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Homeostasis at the Heart of Vital Force, by Eric Darche

Homeostasis at the Heart of Vital Force, by Eric Darche

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The vital force

The human being is endowed with a vital force.(or intelligent life force), whose role is to ensure the longevity of our body. On this subject, we can mention the endocrinologist Dr. Deepak Chopra, who clearly defines the ability"intelligent""of each cell."

"The human body is another good example of this symphony. A single one of its cells generates about six billion actions per second. And while performing its task, it knows what all the other cells are doing at the same moment. If the human body can simultaneously play music, fight off microbes, conceive a child, recite poetry, and observe the movement of the stars, it is because the infinite field of correlations is part of its information field."

Through various mechanisms, homeostasis ensures the maintenance and stability of all the body's functions via the vital force. The vital force inherent in every individual is subject to fluctuations due to energy charges and discharges.

The naturopath Robert Masson talks about"Vital Energy Charges and Discharges"Or PVH(Homeostatic Vital Potential).

Origin of energy charges.

- Charged by nature: relaxation, negative ions, scents, photons, etc.

- Somnic charge: quality sleep and sufficient quantity

- Nutritional charge: non-toxic and organic food, balanced, measured, adapted, and individualized

Origins of energy discharges.

- Physiological discharges on the psychic level: thought, creative action, intellectual work, sensory reception, sounds, images, colors, tactile sensations

- Physiological releases on the physical and relational level: sufficient but not excessive exercise, balanced sexual life, harmonious relational life

- Physiological discharges on the metabolic level: thermal regulation, anabolism, catabolism, immune control

When there is a balance between the charge and discharge of the homeostatic vital potential, it results in:

- Immune control: no infection, no tumor

- Emunctory control: no toxilymphia(intoxication of the body's fluids: blood, lymph, interstitial fluid)"and its consequences"(dermatoses, catarrhs, arthroses, etc.)

- Metabolic control: no metabolic or endocrine disorders

But when there is an increase in energy discharges and a decrease in energy charges, the illness then appears.

Origin of energy charges(missing)"from where pathological causes."

"Bioenergetics is a branch of biochemistry that analyzes the flow of energy in living systems. Constituting a very active and multidisciplinary field of biological research, bioenergetics studies a multitude of cellular processes, such as respiration or other metabolic pathways, which consume or produce energy stored in ATP molecules. In accordance with the laws of thermodynamics, organisms can neither create nor destroy energy; they can only convert it from one form to another." Wikipedia.

"The sole and unique cause of cell dysfunction, and consequently the onset of diseases, is a deficiency in bioenergy at the cellular level. The most important bioenergy molecules, essential for the proper functioning of cells, are biocatalysts, small molecules that activate chemical reactions within these cells. The essential natural molecules are vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and certain amino acids."
Claude Lagarde, Doctor of Pharmacy and Biologist.

Origin of energy charges(missing)"from where pathological causes"(continued)

- Charged by nature: lack of contact with nature

- Sleep load: qualitative or quantitative deficiency of sleep

- Nutritional load: deficiency in amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, trace elements, etc.

In this scenario, there is an energy deficiency that leads to pathologies.

Origins of pathological energy discharges.

- Physiological discharges on the psychic level(pathological): stress, conflicts, intellectual overwork, excessive noise, light, etc.

- Physiological discharges on the physical and relational level(pathological): sports, sexual, and verbal overexertion, repeated talks and conferences for speakers, performances for artists, etc.

- Pathological discharges on the metabolic level(pathological): thermal overload, harmfulness of waves(wifi, mobile phone, use of the microwave oven, etc.),Excessive use of the computer and the internet, overeating, non-stop eating, digestion inhibitors, overly indigestible foods, various intoxications, blind anti-symptomatic repression.

When there is an imbalance between the charge and discharge of the homeostatic vital potential, it results in:

- An accelerated discharge of vital energy or the homeostatic vital potential of the organism. This loss of vital energy will be individually influenced according to:

- Genetic influences

- Cosmic and telluric influences on the habitat

Possible consequences, depending on the individuals:

- Loss of immune control: possible infections and tumors

- Loss of emunctory control: toxilymphia and its consequences(dermatoses, catarrhs, arthroses, etc.)

