one, available here on the store. The filter is recyclable.
🚰 A bio-based water bottle: sugar cane instead of plastic
This water bottle is made entirely of bioplastic from sugar cane fibers. Development is still ongoing so that our filter covers and caps are also made of biomaterials.
The sugar cane used is harvested from farms certified by the independent company Bonsucro. Bonsucro delivers a very rigorous certification that has existed for 15 years, it controls the production conditions of its 300 members in 50 countries. It certifies responsible, social and fair production for all players in the sector and which highlights learning and continuous improvement.
Thanks to innovative procedures, the fibrous residues after sugar extraction are reprocessed to create from agricultural waste a new "green" material, used to manufacture robust and durable cane water bottles.
1 filter = 400 single-use plastic bottles avoided
Volume: 550 mL (55 cL)
Capacity of the filter: 200 liters (that is to say 3 months in continuous daily use)
Filter only sold here.
Flow rate: 10-12 ml per second
Do not press the bottle to drink.
Dimensions: 21 cm x 7 cm
Unloaded weight: 122 g
The bottle is dishwasher safe.
Filter and cap are hand clean ONLY.
Wash your bottle, filter and cap regularly to avoid any risk of contamination.
Bottle (water bottle body) = sugarcane biopolymer
Lid and spout = Polypropylene (FDA approved). It is expected that these elements will soon be replaced by a biopolymer as well.
Headband = food contact approved silicone
All materials are 100% recyclable.
To be recycled, the filter must be dismantled and then cut: the filter membrane can go to the compost while the plastic part that holds it must be thrown in the recycling bin. Find the procedure (in English) in video here.
BPA-free guarantee.
Not suitable for filtering sea water. Do not filter anything other than fresh water (syrups, juices, hot drinks, etc).
Filters 99.99% of water contaminants:
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