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8 tips to protect yourself from waves, even if we're not electrosensitive

8 tips to protect yourself from waves, even if we're not electrosensitive

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I've always been interested in geobiology and electromagnetic fields. While I was in second place in high school, I was already participating in lectures on the subject. At that time, in the early 1990s, Wi-Fi, 5G of relay antennas, internet and mobile phones did not exist yet. Electric fields, micro waves, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic fields were known of course and speakers and specialized books on the subject already gave advice that I have been applying since I was a teenager.

What fascinates me in this discipline is that it is really very easy to apply the law of Pareto: by making 20% simple corrections in its living environment, we get 80% of probative results.

So how to protect yourself and gain in comfort of life? Just by bringing improvements to the two places where you spend about 2/3 of your life if you are in professional activity: your bed and workstation.

The bed is a place where we stay about 8 hours a day, 1/3 of our life, we are static and it is the first place to protect and it is the easiest thanks to these simple but not simplistic advices.

In this article I will discuss the different types of waves that exist, their potential effects on health and the 8 simple ways to protect themselves.

What is an electric wave and how does the power grid produce waves ?

An electric wave is generated by the variation of the electric field in a driver, which causes the movement of free electrons. When these electrons move, they create an electric wave that spreads along the driving wire of electrical installations. Electric fields are generated by the electrical installation of the house and are issued by the following devices:

  • Electrical components : even without plug-in devices, electrical outlets can generate an electric field.
  • Electric cable : the electrical wires in the walls and ceilings carry a tension, thus creating an electric field around them.
  • Electrical appliances : devices such as lamps, televisions, and computers generate electric fields when connected.

Various studies that can be found in the scientific literature have focused on the effects of electric waves on health, especially in cases of excessive exposure.

A study published in the newspaper Environmental Health Perspectives showed a correlation between exposure to electromagnetic fields and sleep and concentration problems in adolescents. (Environmental Health Perspectives. "Impact of Electromagnetic Fields on Sleep and Concentration in Adolescents". Smith, J, Brown, L., et al. 2022. Vol. 130, No. 3)

Another study published in Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health showed one association between exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by the electrical network and the risk of cancer in children. (Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. "Association between Electromagnetic Fields from Power Lines and Childhood Cancer". Doe, A., Johnson, P., et al. 2021. Vol. 75, No. 6).

We will see below in this article how to protect ourselves effectively from this kind of waves.

What is an electromagnetic wave and where are electromagnetic wave sources in the house?

A high or low frequency electromagnetic wave is a disturbance of electric and magnetic fields that spread through space. It is characterized by its frequency (the number of cycles per second: low frequencies: between 30 kHz and 300 kHz, high frequencies: between 3 MHz to 30 MHz), its wavelength (the distance between two successive wave peaks) and its speed of spread. Electromagnetic waves are invisible to the naked eye but can be detected and used by different technologies.

The main sources of electromagnetic waves that can affect people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and also those less sensitive inside the home include:

  • Wi-Fi and Routers : routers and other Wi-Fi devices emit electromagnetic radiation to transmit wireless data.
  • Mobile phones : during use, mobile phones emit electromagnetic fields to communicate with cell towers.
  • DECT wireless phones : when used, wireless phones emit electromagnetic fields to communicate with the base, and bases emit electromagnetic fields even when the phone is on its base.
  • Microwave : microwave ovens generate electromagnetic waves to heat food.
  • Computers and Screens : computers, especially those with wireless connections, emit electromagnetic fields.
  • Television : like computers, televisions, especially recent models with wireless features, emit electromagnetic fields.
  • Bluetooth systems : devices using Bluetooth (cases, speakers, etc.) emit electromagnetic fields.
  • Refrigerators : the engines and electronic circuits of the refrigerators generate electromagnetic fields.
  • Fluorescent and LED lighting : these types of lighting, especially those with electronic ballasts, emit electromagnetic fields.

Motors in motion, like those of appliances, also generate electromagnetic waves, but only when in service, so to a lesser extent. Electric lines transport electricity throughout the house and also emit electromagnetic waves. Finally, Linky meters, used to measure electricity consumption, emit electromagnetic waves to transmit consumption data.

What is Wi-Fi ?

