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Getting into fasting and raw cooking...

Getting into fasting and raw cooking...

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Getting into fasting, even intermittent can be a challenge for many people. Often, the accompanying offers for intermittent fasting (such as videos, books, stays) do not take into account the nutritional needs of the body. You often find yourself with recommendations like “not eating for 16h but permission of drinking coffee, tea during fasting...” or once the fasting period is over, coaches often advise to eat what you want, chocolate, pizza, burgers... you quickly realize that in intermittent fasting as in the rest, you can find very good advice as very bad one. For the best benefit of intermittent fasting, it is best to make dry fasting (when possible in relation to the health of the person), and above all, to re-feed with foods filled with nutrients and vitamins, which will moisturize the body in depth... In other words, with a raw and living diet!

Justine and Marc, our colleagues (and friends), start offering, from September, a week stay of dry intermittent fasting and raw cooking for all those who want to get into fasting and living food, or for the experts who want to take a week of rest, relaxation and disconnection by having the opportunity to have an environment and a diet adapted to their lifestyle. So, holidays + change of life = a super revitalizing stay.

Win a stay for 6 days of intermittent fasting and raw cooking at La Grande Motte!

Jeûne intermittent et crusine

Justine and Marc launch a unique concept in France: 6-day stays: intermittent fasting and raw cooking at La Grande Motte. When they shared their idea, we immediately wanted to present it because we really like everything that is innovative!

We then offered them the idea of a competition on Instagram to win a stay, of which they speak better than us:

"Competition: a 6 days stay of intermittent fasting and raw cooking at La Grande Motte to win by drawing lots!

This stay enables you to start fasting on a daily basis and move to a more lively and vegetal diet on a daily basis. Meditation workshops, stress management also enable you to set up (if you wish) lifestyle habits and routines that will help you to align your body and gain energy.

And finally, the thalasso cure, right in front of the beach and next to the pine trees of La Grande Motte is a treat to disconnect from the daily life."

Instructions for the competition opened from Saturday 22, August 2020 until Wednesday 26, August 2020 on Instagram

to participate, you just have to:

1 - Subscribe to our Instagram pages to participate in our competitions, the next being this competition on Saturday 22, August 2020: Biovie Officiel and Jeûner à la maison

2 - Share the Instagram competition's post with the HASHTAGS #biovie #jeuneintermittentcrusine

3 - Tag 2 friends minimum with the post of the competition

4 - Briefly answer in video, audio or text on our Videoask, to the question: "What is fasting for you?" by clicking here

It's still nicer than the competitions of the 80s where we had to estimate the number of rice grains on a picture to win our weight in mustard (of course from Dijon)... and we're really happy to offer you well-being!

- In order not to favor the accounts with the most followers, the result will be left to chance and the winner(s) selected at random.

- You have until Wednesday 26, August 2020 at noon to participate! The results will be announced the following afternoon on our respective Instagram accounts

- The prize includes the stay and accommodation, the trip to La Grande Motte is left to the charge of the participants.

- This competition is organised by Biovie, Jeûner à la maison and Instagram cannot be held responsible in the event of a problem.

The benefits of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a great tool to start fasting easily and serenely. Intermittent fasting means that you are not eating for a period of 16 to 18 hours a day. There is a daily feeding time slot of 6 to 8 hours.

The benefits of intermittent fasting are multiple. By resting our digestive system on a longer time slot, we allow it to rest, repair and regenere. People who practice intermittent fasting observe improved intestinal transit, better absorption of nutrients, less gastro-oseophageal reflux for people suffering from stomach problem. For people who lack digestive enzymes (most of the seniors over 60 years old but also many people after 40 years old), eating less often and more living foods undoubtedly improves digestion.

Also, by digesting on reduced time slots, you get more energy and you feel more in shape.

Finally, the regeneration processes found in the therapeutic fasting are set off: after 16h of fast, the growth hormone increases by 2000% in men and 1300% in women. The hormonal system is boosted as a whole and it allows the metabolism to be reactivated. Intermittent fasting also gives excellent results on weight loss in a few weeks of practice. If it's associated with a food change, then it's won!

