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Does coffee harm female fertility? by Fanny Naturo

Does coffee harm female fertility? by Fanny Naturo

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The coffee! This comforting drink that we consume out of habit, the morning coffee to start the day, the digestive coffee after lunch at the restaurant... But is coffee good for your health? Is it compatible with a desire of pregnancy ? ? In a time when we are used to controlling everything, it can sometimes be disconcerting not to have control over fertility. Women have gradually lost the knowledge of their cycles and the identification of their... ovulation . . It looks like your text got cut off. Could you please provide the complete text you would like translated from French to English? nutrition and modern beverages have an impact on health in general and of course on the fertility of women . . Today, we will look at some questions about fertility that are asked of me, particularly regarding beverages and specifically coffee.

Does coffee harm the female fertility ? ?

The coffee is a exciting .. It is a beverage that alters the natural functioning of the body, hinders the absorption of many nutrients, and does not promote quality sleep. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that stimulates the nervous system and consequently impacts the hormonal system. It would therefore be favorable, in the event of desire for pregnancy ,It seems like the text you provided is incomplete. Could you please provide the full text that you would like to be translated from French to English? limit "sa" consumption from coffee and to turn towards other beverages. On knows that coffee is a beverage that many people keep and consume daily. It's a bit like a crutch that we take to avoid feeling tired, to continue working and managing our daily lives despite exhaustion, to "digest" those slightly too heavy lunches... But this crutch is addictive "and it is often" difficult to stop to drink coffee. Flavor, fear of being tired, withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, digestive changes, feeling of fatigue... However, there are ways to quit coffee peacefully, sometimes gradually. Possible alternatives:

  • Coffee substitutes that have a roasted taste with a bitterness similar to the flavor of coffee include those made from lupin, chicory, barley, acorn, fig, etc.
  • Herbal teas: get guidance from a naturopath or herbalist who will advise you on the plants that best suit you to support, cleanse, and nourish your body.
  • Water: ideally low in minerals.
  • Freshly extracted vegetable juices to remineralize and boost the body and avoid energy drinks . .

le café est-il bon ou mauvais pour la fertilité féminine ?

Does coffee prevent the pregnancy ? ?

Coffee, like any beverage or food consumed, has an impact on the body in general. It's a drink. acidifying which impacts the overall balance of the body, just like alcohol, tobacco, sodas, or energy drinks . . It is not recommended to drink coffee during the design period and during the pregnancy. . In case of desire for pregnancy , we will instead try to nourish the body with the most natural drinks and foods possible, to fill up on energy and vitality, and if possible, to drain and detoxify the body to increase its chances of design .. The objective is to achieve the best overall balance, promoting good fertility. Of course, it is important to tailor the advice to each person according to their background, temperament, feelings, and habits, and to progress gradually. It is certain that the more we promote a natural environment, a nutrition diverse, healthy, and rich in quality nutrients, an appropriate lifestyle, contact with nature, the joy of living; The more we create favorable conditions for the overall balance of the body, the proper functioning of hormones, and thus fertility. On the contrary, the more we consume processed products that are low in vitality and nutrients, the more sedentary, stressed, and disconnected from nature we become, and the less we create favorable conditions for... design . . It is also important to remember that it is not recommended to drink coffee during the pregnancy . . Indeed, caffeine is a substance that cross it placental barrier . . So develop good habits as early as possible and avoid the daily consumption of coffee before getting pregnant. La période de pre- design is a crucial moment and it is really useful to take care of your health at this time. A specialized naturopath can assist you in cleansing and revitalizing your body in preparation for a pregnancy healthy. Improving one's health by pre- design aims to increase its chances of pregnancy , to optimize fertility, to live a pregnancy Fulfilling and to offer the best conditions for your future baby.

What is the influence of coffee on fertility ?