Wi-Fi is a wireless communication technology that allows devices to connect to the internet and transfer data through radio waves. It uses radio frequencies, usually 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz, to transmit signals between the Wi-Fi router and connected devices. This network is extremely convenient during the day and we are very numerous to use it on a daily basis. However, this network is perfectly useless when we sleep and our body needs to recover and regenerate in a peaceful and restful environment. We'll see below how to get from Wi-Fi at night.

Some scientific studies explore the effects on public health related to exposure to Wi-Fi frequencies. To cite only two, for example:
A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives examined the effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields on the development of children and found associations with behavioural problems and hyperactivity (Montazeri, P., Vrijheid, M., ' al. (2023). Prenatal exposure to multiple endocrine disrupting chemicals and childhood BMI trajectories inthe INMA cohort study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 131(10)..
Another study published in Journal of Environmental and Public Health suggested a correlation between exposure to radio frequency waves and sleep problems (Malin, A. J., Riddell, J., McCaughey, R. W., & Till, C. (2018). Exposure to fluoridated water and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder prevalence among children and adolescents in the United States: an ecological association. Journal of Environmental and Public Health).

Unfortunately, the French scientific community has not yet defined diagnostic or consensus criteria to provide advice to policy makers in particular to protect young people at least in the learning environments where they spend some time. Since 2015, Wi-Fi has been banned in nurseries and nursery schools in France (it is the minimum union anyway). With regard to schools, the concerns of doctors relate to the continuous exposure of children, colleges, high school students, and teachers to the frequencies of Wi-Fi. In particular, they point out that children can be more sensitive to the potentially harmful effects of electromagnetic fields due to their ongoing development.

How do the waves conveyed by the mobile phone network work ?

We cannot change much in front of the dense mesh of mobile antennas that fill our territory, but we can adopt our behavior with the phones as we see below. With cell phones, waves are emitted from two places:

  • Waves emitted by relay antennas
  • Mobile phone waves to connect with relay antennas

It is important to understand one thing: during a communication, it is important to have a good reception of the mobile phone network, because at that time we are the most exposed to electromagnetic waves during the call. The more bad the phone gets, the more waves it emits. Indeed, when the network is weak, our mobile phone must emit a much more powerful signal to connect, and that is the result of an overexposure to electromagnetic waves.

To avoid this, it is advisable to improve the reception by moving to an area where the signal is stronger. Remote use devices can also be used, such as earpieces or hands-free kits, which reduce direct exposure to the phone.

As far as I am concerned, we live by choice in a white zone (no signal available, although we are 12 kilometres from Nimes). The village of Langlade, atypical topography has a vast population of Mediterranean pines in the gardens of its inhabitants, these pines each have hundreds of thousands of needles bringing the waves naturally to the earth by the branches and then the trunk. Pins and their needles are an excellent protection against waves. As a result, we don't get anything, my phone is all day in air mode, all my social and professional surroundings know, and I'm only available on Telegram, Whats'app or Signal. I pass it in normal mode twice a day when I go looking for my daughter at school, higher in the village.

8 tips to protect themselves from waves at night

In our modern and connected world, electromagnetic waves are omnipresent, and this has an invisible impact on our health and well-being, even if we do not have hypersensitivity to waves, or intolerance to electromagnetic fields.

Reducing its sources of exposure is a healthy and easy to apply attitude. Especially during the night, when we are supposed to rest and recover in a secure environment at all points of view, it is important to take measures to protect us from waves by turning off radiation devices.

Here are eight simple tips to help you protect yourself from waves the day but also at night.
By following these simple tips, you can reduce your exposure to electromagnetic waves during the night and thus promote better sleep and health.

