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Crossing the Pyrenees on the GR10 with Sprouted Seeds - Episode 2

Crossing the Pyrenees on the GR10 with Sprouted Seeds - Episode 2

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Crossing the Pyrenees

36 days later, after starting in Hendaye and going through every possible emotional state, here I am in Banyuls-sur-mer, marking the end of this adventure or should I say the beginning of another.

Besides the undeniable return to basics, this adventure made me reflect on Health.

I still remember meeting a couple of young retirees hiking for the day who told me, "What you're doing is great, we now have the time but we no longer have the health to do it..."

It's true, we realize the importance of something only when we lose it; before that, we sometimes aren't even aware of it.

This experience made me think.

In the "alternative" world, if I can put it that way, health is most of the time a goal to achieve, and I think that's the whole problem.

Indeed, by functioning this way, we lock ourselves in a golden prison, cutting ourselves off from the world, from all the volatility of life. It probably starts with good intentions, but after a while, it turns against us. How many people have cut themselves off from life this way?

On paper, walking 9 hours a day with a 15kg backpack in the blazing sun with little real rest, a passable diet (except for the sprouted seeds, thanks Biovie!) for 36 days is probably not "healthy" and is even a challenge for the body. However, it is a truly rich experience, with incredible encounters, amazing landscapes, a real immersion in Nature.

Should I have deprived myself of this just because it goes against, at least in part, the principles of good health? Certainly not.

So that's where I had an epiphany:

Health as a means, not as an end.

A means to what? To live experiences like this one, to achieve ambitious goals, to be in full possession of our means in order to face the volatility of daily life.

Ultimately, taking care of our health allows us to give our best in our daily lives, to fully invest in the meaning we give to our lives.

Nutrition is obviously a major gateway to health, and Biovie helps keep that door open.

This walk plunged me even more into the obviousness of the path I have chosen, that of helping others regain their health to live "crazy things" using tools like osteopathy and naturopathy, tools I am currently training in.

In concrete terms, this journey made me realize the importance of taking care of oneself, and since I returned, I am so happy to find fresh products and a good bed.

Moreover, I have embarked on the intensive production of sprouted seeds because you can only nourish life with life!

By the way, the bags of sprouted seeds were a hit on the GR10.

See you soon, I hope,


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