- Loss of metabolic control: metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases, etc.

The loss of these processes(immune, emunctory, or metabolic)"contributes to promoting the increase of toxemia in the body"

Here are a few examples to illustrate the previous statements.

As we have just seen, excessive stress- whatever its cause -Or a psychological conflict can cause psoriasis, a tumor, an infection, depression, or even the decalcification of the body. Indeed, any energy imbalance(or excessive energy leakage)May be the origin of a loss of immune, emunctory, or even metabolic control, promoting the expression of various health disorders.

It is good to know that excessive stress promotes the significant secretion of catecholamines such asadrenaline (epinephrine)"and the"norepinephrine (norepinephrine).These excess hormones are immunosuppressive and inhibit excretory functions.

Excessive exposure to cold or humidity can lead to a deficit in vital energy, which may result in a loss of immune control over the nasopharynx, bronchi, and urinary tract. In some cases, there is a worsening of rheumatic and bone diseases such as osteoarthritis. According to naturopath Robert Masson, in some cases, this can even be the cause of the disease.

Overexposure to heat or sunlight, through the monopolization of vital energy(in order to support thermal regulation processes)...can cause a decrease in the digestive power of the body. This can lead to digestive disorders such as bloating, diarrhea, etc. In other cases, it can even result in a loss of immune control, with the possibility of infection.

Let's now consider the case of psoriasis.

Officially, psoriasis is a...autoimmune disease"of the"skin of unknown origin and non-contagious. Psoriasis can also be considered an elimination pathology that allows the body to rid itself of an excess of toxins, according to Dr. Seignalet's theory, as well as according to hygienist or naturopathic approaches to health.

Do not understand it by giving cortisone ointments or any other process as a response.(which will block the processes of toxin elimination)"will help to preserve the""waste"Inside the organism. This will cause an increasing toxilymphia, which could lead to serious health issues due to blind anti-symptomatic repression.

One can also mention non-stop feeding.(or the untimely and incessant snacking)Which monopolizes a very large part of the vital energy(or PVH)On the digestive system. All of this happens at the expense of the efficiency of the immune system. As a result, there will be low resistance to infections and an increase in ENT (ear, nose, and throat) diseases.

By eliminating snacking between meals, a childcare worker was able to report a dramatic decrease in ENT (ear, nose, and throat) illnesses among the children in her care.

Some examples to illustrate the previous statements

In other cases, psoriasis appears after intense stress. Due to the inflammatory process and oxidative stress, neuronal membranes may have undergone significant alterations. The body will then continuously strive to restore the biochemical integrity of these cells. This occurs through a prioritized supply of fatty acids to that area. If the nutritional intake is poor, this will happen at the expense of the skin's constituents. Thus, psoriasis can develop in this context. Additionally, excessive stress promotes immunosuppressive processes and therefore the onset of autoimmune diseases.

Without being an encouragement to anti-physiological attitudes and behaviors, vital energy(or PVH)Explains, among other things, why there are"inequalities""facing resistance to toxins and diseases."

At the Vilcabonbas' place(a locality in the province of Loja in Peru, nicknamed the valley of the centenarians) - despite their habit of smoking significantly -No cancer is observed. This can be explained by their generally favorable living conditions. Indeed, they eat healthy, unrefined, and unadulterated foods. They live and work in the fresh, unpolluted air and enjoy restorative sleep. Their life is very healthy and harmonious. Thus, any abnormal cell is immediately neutralized by an effective immune system. All of this is possible thanks to a high level of vital energy.(or PVH).

That being said, regardless of the life context, it is strongly discouraged to start smoking, as the throat and lungs are not meant to be a chimney !

Anyone who wishes to promote their health in a sustainable way must take into account the concept of vital energy or PVH.(Homeostatic Vital Potential)"as well as its management."

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