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What is a living food? by Eric Darche

What is a living food? by Eric Darche

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Live foods.

The living term is used here to evoke the concept of life.Life and all its processes can only be truly supported by living things. !

Cooking helps to "facilitate" biochemical degradation processes and thus digestion of certain foods. For those who do not wish to consume 100% raw food, their destiny is not necessarily to "stop" inexorably in the disease!. however authentic and true health “requires” a significant consumption of raw and living foods daily(except in case of inflammation of the digestive mucosa for example).

It is favourable to consume a minimum of 60% raw food on a daily basis. This is a very favourable approach to maintaining a good level of health. fruits and vegetables can be consumed in whole form "at the crunch" and in the form of freshly extracted juice.

Consuming vegetable juice makes it easier to reach the rate of 60% raw food in a relatively small wayEasy.Eneffect, we needA large amount of vegetables to make a glass of 20 to 25 cl of juice. these juices, even if they do not contain all the nutrients that whole vegetables bring.(some nutrients will remain "prisoners" of fibers,)They concentrate a relatively large quantity especially with a double screw extractor. It takes about a kilo of carrots to make a glass of 25 cl of its juice.

Foods can be apprehended according to their nutritional density and vitality. We will hold four major classes here.

- hyper-stained foods.

These are those that concentrate a very high amount of nutrients whose bioavailability is very easy such as: the seeds sufficiently germinated to cause the transformation of complex molecules into simple molecules, the seeds germinated in shoots, the herb juices(e.g. barley or wheat).

- vital foods.

It is mainly seasonal fruit and vegetables, from the region, of organic origin, having not suffered any alterations from their production to their consumption.

- foods under vitaux.

These are all foods whose nutritional density or vitality have been altered at some point, regardless of the reason or process.

- harmful foods.

Are “enriched” foods of synthetic chemical additives or whose mode of production, processing, cooking are harmful: intensive production with synthetic phytosanitary products(pesticides, herbicides, etc.)Ogm, foods including nanoparticles, ionization of food, microwave, cooking uht, excessive cooking, frying, etc.

The diet must therefore be alive and healthy. To minimize human exposure to the various phytosanitary products, known for their highly deteriorating effect on human health, it is imperative today, as far as possible, to consume foods of biological origin. This is particularly relevant to the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Moreover, this diet must be free from any process that could harm the health of consumers, such as ogm.

Claude lagarde doctor in pharmacy and biologist specifies:

“ (...) there are two types of energy states in most minerals: the state of low and high energy. the consumption of fresh still alive plants would precisely provide the body with trace elements with high energy. Indeed the light allows to activate these elements and thus to give them an activated state.

In addition, dynamisation generates oligo-elements with high-energy electrons, which facilitates energy transfer initiating enzyme reaction. Thus, an infusion probably boosts the trace elements in the plants since the thermal shock causes electronic changes.

To possess a maximum catalytic activity, an trace element must be present in a highly energy or high energy form. This activated state of the mineral element characterizes a catalytic trace element whose electrons available and necessary for the enzyme reaction are located on the 3d layer, the furthest away from their kernel. »

This scientist further specifies:

“A variety of renowned researchers (including several nobel prizes) have long claimed the existence of a preponderant vibratory information (water, sun, minerals). influencing the cell and its exchanges in a way that is still poorly understood. It is essential for a scientist to accept the idea that remains in 2017..., a whole universe of paradigm that we know nothing and this despite many scientific achievements! »

Our health and vitality can only be ensured by foods whose molecules have not been altered or at least possible by processes whatever they are. the more one denies a food by different processes(cooked by heat or other processes such as microwaves, addition of synthetic molecules, refining by extraction of certain parts of the food, etc.)The more it alters its original integrity.

To promote our health, it seems essential to use as much as possible whole, unfinished foods, without treatment and additive of synthesis, of biological origin and “living”. plants, seaweeds, fresh fruit and vegetables of the season, the region and organic origin are a good expression.


Information about the author.

EricDarche/ Naturopath-hygienist, author of 9 works, lecturer.
Creator of a school of naturopathy and online hygienicism:Enhed

Consults in the office of auzon en auvergne or by skype or by tel:09 50 24 05 34.

Facebook :Naturopathy, hygienist and living diet.


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