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How to regain your ideal weight?

How to regain your ideal weight?

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Weight is a topic that concerns many people around the world. With the increase in obesity and health problems related to being overweight, it is increasingly important to maintain a healthy weight. However, achieving your ideal weight can be a challenge for many people who struggle to adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle. In this article, we will look at practical tips and tricks to help you achieve your ideal weight and improve your overall health.

Why does the body gain weight?

Our body has specific needs to function properly (air, water, food, movement, positive thoughts, etc.). Our modern diet, which is based on cooked and processed food, does not meet our vital needs (vital needs necessary for an ideal weight and optimal health). Worse still, these "foods" clutter the body with non-functional substances and weaken us.

By using the wrong fuel, the efficiency of digestion weakens: our engine is no longer able to transform our food into nutrients AND eliminate waste. This unprocessed food produces acidity, gases, and toxic by-products. To protect itself from these toxins, the body will react in two ways:

1/ Draw from its mineral reserves to neutralize the acidity (our body does not like acid: it irritates, it burns...)

2/ Produce fat, mucus, and water to encapsulate and dilute the toxins

Excess weight is therefore the intelligent response of our wonderful machine that is the human body to keep us alive.

excess weight

How to know what your ideal weight is?

The ideal weight is a weight that corresponds to a healthy body mass index (BMI) for your height and body type. BMI is a measure that evaluates your weight in relation to your height, using a formula that divides your weight in kilograms by your height in square meters.

BMI = Weight (kg) / (Height (m) x Height (m))

A healthy BMI generally ranges between 18.5 and 24.9. If your BMI is below 18.5, it may indicate that you are underweight, while a BMI above 25 may indicate that you are overweight or obese.

However, it is important to note that BMI is not a perfect measure of health. Some people may have a high BMI due to a high muscle mass, which does not necessarily mean they are overweight or unhealthy. Additionally, other factors such as age, sex, and body composition can influence BMI.

What is the difference between ideal weight and healthy weight?

Ideal weight and healthy weight are two different concepts but are often confused. Healthy weight refers to the weight that corresponds to a healthy BMI for your height and body type, while ideal weight is a more subjective concept that can vary from person to person based on their appearance, self-esteem, and personal preferences. It is not necessarily linked to BMI or physical health. It is important to note that ideal weight can be influenced by factors such as social and cultural norms, media, and pressures from the beauty industry. Therefore, it can be difficult to define a realistic and healthy ideal weight.

However, it is important to focus on health and well-being rather than a specific number on the scale! Always remember that the most important thing is to feel good in your own skin.

How to regain your weight quickly?

The miracle solution does not exist, as regaining your weight quickly and sustainably would require a lot of time and patience. Nevertheless, there are some strategies to implement to speed up the weight recovery process:

Adopt a healthy and balanced diet: Eating nutritious and balanced foods is crucial for recovering a healthy weight. Avoid processed foods, those high in sugar and saturated fats, and prioritize fresh fruits and vegetables, plant-based proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats such as nuts and avocados.

Exercise regularly: It is evident that exercise remains the best tool for burning fat, building muscle mass, and stimulating metabolism, which can accelerate weight recovery. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Avoid sugary and alcoholic drinks: Sugary and alcoholic drinks can add unnecessary calories to your diet and slow down the recovery of your healthy weight.

Get enough sleep: Restorative sleep is essential for weight recovery, as it helps regulate hunger and satiety hormones and maintain a healthy metabolism. Try to sleep 7 to 9 hours per night.

Manage your stress: Stress can negatively impact the recovery of your healthy weight by disrupting hormones and increasing the production of cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat storage. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to manage your stress.

ideal weight recovery

What weight according to age and height?

Ideal weight can vary from person to person. For adults, for example, a healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. However, it is important to note that BMI does not take into account body composition and is not suitable for everyone. For older adults, a slightly higher BMI, between 25 and 27, can be considered healthy for those aged 65 and over. Men tend to have a higher weight than women due to their greater muscle mass.

As for children and adolescents, healthy weight can vary significantly depending on their growth and development.

For adults, it is important to focus on a weight that allows them to feel good in their body and maintain good health, rather than aiming for a specific number on the scale.

What to do to restore excess weight?

To restore body balance and thus maintain a sustainable healthy weight, you need to:

1/ Remineralize the body to meet its vital needs

2/ Promote elimination via the colon so that the body can expel everything it has stored (the colon manages 70% of waste.)

Tip: to choose a method that helps you lose weight while also taking care of your health, never forget to focus on elimination (many diets unfortunately neglect this essential parameter.)

Where to start to lose weight by promoting elimination?

To lose weight and feel energetic, here are 2 pillars of my method:

1/ Include a large portion of raw fruits and vegetables before each meal: rich in fiber, water, minerals, and enzymes, plants are the best fuel for the body.

2/ Add a potion to restore intestinal transit. The idea of a green drink does not come from me, but from a great naturopath named Bernard Jensen.

The potion makes THE difference: it will absorb, seal the body's toxins, and facilitate their elimination.

No more excuses not to take action... It's a simple, easy, and effective strategy!

8 tips to feel good in your body:

Feeling good in your body is essential for good physical and mental health. Wanting to change your weight at all costs without working on yourself and your image is a waste of time. The two go hand in hand and reinforce each other. Here are 8 general tips to help you feel good in your body:

  1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating well, sleeping well, and engaging in regular physical activity.
  2. Avoid comparing yourself to others, as focusing on differences and similarities can lead to negative feelings. Instead, focus on what you can do to improve your own health and well-being.
  3. Wear comfortable clothes that make you feel good; they can help you feel more at ease in your body.
  4. Take care of your skin by using gentle and moisturizing products. This can help improve your skin's health and make you feel more comfortable in your body.
  5. Try to accept yourself as you are and appreciate your body for what it is.
  6. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing. They can help reduce stress and improve mood and self-confidence.
  7. Surround yourself with positive and encouraging people who support you on your journey to health and well-being.
  8. Engage in activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good in your body, whether it's dancing, sports, gardening, or painting...

If you are determined to embark on the path to regain your ideal weight, I can accompany you to ensure this journey is smooth. If you want the recipe for the transit potion (not magical, but almost), I invite you to contact me by email (melanie.dia.vitasante@gmail.com): I will ask you 2-3 questions to adapt the dosages to your condition and will gladly provide you with the details.

Mélanie Dia

Health and Nutrition Coach

Creator of the VitaSanté Program

Website: www.melanie-dia.fr

Instagram: melanie.dia_

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