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3 mask recipes with green clay to get a pretty skin for Christmas and New Year

3 mask recipes with green clay to get a pretty skin for Christmas and New Year

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Green clay is ideal for preparing masks and taking care of your skin! We offer you 3 masks to radiate from your natural beauty this winter (and during the holidays).
? The PURIFYING mask
Mix in your bowl, 1 tbsp of green clay powder, 3 tbsps of floral water (pink, chamomile, blueberry...) and 1 tsp of lin vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to your skin in thick layer and rinse after 15 minutes.
Mix in a container, 1 tbsp of green clay powder, 3 drops of essential tea tree oil and juice of a green lemon. Apply the dough on the areas, which have to be treated by avoiding the mouth and eye contour. Rinse after 20 minutes with clear water.
Mix half cucumber and add 2 tsps to powdered green clay. Apply to the face for about 15 minutes. Your skin will be cooler and awake!
Did you know?
When applying a green clay mask, it is important to always keep a wet skin - you should not have "a taut skin". During the processing time of the mask, use a mistizer if the mask tends to dry.
Tell us, how do you use green clay? ?

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