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Blue pill or red pill? by Eric Darche

Blue pill or red pill? by Eric Darche

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what this article wants to treat is the psychological and neurological or neurochemical mechanisms that unconsciously participate in our choices for or against.
1°) What are the psychological mechanisms?
definition: what is in relation to psychology, that is, the scientific analysis of psychic phenomena that relate to thought.
otherwise; mechanisms that promote such kind of thought or reasoning.
(a) beliefs.
a belief is an idea to which one adheres and that will govern our choices of life.
example of the power of a belief.
if a person is convinced that the door that is in the room on fire where it is located, one is locked; it is very likely that she will not try to open this door once to try to save herself.
example of belief; in action. !
If a person consciously and/or unconsciously believes in the authority that is to say to a “ instance” that cannot be wronged or questioned in its integrity, then anything emanating from it, may or may not be questioned in principle.
(b) values.
a value is something that matters to us and therefore according to its more or less important degree, will influence our choices of life.
When one thing has value for us, one will give him important attention or one is willing to pay it very expensive either financially speaking or ideologically speaking. This is why some people have given their lives to defend a particular value.
(c) paradigms. a paradigm is the individual representation of each person. This is the way in which each individual understands the functioning of his universe, of his life, of life. values and beliefs are strongly involved. change the paradigms of a person (value and belief) and you will make it a criminal or aholy.
2°) What is a neurological or neurochemical mechanism?
a neurological or neurochemical mechanism is a specific and specific law or function of the brain.
example. the reward circuit is a neurological and biochemical mechanism that promotes pleasure and desire through the secretion of dopamine. Thus, to have their dose of dopamine and therefore of fun, that different people will smoke, see some movies or practice some sports intensely, etc.
dopamine is the " molecule of pleasure" released in the nucleus accumbens. dopamine neurons are involved in pleasure and desire.
how all these mechanisms (believers, values, paradigms as well as neurological and neurochemical mechanisms) interact in the categorical membership for or against this or that.
many people do not know that their conviction of the moment (for or against) results from conscious or unconscious "choice" that results from our mental conditioning. the latter is the sum of our beliefs, values, paradigms, "good or bad" experience, the nature of our education, culture, etc.
this choice for or against this or that, is also influenced by our neurological and neurochemical functioning.
For example, as soon as we begin to focus on something in particular, our brain will constantly seek to prioritize or select its research and/or manifestation.
a person who at some point will worry about his hair in relation to a nascent calvity, for example, or a skin problem or something else, will tend to see only that in the people he will encounter.
From the moment when a person is for or against this or that, it will consciously and unconsciously search and select all that can comfort his convictions. For example, it will tend to go to websites where we defend the ideas they adhere to, frequent such people, etc.
the more energy that such a person will give to these mechanisms and the greater his/her conviction of being right, of opting for a particular choice, will grow.
While these mechanisms are interesting to nurture a conviction, but if the latter is "inaccurate" or contrary to the process of life, then while being in good faith, one can do very well.
the truth; How do we approach it?
Now that we have just seen the mechanisms that participate in our convictions for or against, where we might be interested in the most just mechanisms or approach, to get closer to truth or factual reality, in relation to facts and nothing but facts.
As we have just seen, it is not the beliefs or values or paradigms that are the royal way to get as close as possible, to what is right or true.
to get as close as possible to what is true, authentic or just, to see it, seems essential.
to see it well, it is important:
(1) that our vision is not obscured by false, obsolete or false beliefs, values or paradigms.
- 2) that one enjoys from the best possible point of view. the “height” from a point of view participates in its quality. the more you see things by taking on the height, and the more our point of view grows and thus we enjoy a wider understanding.
Important parameter: know how to zoom.
Take for example a small task on a fabric, look there under a microscope; It will take the whole field of your vision and you will only see this task when at the beginning it could be only tiny.
Then, move away from this task, and thanks to a wider or higher point of view, you relativize this task that will appear insignificant to you.
how can public opinion be influenced or manipulated through this mechanism?
For example, it is enough to focus all the attention of the media to something in particular, and so you will grow it in the consciousness of people. Then combine the notion of fear, fear or death, and you will lead public opinion in the direction you wish.
how to get as close as possible to what is right, true or authentic?
If you are interested in it more closely, it is not necessarily the person who has the most knowledge or culture or knowledge who has the best view.
important parameter: take the height
To illustrate this idea, here's a little story.
he was once a very learned scholar recognized for his great knowledge, which was on the ground floor enhanced by his large and beautiful house
While waiting for guests, he was forced to ask his grandson only eight years old, to inform him when his guests were on his way to his property.
simply because his grandson, although less erudite than his grandfather, enjoys in the case of a better point of view, because he was on the top floor of the house, so much higher than his grandfather.
The more parameters are taken into account to assess a situation through a broad and high point of view and the more likely it is to avoid errors of appreciation.
for this it is important to have the least possible prejudice or prerequisite that will limit the field of possible and thus the field of vision. good sense also participates in making the truth emerge.

information about the author.

ericdarche/ Naturopath-hygienist, author of 9 works, lecturer
creator of a school of naturopathy and online hygienicism:enhed

Facebook group:naturopathy, hygienist and living diet.

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