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Elimination, clogging, and autoimmune pathologies, by Eric Darche

Elimination, clogging, and autoimmune pathologies, by Eric Darche

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It should be noted that normally the waste from normal digestion is eliminated by the main emunctories: skin, lungs, kidneys, intestines. But in the case of an excess of toxins generated notably by digestive disorders, we can witness pathological elimination by the main emunctories. This allows them to adapt to this increase in toxins and toxic substances.


According to Dr. Seignalet, we can thus witness elimination pathologies concerning the lungs (with chronic bronchitis or asthma, etc.), the kidneys (with kidney disease), the colon (with functional colopathy, microscopic colitis, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's disease, etc.) and the skin (with acne, eczema, hives, vulgar psoriasis, etc.). We can also witness pathologies of the ENT sphere (repeated infections, allergies, nasal polyps, canker sores, etc.).


When this excess waste is eliminated on organs or parts of the body that are not intended to be emunctories, we will witness clogging diseases such as tendinitis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, gout, etc.

When these wastes affect the nervous system, we will observe clogging pathologies concerning the neuropsychiatric sphere such as headaches, manic-depressive psychosis, endogenous nervous depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, dystonia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), etc.

Dr. Seignalet also talks about non-malignant clogging diseases with diabetes and other metabolic disorders such as hypoglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, spasmophilia, overweight and obesity, atherosclerosis, non-malignant hematopathy, premature aging, etc.


The excess of toxins not eliminated by the main excretory organs can generate autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. According to Dr. Kousmine, fats in the body are often outlets where human body toxins tend to accumulate.

The nerve fibers of the body, like an electrical wire, are surrounded by a sheath, (Schwann and myelin sheath). These sheaths being composed of fats, the body can indeed lodge or store various toxins there. But when these are detected by the body, they can be destroyed by the immune system. However, such an action can cause damage to the myelin and Schwann sheath, leading to the destruction of nerve fibers, which will cause multiple sclerosis, as the nerve command (electrical), can no longer function properly. Thus, a person affected by this disease will no longer be able to control the use of their legs.

To avoid elimination, clogging, and autoimmune pathologies, it will be important to avoid consuming foods rich in various toxins (colorants, synthetic chemical additives, flavor enhancers, etc.) as well as toxins and toxic substances resulting from improper digestion, etc. A diet of organic origin will be preferable, respecting compatible food associations as well as digestive physiology, such as digestion times between meals. It is also important not to snack between meals.

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