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6 sources of (plant-based) proteins!

6 sources of (plant-based) proteins!

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Are you vegetarian or vegan? Be aware that there are many sources of proteins such as spirulina, tigernuts, nori sheets, quinoa, sprouted seeds or even cashew nuts.

Recipe for breakfast:

Flaked tigernuts are a great alternative to industrial cereals and mueslis. They are enjoyed in the same way than oats: ideal for making a gourmet and proteinated porridge.

Recipe for the meal:
Make a delicious Mexican quinoa! In a bowl, mix:
- 3 cup sprouted quinoa (= 1 cup dried quinoa)
- 1 cup of fresh corn
- 1/2 cup chopped red onion
- 1/2 cup minced shallot
- 1/2 cup detailed red pepper
- 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Add the seasoning of your choice and enjoy!

Tell us in the comments your favorite ingredient or proteinated dish? ?

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