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Cavities in young children

Cavities in young children

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The digestive system begins in the mouth: grinding of food, chewing, salivation...

The food is prepared to be sent to the stomach.

The oral health plays a crucial role in the entire digestive system and it is also a true reflection of the overall digestive system.

The children can learn the right actions and habits to take care of their health naturally, starting from a young age.

Nowadays, many children suffer from dental problems that could largely Be avoided with good prevention and specific actions.

What is a cavity ?

A dental cavity is a progressive lesion of the tooth starting with the demineralization of the enamel caused by certain acids and certain bacteria. If the enamel is damaged, the cavity progresses to the dentin and can reach the pulp, causing pain and infection.

In naturopathy, a cavity is seen as the result of an overall internal imbalance, related to numerous factors and various possible causes.

The causes can be physical, related to an acidic environment, sometimes to demineralization or an imbalance of the microbiota, but we can also explore other causes, such as psycho-emotional or energetic ones, to have a comprehensive view and a holistic and personalized approach.

Qu'est ce qu'une carie ?

Early cavities

Some children are affected early on, and dental cavities can occur very early in childhood, as soon as the first teeth appear, around 6 - 12 months. .

This type of cavity progresses very quickly due, in particular, to the thinner enamel of baby teeth.

Cavities can thus quickly reach the dentin and lead to complications such as pain and infections.

There are even little ones who will develop cavities on a large number of teeth, sometimes affecting the entire set of teeth.

These are rare cases, sometimes referred to as ""bottle syndrome", but the formation of early cavities is increasingly affecting children today. That is why it seems essential to me to discuss the main contributing factors as well as preventive solutions.

The causes of cavities


First of all, nutrition plays an essential role in oral health, both for children than adults.

The sweet foods, the carbohydrates (sugars, pasta, bread, rice), the processed foods (candies, cookies, compotes), the sweet drinks (sodas, industrial juices) as well as the soft and sticky foods (corn flakes, cereals, cakes, dried fruits) are cariogenic.

Processed foods, Food additives, sugary foods, and dairy products in large quantities will create an overall imbalance, promoting an acidic environment and general demineralization.

Sugary foods, among others, will create an imbalance in the oral microbiota by promoting certain cariogenic bacteria.

Oral flora

The oral microbiome is essential for the balance of dental health. When a bacterium such as Streptococcus mutans proliferates excessively, it can disrupt this balance, promote a cariogenic environment, and contribute to the development of bacterial infections.

This may be due to the terrain, diet, acid-base imbalance in the body, acidity, an unsuitable lifestyle, as well as to Stress.

It should be noted that the presence of this bacterium in parents or siblings is one of the factors that increases the risk of cavities in young individuals. child.

Oral hygiene

Poor dental hygiene, an unbalanced lifestyle, or unsuitable habits: indeed, oral hygiene is important and becomes crucial for at-risk children.

Very good habits should be established from a young age, sometimes rigorously, to limit risks, especially in certain situations.

In the event of cavities, it is common for dental cleaning to not be thorough enough, for brushing to not be regular enough, and for it to not be performed deeply enough on all surfaces of the teeth.

This is particularly the case if the child brushes their teeth alone.


One of the risk factors for cavities occurs even before the baby is born, during the pregnancy. .

Of course, The more the mother's land is balanced, cleaned, and mineralized, the more we create a favorable context for the full health of the baby.

A high maternal fever can impact dental buds and lead to sensitive and more fragile teeth, with an increased risk of cavities.

Demineralization and maternal acidification are also risk factors.


The beliefs around thebreastfeeding are numerous, particularly on thebreastfeeding and cavities.

Many healthcare professionals will even recommend weaning young children who have cavities.

What a shame! Indeed, Studies show that breast milk is not cariogenic, unlike cow's milk and bottle formulas.

Breast milk protects the child from cavities thanks to:

  • The presence of antibodies that regulate bacteria and allow the development of a healthy oral microbiome,
  • Breast milk maintains a balanced pH in the mouth, unlike the bottle, which promotes the presence of bacteria. Streptococcus mutans, ,
  • Breastfeeding also provides structural protection against cavities due to the position of the nipple at the back of the baby's mouth. Breast milk is directed towards the back of the mouth, which limits direct contact with the teeth. This contrasts with bottle-feeding, where the milk can remain in prolonged contact with the teeth.



For a balanced overall approach, adopt good eating habits by prioritizing a varied diet rich in fresh, unprocessed products.

One can choose a diet rich in minerals and promoting good chewing by offering foods as minimally processed as possible for children.