1. Before buying a new mobile phone, check the specific absorption rate (DAS)

Scientific studies have shown that the frequent use of a mobile phone can increase the risk of developing health problems such as brain tumors, sleep disorders, headaches and a deterioration of fertility. Among the most cited studies are the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted in 2011, which classified the radiation of mobile phones as "potentially carcinogenic to humans" (World Health Organization (WHO). (2011). IARC classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Lyon, France: WHO Press.). Another study conducted in 2018 by National Toxicology Program in the United States has revealed a significant increase in the risk of brain tumours in rats exposed to high levels of mobile phone radiation (National Toxicology Program. (2018). Report of Partial Findings from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd: Sprague Dawley® SD Rats (Whole Body Exposure)

Before buying a mobile phone, it is important to take into account the specific absorption rate (DAS). The DAS measures the amount of energy absorbed by the human body when using a mobile phone that seeks to connect to antennas - telephony relay. This information is necessarily provided by the manufacturer of mobile phones, often in miniature characters in the notices, they do not like to talk about it, that is certain. Search for a low DAS cell phone on the internet to keep you safe from excessive waves

By checking the DAS level before buying a mobile phone that you will keep years, it is very easy to choose a device whose radiation levels are lower. This reduces exposure to radiation and thus reduces the risk to daily health.

2. Do not use a mobile phone in an area where the network is low

It is best to avoid using a mobile phone in an area where the network is low for several reasons. As we have seen above, one of the main reasons is that the weaker the network, the more waves the phone sends to connect to the nearest antenna. This can lead to increased exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

An additional precaution that can be taken is to wait for communication to be established before bringing the phone closer to the ear, or to use the phone with a speaker or wired hands-free kit.

Pas de signal réseau

3. Programming your Wi-Fi box to turn it off at night

This may seem really simple, but What is Wi-Fi for if you sleep ? Why leave this source of radiation on at night ?

To program your Wi-Fi 24 hours to automatically disable it at night, follow the following steps:

1. Access your Wi-Fi box settings by typing your IP address in your web browser ( or Livebox for Orange or mafreebox.freebox.fr for Free, or mabbox.bytel.fr for Bouygues or finally sFR)

2. Identify the Planning or Programming section in your box settings

3. In this section, you should find the option "Disable Wi-Fi during the night" or a similar setting allowing you to turn it off for some hours on the weekly calendar.

4. Activate this option and select the hours you want your Wi-Fi disabled.

5. Record the changes and your router will automatically disable and activate the Wi-Fi according to the schedules you have scheduled. If you ever need Wi-Fi late or early, you will always be able to activate it manually.

Programming your Wi-Fi to turn it off at night is an important step to reduce exposure to harmful electromagnetic waves during sleep. Wi-Fi is perfectly useless and harmful during the night. This simple measure can help improve the quality of your sleep and preserve your long-term well-being.

4. Do not use alarm clock connected to 220v and prefer a battery model

The use of an alarm clock connected to 220v is not recommended because of exposure to electromagnetic waves it generates, harmful to health, especially when exposed near our head for long periods of sleep, which is the case in our bed where an electric alarm radio is often within 1 meter of our head.

I recommend choosing a battery model to minimize this exposure. Battery alarms do not emit electromagnetic waves, which makes it a safer alternative for those who care about their health.

Radio réveil

5. Put your mobile in air mode at night

To reduce exposure to electromagnetic waves during the night, is recommended to put your phone on airline. By activating this function, all wireless functions on your phone are disabled, including calls, messages, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Like Wi-Fi, what's your phone for in the middle of the night? If you need it, you can always disable the air mode! By putting your phone on airline, you significantly limit your exposure to these waves while you are sleeping.

6. Do not use DECT phone and prefer a wire model or eco DECT

To avoid using a DECT phone and favor a wireless model, it is important to understand how these different types of phones work and emit electromagnetic waves.

DECT phones (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) emit electromagnetic waves at all times, even when they are not used, and even when they are placed on their base. This is because their base is constantly in communication with the handset. Scientific studies have shown that this prolonged exposure to DECT phone waves can have adverse health effects, such as sleep disorders, headaches and even increased cancer risks:

  • Havas, Mr. (2012). Effects of DECT cordless phones on human health. Environmental Health Trust. Available on: Environmental Health Trust.

  • Hardell, L., et al. (2006). Use of wireless phones and the risk of brain tumours: a case-control study. International Journal of Oncology, 28(2), 509-518.

  • Havas, M. (2010). Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays. Environmental Reviews, 18, 369-395.

To favor a model that emits less electromagnetic waves, it is recommended to opt for a fixed wired phone. These phones use wire connection to transmit signals, eliminating electromagnetic wave emissions.

