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How to choose your naturopathy school?

How to choose your naturopathy school?

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Is an in-person school of a higher standard than an e-learning school ?

There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of school. That said, what determines the quality of a school essentially boils down to the actual content provided by the training center, and this has nothing to do with the mode of course delivery; whether it is through E-learning or in-person .

If the level of a school is particularly determined by the actual content provided, how can one know before enrolling if a school offers a good level of education ?

To answer this question, some people want to get the summary or the title of the different parts of each course. In fact, it is a misconception to believe that if you have the summary or the different parts of a course, you will be able to judge its quality.

For example, if the topic of Omega-3 Fatty Acids is important to you, you may feel reassured to see that it is included in the syllabus of the course you wish to choose. However, the limitation of such reasoning lies at the qualitative level. Indeed, the topic may have been covered, but it could still have gaps or deficiencies in the content, given that this subject contains many important and essential "subtleties." "wellness professional". This remark is true for all subjects or themes addressed in a naturopathic hygienist training.

Who can act as referees to assess the actual quality of a naturopathic hygienist training program ?

To truly appreciate the content of a training program, one must be able to identify what may be incorrect, outdated, or missing in the training, both from a scientific and experimental perspective.

The experience and experimentation of a theory is a field as important as science, particularly in the domain of naturopathy and hygienism. Indeed, the ideal is manifested when an experience is validated by science.

That said, the scientific notion deserves clarification here. Indeed, today, great caution must be exercised regarding science, because some so-called "scientific" works or certain scientific theories have been corrupted by "financial interests". This is how certain statements "abracadabrantes or extravagant" have emerged regarding the genesis of cholesterol and atheromatous plaque, for example, and are being disseminated by many health professionals, including naturopaths .

Asserting this in no way intends to discredit the scientific perspective, quite the contrary, but great caution must be exercised regarding the works being referenced, which must be rigorous and serious.

It is therefore important that the training center or school verifies the quality of the scientific work to which it wishes to refer.

How to assess the quality of a hygienist naturopathy training program before enrolling ?

In fact, these can only be clues, because to truly evaluate a training program as we have seen above, one would need to study its entire content and be able to detect errors, omissions, or incorrect or outdated information or theories.

Such an analytical task cannot be accomplished by students from such a school, because it is difficult to be both judge and party, as our perspective is limited by our knowledge, mental frameworks, or biases.

Without being definitive proof, what are the indicators that can provide insights into the potential quality of a hygienist naturopathy training program before enrolling ?

The clues and information that can be obtained before registering may be:

  • The total number of training hours.
  • The density of the courses can be assessed, among other things, by the number of training pages dedicated to each course.
  • Seniority, experience, academic background, and professional career of the school leader(s) are crucial, as it is often they who will set the level of rigor for the training provided by their school. Additionally, the philosophy and overall direction of the institution are important, especially if they personally write some of the courses.

That said, the risk for any school administrator, even "open-minded" is to transmit certain dogmas or "truths" in a somewhat automatic manner, without taking the time to reconsider all of them in light of recent and relevant scientific studies or contradictory experiments.

And above all, do not forget one of the most important clues: the presence or absence of pathology nutrition courses and the way they were conducted.

To note.

On this subject, it is important to elaborate on this very crucial point. Even if one has received excellent training in terms of quality, it is important to have access to courses on nutritional pathology. This course is notably absent from many training programs because some school administrators believe that all the necessary courses for conducting a consultation have been covered in the basic training, which is factually true.

That said, various certified naturopaths choose not to make it their profession. While the reasons can be numerous, one of the causes is related to the difficulty some experience in practically dealing with the many diverse cases and challenges they may encounter once they actually start practicing their profession.

Indeed, the reasons for their consultations "clients-patients" can be very variable and the disorders more or less significant. In fact, when one has just completed their training and finds themselves in a consultation, faced with various health issues, it is not always easy to recall several years of training in nutrition, micronutrition, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, gemmotherapy, all combined with the concepts of individual terrain at that moment. "T."

What is a course in pathological nutrition ?

Since we are addressing naturopaths-hygienists and not doctors, this course should not be focus on the biochemical symptoms related to a disease, but should rather look for the causes and correct them as much as possible. For this, it is necessary to promote respect for everyone. health factors, in order to contribute to the restoration of the body's integrity.

It is important, in the case of this pathological nutrition course, to ensure that it has been developed in a holistic or hygienist manner and not in an allopathic manner, meaning merely describing the biochemical symptoms observed in various diseases. This will not be of much help to a hygienist naturopath, unlike a doctor, who has a response: the prescription of specific medications whose role is often to make the symptoms disappear.

cour de nutrition pathologique

At ENHED school, pathology nutrition courses are developed based on major themes .

For example:

  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.


Initially, each course will explore the genesis and common and general links between all health disorders related to a particular theme, which could be gynecological, articular, or neurological.

