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My secret to rinse sprouted seeds easily!

My secret to rinse sprouted seeds easily!

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We produce large amounts of sprouted seeds daily with the Easygreen sprouter.

The rinse of sprouted seeds is an important step to get rid of their coats that are inert and useless.
If you want to keep some of your sprouted seeds production in the refrigerator, you should know that it is the seed coats, which can "waste" your seeds by breaking them down. So here's a very simple thing to rinse your seeds: use a salad spinner placed in your sink and put your seeds under a shower jet. If you have a swan-neck classic faucet,
small adapters exist for a few euros, on our side, we use a double mixing faucet because we also filter our water with the Naturalizer Japanese filter.
By washing your seeds in a rather energetic way for about more or less ten seconds, they will be rid of their coats, which will remain at the bottom of the salad spinner (empty the water of the spinner filled at least 2 or 3 times) they will be tastier and you will be able to keep them longer.

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