Since coffee is acidifying, it will impact the overall balance of the body by creating... acidity residual acidity, which will give the kidneys extra work to eliminate this acidity through the urine. Moreover, coffee strongly influences the nervous system ,It's a stimulant that many consumers use because they feel more awake and less tired after drinking a cup of coffee. But as we consume coffee, we lose the sensation of fatigue and push the body to to exhaust oneself "without receiving the messages from the body.". So we will continue and gradually exhaust ourselves without realizing it. Caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which causes this stimulating effect. It is not uncommon to see heavy coffee drinkers reach a very high level of exhaustion and sometimes even the burnout .. So, to avoid unnecessarily exhausting your body and to maintain all your vitality for having a baby, it is better to opt for healthy drinks that are full of vitality and energy. Several studies have also shown that a excessive consumption of coffee per day could influence the hormonal system and notably the production estrogen ,Sure, here is the translation: ", a" hormone important in the female cycles and the female fertility .. The caffeine having an impact on the blood circulation "and the" heart rate ,it is also suggested to limit it consumption in prevention of miscarriages .. Moreover, if you tend to drink a lot of coffee, it will be interesting to drain the acidity created by the coffee in your body before a pregnancy .. Whether you are trying to have a baby or not, for your overall health, limit or eliminate the consumption of coffee.

What is the impact of tea ?

Tea is a beverage rich in theine. Theine is a substance very similar to caffeine. The tea is a stimulant which will also have effects on the nervous system .. Moreover, tea, like coffee, is known for limit the absorption of certain nutrients, including iron. That's why it is interesting to limit its consumption "global tea and to prioritize herbal infusions and tisanes."

Herbal teas will be tailored to each person to work specifically according to individual needs.

Mint for digestion, Lemon balm for the nervous system, while Heather will be diuretic and nettle, mineralizing.

Get assistance to create a combination of plants tailored to your specific needs.

tisanes comme alternatives du thé

Which drink should be avoided when trying to conceive ?

Delete the coffee "or the" tea "du" day The day after is often difficult, and the service period can sometimes be reasonable. I will accompany you in personalized consultations to find intermediate steps and appropriate solutions to reduce or even eliminate these drinks from your daily routine and gently cleanse your body of these residual wastes. Go step by step:

  • Reduce gradually your caffeine consumption by day . .
  • Replace the coffee cups with substitutes natural: lupine, barley, fig, gland, chicory, etc.
  • Replace the tea cups with herbal teas adapted to your needs
  • Change the routine and the rituals associated with the consumption of coffee
  • Create new habits and rituals with your herbal teas and coffee substitutes for good health.

Of course, we will also avoid the consumption of sodas, carbonated drinks "and" energy drinks . .
Avoid the sweet drinks "as well as the" alcohol and opt for fresh vegetable juices for the aperitif!
Limit it consumption of products industrialists to prioritize the fresh products and homemade whenever possible for a diet rich in vitamins:

  • Prioritize the dairy products and test the homemade plant-based milk instead of store-bought plant-based milk,
  • Try to do your fresh vegetable juice rather than buying boxed juices,
  • Create your aperitif drinks with plants or make cocktails with vegetable juices, sparkling water, herbal teas, and limit the consumption alcoholic beverages,
  • Drink some water of high quality, low in minerals, and free from chlorine and residues of chemicals .

Do your best, find the right balance, and enjoy the taste of healthy drinks and foods.

What are the foods that stimulate the ovulation ? ?
No magic powder !

I am not going to advise you to eat Himalayan root powder or lizard tails to boost your ovulation ! !

To promote optimal functioning of your body and hormonal system, we will prioritize a nutrition diverse and as healthy as possible, with quality products, fresh, minimally processed . .

  • The consumption of fruits fresh and of good quality, full of vitality, dried or freeze-dried fruits full of flavors,
  • "Des" seeds and oilseeds dry or soaked overnight to activate them,
  • "Des" vegetables in all colors: in juices passed through the extractor, in salads, possibly some vegetables lightly steamed to complete your plate and for a food balanced , ,
  • Algae, lacto-fermented vegetables, olives, aromatic herbs, pesto, pollen, spirulina, barley or wheat grass, sprouted seeds, good... subjects fat .It seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?

Adopt one diverse diet ,plant-based, as lively as possible with fresh products ,seasonal, quality, and take care of your emotions.

To summarize It seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?

  • Reduce or even eliminate the consumption of coffee and other acidifying beverages with a view to a pregnancy , ,
  • Replace coffee with substitutes that have a flavor similar to coffee, drink herbal teas, water, vegetable juices.
  • Promote full health with a full power vitality and a diet rich in vitamins,
  • Get support to prepare your pregnancy ,cleanse and remineralize your body,
  • Take care of yourself and your health.

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