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The holiday rescue kit: natural solutions to small bobos.

The holiday rescue kit: natural solutions to small bobos.

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✨clay, ricin, essential oils. do not let small unforeseen ruin one holiday day by providing your natural kit????
????if your intestines are weakened.
changing food habits, restaurants, excess. on holiday, our digestion can be disrupted! clay is the solution: the uncontourable of your natural care kit. In internal use, the white clay will detoxify and repair the intestinal system smoothly, while in external use the green clay allows the realization of powerful cataplasms. Combine it with the ricin oil equally for an optimal intestinal cataplasm. Be careful! clay must not come into contact with metal. for internal use, let stand 1 teaspoon of clay in a glass of water at least 4 hours before ingestion, from the meals (at sunset or at the waking time).
????If you abuse alcohol.
the liver is the hottest organ of the body: apply a bouillotte on it to bed (even in the summer!) will help it greatly, as well as drink a peppermint infusion. at bedtime, drink 1 teaspoon of baking soda diluted in a glass of warm water will buffer the acidity of alcohol. the next day, do not let you have at the call of sugar or worse, the temptation to "throw evil by evil": your body will need flat water, and your digestive resting system. Drink a large glass of hot water when you wake up, expand the night fast or make a monodiet based on the fruit or vegetable of your choice. Refill in electrolytes: for this, fresh coconut water will be the ideal! the clay cataplasm mentioned above will also be useful in case of headaches????
????If you have heavy legs.
circulation will be improved by massing with essential oils of cypresses, cedar of atlas or pistachian lentisque (except pregnant women, breast cancer breastfeeding or antecedent) and a little peppermint for the refreshing effect! Dilue them to 10% in ricin oil, which will activate the lymphatic circulation and help to defrost tissue.
????If you have the evil of transport.
limit your visual field (especially no phone or book!) and make a light meal before leaving. ginger is the anti-nauseous par excellence: infusion and essential oil, olfactory and application to nerve endings (poignets, neck, tempes, solar plexus, ankles, feet plant). Mix it with essential peppermint oil and dilute it all in a little liniment or vegetable oil. the synergy stimulation of aromatic instinct available on our site will be effective against the evil of transport.
⚡If the mosquitoes are attacking.
lemon oils, geranium and lavender are the most effective.
Another idea: plant cloves in lemons and place them on the windows. In case of sting, the cider vinegar is the ideal squirting: mix it with a skin of water and apply to a linen. Another solution: a little green clay mixed with a few drops of real lavender oil. Place on the bite and remove the dried clay once. It will also be worth for small wounds!
☀️If the heat stops you from sleeping.
Place the sheets a few minutes to the freezer in a bag, or do the same with a bouillotte a few hours before bedtime, that you apply to the ankles, wrists, neck, inside the elbows and back of the knees. another solution, the "Egyptian method": sleep covered.e with a well-sored wet towel. or hang a wet cloth in front of the open window! baby nights may be disturbed by heat. the book "in the bedside" published in the biolife editions gives you all the keys to make full nights, in all conditions.
????anne laure est naturopath et reflexologue @reflexenature

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