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Recipe for Eric Viard's Organic Fresh Seaweed Tartare

Recipe for Eric Viard's Organic Fresh Seaweed Tartare

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For 20 years, this has been the most requested raw food recipe wherever I go in France and abroad. Today, I'm sharing it with you: the famous seaweed tartare:


  • 150 g of fresh dulse or wakame seaweed
  • 150 g of fresh sea lettuce seaweed
  • the juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon
  • 1 shallot or half an onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 5 to 6 pickles
  • 2 tablespoons of capers
  • dill if you have it (frozen dill can be used as an alternative)
  • 1 glass of organic olive oil

Recipe Preparation:

The ideal tool for rinsing: the salad spinner

The ideal tool for mixing: the food processor

  1. Rinse the fresh seaweed at least three times, discarding the rinse water and salt each time for a few minutes, and taste it on the third rinse. It should no longer be salty. Be careful, if you rinse it too much, it will become bland.
  2. In a salad spinner, thoroughly spin the rinsed and desalted seaweed.
  3. Place your food processor, add the shallot, garlic cloves, pickles, and capers, and blend.
  4. Add the seaweed, lemon juice, and half the glass of olive oil and blend again. But not for too long. This is not a mashed potato contest!
  5. Check the seasoning and texture, and add a bit of pepper and the rest of the oil if it seems too dry.

It keeps very well in the fridge for at least a week, so don't make too much at once!

The best way to enjoy the tartare is with an avocado garnish.

Seaweed tartare is the ultimate if you want to consume small amounts of seaweed every day without having to prepare it, so enjoy all its benefits on your plate!

If you don't dare to make it yourself, you can always start with our ready-made seaweed tartare:

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