Next, these courses will cover various pathologies related to this theme. For example, for health issues related to neurological disorders, we will find, among others, different protocols such as:

  • Protocol for nervous breakdown.
  • Protocol in nervousness.
  • Protocol for insomnia.
  • Protocol related to various health disorders.
  • Protocol in case of fatigue.
  • Protocol in multiple sclerosis.
  • Protocol regarding Alzheimer's.
  • Protocol regarding Parkinson's.


Reminder. In naturopathy-hygienism, one neither treats nor deals with the disease itself, but rather seeks to correct and eliminate the causes behind these issues by optimizing all health factors, such as breathing, sleep, relaxation, fresh air, and most importantly, nutrition.

Among other things, biotherapy is used, such as micronutrition, healthy, living, and individualized nutrition, but also phytotherapy, aromatherapy, gemmotherapy, balneotherapy, wraps, drainage, diets, etc.

For each health issue, similar to the advice one might find in a naturopathic hygiene consultation, these sheets will provide specific recommendations for all these biotherapies. For example, information will be presented regarding the duration of intake for each dietary supplement or protocol, the quantities to be consumed, etc. Additionally, warnings will be provided to avoid mistakes made within the context of specific dietary regimes such as raw food, vegan, and vegetarian diets.

If your "client-patient" is concerned with a health disorder, which is not covered in this course, you will have no difficulty in creating an appropriate protocol yourself. Indeed, between the genesis of health disorders developed for each major theme and the examples of specific health disorders developed for each of them Sure, I'd be happy to help! Please provide the text you would like translated from French to English.Example of a theme : joint disorders. Example of a specific disorder : osteoarthritis, you can draw inspiration from all of this to provide tailored advice related to any health issue not listed, but belonging to a broader theme that has been addressed.

Reducing the cost of training, is it compatible with the notion of quality ?

Regarding the cost of the training.

Today, naturopathy training programs can range from a few hundred euros to thousands of euros, or even exceed 10,000 euros. Although there is no guarantee that a higher-priced training program will be of higher quality, it remains true that quality training comes at an unavoidable cost. That said, quality can certainly be compatible with a reasonable price, but not below a certain threshold. A training program that has numerous deficiencies, or that includes erroneous or outdated theories, both scientifically and experimentally, will inevitably impact the training level of the future naturopathic hygienist and, consequently, their competencies.

Thus, today we observe significant disparities in competence among different naturopaths or hygienist naturopaths. This is, in fact, the observation made by the excellent naturopath Robert Masson. (1931 2019) in his/her work: "The struck naturopathy.". For example, although the "living" diet (that is to say, one that contains a good portion of raw foods, but not exclusively, such as raw vegetables, sprouted seeds, young cereal shoots, etc.) It is an undeniable health asset, but it is regrettable that various naturopaths are unable to find the causes of their patients' disorders. "client-patients" who follow this type of diet. Very often, these issues are not due to the diet itself, at least in theory, but to certain errors in its implementation, as well as individual factors that are not taken into account. This can also apply, in some cases, to people who follow a 100% raw food diet or a vegan, vegetarian diet. On the other hand, a naturopath-hygienist who is well-versed in the art of making "dietary settings" will strongly contribute through its corrections and advice to optimize the digestive processes of its "clients-patients" and thus promote the assimilation of the food bolus.

Such work often contributes significantly to improving the well-being of many people and thus helps restore the integrity of the body. However, to achieve this, it is essential to thoroughly understand all the processes of food digestion, which goes beyond just knowing some basic facts about digestive processes. Additionally, it is also necessary to master the numerous favorable and unfavorable interactions between foods, digestion times, and the concept of indigestible or overly complex foods. "composites" such as mueslis among others, compatible and incompatible food combinations, the concepts of individual constitutions, etc.

It should be noted that many health disorders originate from dysbiosis. (imbalance of the gut flora) which will promote excessive permeability of the intestinal mucosa. As a result of this alteration, macromolecules or toxic molecules will cross the intestinal barrier and trigger inflammatory and immune reactions, as well as an increase in oxidative stress. All of these phenomena contribute to numerous health disorders that can, in some cases, be very significant.

It is clear here that a naturopathic hygienist training program that overlooks these numerous biochemical mechanisms or only addresses them superficially will significantly impair the skills of the future naturopathic hygienist. Thus, it becomes more understandable why some naturopaths turn to forums dedicated to naturopathy to seek help in resolving certain issues they encounter during consultations with their clients. "client-patients.". It is not a question here of asserting that the naturopathic hygienist is bound by an obligation of results. However, it is their responsibility to take the necessary steps to best assist their "client-patient" with serious, quality, and personalized advice.

In light of everything that has been discussed above, one can only become aware that the quality of training in naturopathic hygiene will significantly influence the skills of the future wellness professional.

To all this, the notion of food quality must be taken into account, by eliminating toxic molecules. (Maillard, glycation, etc.). Clarifying all this does not in any way prejudge the quality of any particular training, but rather represents avenues for reflection.

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