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Can stress make us sick?

Can stress make us sick?

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The phase 1; is an alarm reaction. In front of stress, some hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline) are released by the body via the adrenal medulla gland. They increase heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rhythm and cause vasodilation from the blood vessels of the muscles. All these changes are intended to prepare the body "to flight or fight". In phase 1; “stress has the effect of calling the immune cells to take up their fighting position". If the stressful situation persists, the body enters the resistance phase or phase 2.

The phase 2; a second neurohormonal axis, the corticotropic axis, is activated to prepare the body for the energy expenditures that will require the response to stress. New hormones are then secreted, glucocorticoids, which have in particular the effect of increasing the blood sugar level but also inhibiting some unnecessary systems to the response to stress, such as the immune system.

The phase 3; is the one of exhaustion, when the stressful situation continues.

Hyperstimulated neurohormonal systems disintegrate and the body is submerged with activating hormones, which become harmful. Stress becomes chronic when cortisol remains high once the stressor’s action is over. In a few weeks appear pains (diarrheas, headache, muscle and joint pain, sleep, appetite and digestion disorders, anxiety, increased nervousness, difficulty concentrating, etc.)

Chronic stress will monopolize the sterol reserves or fatty substances for hormones production such as cortisol, cortisone, corticosterone, aldosterone, to the detriment of steroids such as testosterone. Hence a decline in libido but also in intellectual activity to be creative.

When the state of stress becomes permanent, more severe changes in health may appear: atrophy of the dendrites of the hypophysis neurons. It affects verbal memory and memory in situation (especially the emotional situation).

Other consequences may appear like the insulin resistance, which can evolve into diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, fatal heart attacks in some predisposed people, disruption of lipid metabolism, anorexia, bulimia, weight gain, premature aging, musculo-skeletal disorders, reduced resistance to infections, autoimmune diseases, etc.

The wall of the digestive tube houses about 70% of the body’s immune cells, as well as 100 million neurons spread over its entire length. This explains, among other things, how emotions can alter digestive functions as well as the performance of the immune system.

To avoid entering this maddening spiral, which can destroy little by little, but very probably health, it is advisable to avoid too stressful situations and above all, to learn to manage them, when we cannot avoid them. It is also in favour of using healthy and balanced diets, to fill nutrient deficiencies but also to stabilize blood sugar and insulin, which is essential for better stress regulation.

An additional intake in the form of a complex rich in minerals and natural vitamins (B5, B6, C, among others), as well as an intake of omega 3 EPA / DHA, taken at an appropriate dose, help to restore the body’s balance, better manage stress states and protect neurons. Avoid using artificial stimulants such as caffeine, tea, alcohol or massive amounts of sugar. It only makes the situation worse.

About the phase 3 of stress, which is the one of exhaustion, when the stressful situation continues, the naturopath Robert Masson specifies:

stress (chronic and intense) will therefore have 3 essential destructive actions:

1. immuno-depressive action (recurrent or chronic infections)

2. a vaso-constrictive action located on different sites depending on the genetic and the biological inheritance: for someone, for example, spasm will occur at the coronary level creating a stress angina. For someone else, a spasm will be observed at the level of stomacal structures, which will induce ulcer, etc.

3. an action at the level of the organs peroxidation (destruction of neuronal membranes by free radicals. )

In all cases of repressed stress generating illnesses, we consider, in association with the specific therapies we will see later, the following basic care:

- during an immediate attack, it is necessary to try, if possible, to do an intense exercise (running in the forest, swimming, cycling, etc.) in order to cause a dispatching of the nervous influx on the muscular plane thus reducing the impact of stress from 50 to 75%.

- If it is not possible to do what has just been said, take as soon as possible a shower because the skin, like the nervous system, is part of the ectoderm, and the water running on the skin, on the nerve endings of the skin, is a real "shower of the nervous system" blocking the destructive process of stress.

How does stress block immunity?

Stress can be of different nature: period of mourning, break-up, repeated micro-stress of everyday life, etc.

The different nature of stress

- the neuronal membranes are destroyed by stress.

- stress destabilizes the intestinal flora.

- Digestive secretions are disturbed by stress.

- Stress stops eliminations.

Since the immune system is weakened by stress, it can no longer effectively destroy dead cells and pathogenic microorganisms.

Take care!

Information about the author:

Eric Darche / Hygienist-Naturopath
Founder of a new school of naturopathy and hygienicism 100% in E-learning on Internet :ENHED

Author, lecturer. Remote consultations by telephone or Skype.
telephone: 09 50 24 05 34.

Facebook group open to all where you can find him: Naturopathie, hygiénisme  et alimentation vivante.

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