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Boost your health with raw cacao

Boost your health with raw cacao

- Categories : Wellbeing advices Rss feed
Raw cacao is good for your health! ?
Here is a superfood we love: both delicious and excellent for health, it's a pleasure to take care of yourself while enjoying cocoa !
Raw cocoa is a true ally for taking care of your health; it indeed contains polyphenols and flavonoids that help to
? Promote good blood circulation
? Regulate blood pressure
? Reduce the level of bad cholesterol
Raw cocoa also contains antioxidants that are believed to have an anti-aging effect by protecting cells against premature aging.
Additionally, raw cocoa relaxes, makes you happy, and energizes you thanks to its richness in B vitamins, theobromine, and phenylethylamine - the "love at first sight" hormone. So, why deprive yourself of it? ?
How do you consume cocoa ?

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