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The green peas has the advantage of germinating very quickly

The green peas has the advantage of germinating very quickly

- Categories : Vegan recipes Rss feed
green peas has the advantage of germinating very quickly (you can harvest it from 3 days). but not only!
?rich in fibre and protein, it helps to reduce sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood. Its content of polyphenols and vitamins (a, b, c, e, k) is still an excellent cardiovascular protector... and a great ally for digestion!
?its fresh and crunchy taste is ideal for making it the base of a salad, and it blends very well with Indian and Asian spices, but also aromats, black and oily olives?
you can also consume it in the form of young shoots after 8 days of germination.
⭐️Green peas salad GERMÉS, mint & basil
• 1 bowl of sprouted green peas
• 5 mint leaves
• 5 basil leaves
• 1 green lemon juice fillet
• 1⁄2 teaspoon of curry or garam masala
• 1⁄2 teaspoon of marine plasma
• 1 pinch of pepper

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