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Dissor protein and feculent, what impact on health?

Dissor protein and feculent, what impact on health?

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They consist of making meals that do not at the same time include proteins and feculents. meals will be made daily with only one food class, for example a day of fruit only.

example of dissociate meal composition:

in the morning:a meal of aqueous fruit;
at noon:vegetables, more possibly cooked vegetables, accompanied by protein foods such as meat, fish or seafood, or eggs, or oilseeds;
In the evening:vegetables, more likely cooked vegetables, plus food(potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, millet, buckwheat, quinoa or other cereals).

As we have just seen, the dissociate regime is expressed in different ways.

-or a meal is made every day with only one food class.

-either we combine foods together like proteins and crudities, but we never associate proteins and faint them together.

different people without taking a dissociate diet to lose weight or weight“Manage,”Never associate proteins and starches with the same meal. If they follow this preconization, it is to respect the rule of compatible and incompatible food associations, because in their view, there would be an antagonism between the digestion of feculents and proteins, as affirmed by the schelton hygienist.

ps. at the time of schelton, this statement seemed fair, at least at the theoretical level. In fact, it was a little later that the technical means of following in real time through micro-cameras or optical fibers, the complete transformation of a meal inside the digestive organs.

What is true is that feculents need an alkaline ph or very slightly acidic so that digestion can take place correctly, which is the case when eating cereals or feculents alone, or associated with rather alkali foods such as vegetable crudities.

1st example of meals.

When a crudity meal is consumed in combination with proteins such as meat, fish, eggs or seafood, without the presence of carbohydrate, very quickly as Robert Masson specifies, there will be a stomacal secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsinogenic.

pepsinogen in contact with hydrochloric acid will be transformed into pepsin.

proteins under pepsin action will be transformed into peptones. This is the first stage of protein food digestion. a part of the protein food will be transformed under the influence of hydrochloric acid and amino acid pepsin to about 20% to 30% depending on the individual.

2nd example of meals.

when you eat a crudity meal associated with proteins such as meat, fish, eggs or seafood, but this time with the presence of carbohydrates(cereal or feculent)digestion is realized thus.

under the influence of salivary ptyaline, floury or starch will be transformed in the stomach into maltosis but this transformation, already begun in the mouth, can only continue in the stomach if the ph remains slightly acidic see alkaline(6-7).

but in this second example, the presence of protein at this meal could suggest that the transformation of the floury or feculent will not continue normally, due to the very acidic chloride acid secretion(ph 1 to 2),that the proteins will cause at the stomacal level. In fact, animal proteins need chloride acid to be digested.

That’s where everything comes in“Somatic intelligence”of our organism, which will cause the secretion of chloridic acid in a deferred manner, about two hours after the beginning of the digestion of feculents or cereals, thus avoiding digestive antagonism.

ps. To say that, does not mean, however, that there is no incompatible food association, such as the association feculents and aqueous acids or half acids. In fact, some food associations are compatible and even necessary in terms of cellular assimilation, such as protein-featured or cereal association. while others are harmful to the balance of the intestinal flora and the integrity of our body.

As the robert masson specifies, the stomach adapts to the biochemical nature of the meal but to a certain limit. this naturopath specifies that the reader may have confirmation of these fundamental concepts ignored by many people-that affirm the opposite because of their purely theoretical reasoning often influenced by the words of the hygienist Shelton-reading the book"Food in the digestive tube"mm. Bernier-Adrian and vidon at doin publisher.(edition 1988)

(j. adrian, professor of biochemistry, J.J. bernier president of the National Food Council and N.Vidon, director of research at INSERM.)

If the hydrochloric acid secretions were not delayed in order to let the digestion of the feculents normally follow its course without being interrupted, the ptyaline enzyme or salivary amylase would be inactivated in an acid environment. This would stop the digestion of the feculents that would then enter an acid and alcoholic fermentation process, causing bloating, gas and digestion disorders. This is exactly what happens when you mix feculents with acid food(like aqueous fruit or yogurt for example).

before going further it is necessary to specify that there are two kinds of proteins:

-fat proteins such as meat, fish, eggs that combine protein and fat and are medium acid foods


-lean proteins such as white cheese or yogurts that can be more acidic than the first. so it is advisable not to associate yogurts or white cheese with bread, cereals or feculents, precisely, not to hinder the digestion of feculents.
Indeed, here it is not the process of digestion that can hinder this association: lean feculent proteins(because of the process explained above),but simply because of the specific acidity of these foods that can oppose or hinder the digestion of feculents in the mouth and in the stomach. It is therefore not advisable to associate a yogurt or white cheese during a meal including feculents or cereals such as pasta, bread, etc.

Protein/cash or cereal association and confirmed or validated by the facts or tradition, use, common sense or intuition of many peoples.
When most traditional dishes of diverse cultures and ethnic origin are observed, the following findings can be made; the protein/cereal association has been adopted for centuries. in China, it is rice with soybeans; In the Indians of America, it is corn with beans; and in the Arab peoples, couscous gathers wheat and chick peas.

on the other hand, dishes"fake-all",including all kinds of cereals, proteins and mixed vegetables, and so too composite, can be indigested.

defects of the dissociate regime.

proteins not accompanied by feculents or cereals, during the meal, prevent the assimilation of amino acids.

For proteins, carbohydrates and lipids to enter the cellular level, they need a hormone, insulin, which allows these nutrients to enter the cellular level. but it is only secreted in the presence of carbohydrates or feculents. in case of absence of slow sugars(smart or frightful)During a meal, insulin secretion will be very low. Therefore, cell penetration of amino acids, sugars and fats will also be reduced. on the other hand, the pancreas will secrete in large quantities of glucagon(a hyperglycemiant hormone) antagonist to insulin(poglycemic hormone) )

in contact with the glucagon, the liver will transform lipids and proteins into glucose through the neoglucogenesis process.


this explains why the dissociation of proteins and feculents or lipids in so-called diets"dissociated"allows you to lose weight. but this is done at the expense of the assimilation of these foods and thus will generate more or less severe deficiencies in the medium and long term.

consequence of dissociate regime.

despite the presence of protein foods,the organism will suffer from a lack of protein deficiency due to lack of assimilation in relation to the dissociation of proteins/competents.

in the medium and long term, the consequences may be multiple and varied, as appropriate:
muscle mass; osteoporosis; impotence; weakening the immune system; lack of secretion of digestive sugars; anemia; amenorrhea of protein deficiency; depression; premature aging; cachexie(Extreme mutter)etc.

despite rapid weight loss, this diet is not to be advisable because it severely disrupts the body and forces it(according to some variations of this regime),every day a new metabolical adaptation, as well as a lack of assimilation that generates deficiency.

In addition, all excess foods, even on a single day, compel the body to dispose of certain wastes by mass and forcibles such as kidneys or intestines.

Furthermore, the important intake of a food class such as aqueous fruit will cause a considerable increase in acids in the body. If they cannot be completely oxidized, a demineralization of the body will follow through the spoliation of mineral reserves, which can be done at the expense of hair, nails, bones, etc. to allow it to regulate its blood or ph hydrogen potential, and to restore the balance between acids and bases.

information about the author.

ericdarche/ Naturopath-hygienist, author of 9 works
creator of a school of naturopathy and hygienicism in E-learning:enhed
Author, lecturer. Consult remotely by tel or skype.
tel: 09 50 24 05 34.

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