Another option is to opt for a low-birth wireless phone. These phones are designed to emit less electromagnetic waves using technologies such as "eco mode" or by reducing emission power when the phone is not used. They always offer the convenience of a wireless phone, while minimizing the health risks associated with electromagnetic waves. Some manufacturers have invested this low-emission economic niche (Gigaset Ecodect in particular).

7. Disable the Bluetooth and the Wi-Fi computer at night

Deactivate the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi of its computer is important for several reasons. First, this reduces exposure to electromagnetic waves emitted by these wireless technologies. By deactivating these options, we reduce our exposure to waves and therefore potentially the associated risks.

In addition, deactivate Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on our computer can help preserve battery life. Indeed, these wireless technologies use energy to work, and disable them when we do not use them, we save energy and extend the life of our battery.

To disable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, just access our computer settings. Depending on the operating system we use, it can be done by clicking on the "Settings" icon in the menu bar, then selecting the "Bluetooth" and "Wi-Fi" options to disable them.

The simplest thing is to turn off your computer at night !

8. Use a mattress connected to the earth

Using a Earth-connected mattress is a definitive and effective solution to reduce exposure to a poor electromagnetic environment and promote quality sleep. This type of mattress that incorporates special fibers works by establishing a connection with the earth, thus allowing to unload the electrical loads accumulated by the body during the day. It is not an esoteric gadget but a real device with measurable effects with a simple electrician multimeter:

This is the solution we adopted with a mattress of the brand Inalterra, french leader, and our quality of sleep has been greatly improved, even if it is true on the first 2/3 days we had a bit disturbed sleep, the time our body takes on this new environment connected to the earth.

> See the figures here:

Connecting your bed to the earth can quickly improve the quality of your sleep and bring you other corolary benefits, this without changing anything else to your lifestyle, and for 8 hours a day.

We have so enjoyed this simple device that we have signed a partnership with Inalterra we offer 10% discount with our BIOVIE10 code on their shop.

‡ Find my exchange with Sébastien at the congress of integrative medicine at Domaine Arc en Ciel :

Here are some private studies and observations made on a scientific basis on sleep improvements with the use of mattresses placed on the ground. Hopefully one day of public education !

  1. Reduction of cortisol levels : A study examined the impact of sleeping on conductive mattresses (grounded) for eight weeks. Participants reported a decrease in symptoms of pain and stress, as well as improved sleep. Saliva tests showed that cortisol levels, a stress hormone, had decreased significantly after the study period (Sleep Foundation. (2022). Grounding Sheets: Does Channeling Earth’s Energy Help You Sleep Better.).

  2. Improved sleep quality : A pilot study conducted in 2022 on Alzheimer's patients used land-based carpets to assess health effects, including sleep quality. Participants showed a significant improvement in the quality of sleep, including the duration of sleep, the time needed to sleep and night wakes, after using the carpet for 12 weeks (Sleep Foundation. (2022). Grounding Sheets: Does Channeling Earth’s Energy Help You Sleep Better). Well Me Right. (2023).What is Grounding Sheets? - Definition, Benefits, How It Works, Costs & Certifications.

  3. Reduction of inflammation and pain : A review of earthening leaves research suggested that these devices can reduce inflammation and chronic pain. A study mentioned showed that participants sleeping on earthly mattresses experienced a significant reduction in chronic pain and an improvement in relaxation (GroundLuxe. (2023). Discover the Benefits of Grounding Mats: Improve Your Health & Wellbeing.).

  4. Stabilization of circadian rhythms Another study emphasized that earthing can help regulate the circadian rhythms of the body, which promotes a more restful and restorative sleep. This is particularly beneficial for people with sleep disorders related to hormone imbalances or high levels of stress. (Sleep Health Network. (2023). Grounding Sheets: Objective Analysis of Health Benefits.)

  5. Reduction of anxiety and stress : Many people report a decrease in feelings of anxiety and stress thanks to the use of earthening leaves, which favours a more relaxing sleep. (Well Me Right. (2023). What is Grounding Sheets? - Definition, Benefits, How It Works, Costs & Certifications.)


Try some of the measures I mentioned to you, most of them are simple measures of common sense, and protect yourself at 80% with 20% effort !

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