  • The consumption of fruits and vegetables, chewing, and raw foods will be beneficial for good health global, as well as dental.
  • Avoid sugary foods, sticky foods that leave residues even after brushing your teeth, soft foods, and snacking, especially in the evening.
  • Of course, limit sugar consumption by avoiding candies, sodas, cakes, cookies, and for those who enjoy dried fruits, try offering an apple or a carrot after eating a date or a fig, which might leave residues.
  • The best snack remains a fresh fruit (apple, pear, persimmon) or a vegetable (cucumber, carrot), followed by rinsing the mouth with a little water, in the absence of brushing.
  • For the Mineralization, do not hesitate to propose any vegetable juice fees for children, of sprouted seeds, of the algae, of the spirulina. Accustomed from a young age, children love these foods.

  • And in case of indulgence, such as a birthday party, offer mineralizing and alkalizing foods before and after, as well as good dental hygiene.

Oral hygiene

  • To preserve dental health, Brushing should be done after each meal, after each snack.
  • For babies, a finger brush can be used (a small brush that fits onto the parent's finger to gently clean the baby's delicate little teeth).
  • It is recommended that parents supervise tooth brushing to ensure the effectiveness of the action, prevent plaque formation, and protect tooth enamel. This also helps to instill good habits in children and prevent the occurrence of cavities.

Of course, we can let the child brush on their own for a while, but we must validate by doing a final brushing. Children will generally miss areas, which can lead to the development of cavities, making the brushing incomplete and ineffective.

Playful rituals

  • Try to make brushing your teeth as fun as possible!
  • We can brush our teeth all together, as a family, with parents, with siblings, but also with grandparents or visiting friends. Laugh, play during this time to ensure it remains a pleasant moment of the day. We can put some Music, create an atmosphere, invent games.
  • Show proof of creativity !!
  • Propose a suitable and fun toothbrush, accompanied by an hourglass, to encourage children to brush their teeth effectively and thoroughly clean all surfaces of their teeth.
  • You can use an electric toothbrush for children if they like it.
  • The water flosser is also an option; it is a water jet that allows for cleaning the teeth.
  • Also choose a toothpaste Pleasant, with a taste that appeals to your child. It is possible to make toothpaste with your child to teach them how to choose good ingredients and make it even more fun and creative.

Brossage des dents

Visit to a dentist

If possible pediatric:

The child can be taken to the dentist early so that they feel confident.

Don't wait for there to be problems!

You can bring the child or baby with you during a check-up visit. A consultation can be done around the age of 1 to check that the teeth do not show signs of fragility or a tendency to develop cavities (colored, transparent, stained, or poorly positioned teeth...).

Nasal breathing

It is also useful to check if the child has nasal breathing and not mouth breathing.

Indeed, if the child tends to breathe through the mouth, it can cause disruptions in the pH and oral microbiota, and promote the formation of cavities.

The dentosophy, the regular use of a flexible activator can be a solution to correct breathing. There are many techniques that can help the child regain balanced nasal breathing.


Psycho-emotional links: teeth also tell us about what we are experiencing, what is happening deep within us, and dental biodecoding is really interesting, especially in children.

The age of teething, the eruption of teeth, and toothaches speak to us about emotions and offer us opportunities for exploration.

I will accompany you in consultation to better understand this.

Pre-conception and pregnancy

I support women and couples in the phase of pre-conception, before pregnancy as well as during the pregnancy. .

It is possible to implement actions for cleansing the body, detoxification, as well as specific mineralization phases that help ensure the best possible future health for the child.

It is a crucial time, and I like to say that it is never too early and never too late to act.

In case of a cavity

  • Treat the teeth, even if they are baby teeth. If the child has cavities on the baby teeth, it is important to treat them to preserve healthy teeth. Indeed, beneath the baby teeth are the permanent teeth, and they can be affected even before they emerge! Therefore, dental care for baby teeth should not be neglected on the pretext that they will fall out, as they directly influence the health and proper development of the permanent teeth that will replace them.
  • Double preventive efforts to prevent other teeth from being affected: balanced and appropriate diet, tooth brushing, regular check-up visits to act as early as possible.

To summarize

  • Offer children foods that are as close to their natural state as possible, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Accompany children for thorough oral hygiene and brushing after each meal to maintain a healthy mouth and take care of children's teeth.
  • Promote a good environment and overall healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of cavities.
  • If the child presents risk factors, be extremely vigilant and double down on preventive measures.
  • Act as early as possible, in pre-conception, during pregnancy, and from a very young age.
  • I accompany you in naturopediatric consultations to explore these aspects in a personalized manner.

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