Why dry intermittent fasting (without drinking)?

Dry fasting is a powerful fasting that allows the body to quickly regenerate by drawing resources into fats, toxins and excesses faster than hydrated or modified fasting. When practiced in a short manner as it is the case in the context of intermittent fasting, it does not represent any danger. For the few people who would show a medical contraindication or do not feel up to fasting for a day, we offer low mineralized water and vegetable juice to replace lunch.

The interviews that Justine and Marc had with the world's dry fasting expert, Serguei Filonov, showed that the human body is in all or nothing mode. In other words, water will feed our healthy cells as well as bacteria, microbes, viruses, sick cells that delight from this hydration. In dry fasting, pathogens are eliminated quickly.

For Dr Filonov, either the body is dry fasting and heals, or if you take juice, the functioning of the body almost returns to normal and loses therapeutic efficiency. Juices will enable to make a detox cure compared to the daily diet but their therapeutic action will be limited, in a therapeutic setting. Of course, as part of a fasting cure to lose weight or regain vitality, this difference will be way less important. Water fasting is also less effective because the second acidosis crisis is often far away while it is reduced to half the duration for dry fasting, and this of course in therapeutic cases with important pathology.

As part of a 6-day stay, you can get a massive detoxination of the body with a short fast - powerful - easy to follow, while taking pleasure in eating a healthy diet and which gives a lot of enjoyment in the evening! It is a relaxing, regenerating stay and real holidays!

Raw cuisine (or raw food)

Raw food, the basis of our diet

Living food is the diet that the human being had before he began to cook his food. It should be noted that in nature only man cooks his food. It allows to consume raw foods, with maximum vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Indeed, when the food is cooked above 45 degrees, 100% enzymes are lost, 70% of minerals and 50% of vitamins are lost.

Raw food enables us to regenerate our organism and make it get its initial vitality back. When all processed products, cereals and legumes are massively removed, we observe that one generally feels more in shape with fewer pathologies related to toxins of colloids, glues that create orl pathologies, give mucus and promote the multiplication of albican candida.

Raw food on a daily basis...

We often hear that raw food is not adapted daily for everyone. Indeed, if you are very intoxicated, you may need to make a gentle transition using raw vegetable juices to gradually go more raw in all its forms, including raw crudités or fruit. Also, people with a very yin profile, very thin, svelte, neuro-arthritic may have to find a balance suiting them between raw and cooked food especially in winter. But what is certain is that our plate must contain on a daily basis 70% of raw plant-based foods so that the body is hydrated and fed! Knowing how to cook vegetables in a creative manner will enable you to enjoy raw cuisine, or raw food on a daily basis, whether it becomes your diet or only part of your diet.

Learn to make raw food

During this one-week stay, you will learn the ABC of raw cuisine, but also sophisticated dishes that you can all redo at home using foods that you find easily in your garden or in an organic shop. We also try to limit the purchase of equipment necessary to make these preparations by going really to the simplest.

Intermittent fasting and raw cooking stay

The stay is organized with Marc & Justine, who have the place Jeûne Santé in Thalasso at La Grande Motte. The stay is supervised by two certified naturopaths, specialists in fasting and living food, and one stay's supervisor sophrologist.

The program includes free and unlimited access to the thalasso and the courses offered, whether it is fitness (yoga, zumba, crossfit, abdo-fessiers etc.) or in the water (aquafit, aquafusion, aquarelax, aquabike etc.). Time in connection with nature, practical exercises that you can redo at home on a daily basis, workshops to learn how to change your diet, share with people motivated by the same subjects on life, environment and health. Every afternoon from 4:30 p.m., you start to prepare the evening meal (if you wish) and you are trained by a raw cuisine (or raw food) chef and naturopath.

Information: directly to Marc: contact@jeunesante.eu, www.jeunesante.eu or by phone: 06 50 73 76 85

La journée jeûne intermittent et crusine

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