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How to live a serene pregnancy by Fanny Naturo

How to live a serene pregnancy by Fanny Naturo

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living a serene pregnancy.

pregnancy is often lived according to the criteria dictated by society and conventional medicine with its calendar of ultrasounds and appointments at gyneco, its material aspects by changing cars, painting the baby room etc.

But is this the essential?

Isn't there a complementary way to prepare for the arrival of a child and to live a fulfilling and conscious pregnancy?

the baby will grow for about 9 months in her mother's belly and will be fed through her.
We understand the importance of maternal health, its joy of living and its nutrition throughout this period.

take care of her health will enable the pregnant woman:
- to live a serene and fulfilling pregnancy
- to prepare his body for delivery(as an athlete prepares before an intense physical effort)
- to offer a healthy environment for the growth of your child(like soil for vegetable garden seeds)

• when accompanying pregnant women and couples during these periods, I can see how useful it is to open space for dialogue and listening.
I often advise them to test the haptonomy, to dialogue with a wise woman, to meet a doula to prepare for the birth and arrival of this new being, I advise readings on many subjects to prepare to welcome her child in a simple and natural way.

• it is extraordinary to see the vitality of the mothers who have followed a naturo protocol of "pre-conception" and who live their pregnancy with a healthy diet and adapted lifestyle.

• pregnancy is a stage that should be lived serenely with joy and little inconvenience!
It is not at all natural and physiological to be exhausted 9 months during, nausea, et al., with gestational diabetes, hemorrhoids, oedema... and I pass.
This is not what nature has planned for us!

• if you prepare well upstream of pregnancy, thanks to a personalized pre-conception program, if you prepare emotionally, that you are at ease in your couple and choices, this period should be lived smoothly: just as nature has anticipated.

If that's not the case, then listen to these evils/words of your body and heart...
Take care of yourself and accompany you.

quid common inconvenience of pregnancy?

• early pregnancy nausea, which are usually the sign of a overloaded liver, can be avoided or diminished
• by feeding its body naturally and adapting its rhythm of life with periods of rest and especially moments of connection to oneself and to one's baby, one should not be exhausted and repainted for 9 months or more
• by preparing its body and having a suitable diet, the risk of gestational diabetes is greatly reduced.
• Idem for vaginal mycoses, heavy legs, varicose veins, constipation, hemorrhoids, uplifted acids, sciatica, pubic pain, urinary infections, insomnia, depression...

I accompany future moms with a customized program according to their temperament, background, possibilities and desires to avoid these inconveniences and improve their vitality.

it will of course be useful to take his health in hand during pregnancy with foods full of vitality, herbals and adapted exercises, but it is reallyinteresting to start before pregnancy to act preventively.

it's never too early or never too late to take care of his health.

Some advice.

what diet to adopt during pregnancy?

- a diet rich infruitto give you the energy and vitality necessary for the creation of this baby.
consume fresh fruit, dried fruit, smoothie, juice, croque, salad, leather.

- ofvegetablesrich in nutrients and minerals to build this child!

in the form of fresh juice, in salads,que, soup, sprouted seeds, integrated in biscrus and other original and tasty recipes for the pleasure of your taste buds and those of baby who develop the buds of taste very early.
Also think of lactate-fermented vegetables, excellent for intestinal flora.
the quality of maternal microbiota is important for the construction of the child's microbiota and its future health.

- good fat for your child's brain.
organic oils from 1st cold pressure with a good overall balance omega 6/3/9.Consider rapeseed oil or nuts for example.
and of courseseedsandOileasier yet to digest especially if you dip them one night to activate them: sunflower seeds, squash, sesame, almonds, nuts, hazelnuts. And the coconuts.
- focus on quality rather than quantity: if possible, head to organic food, fresh, full of vitality.

- eat in consciousness, mastic, make yourself colorful, cheerful plates and take your time.

- drink quality water, weakly mineralized in sufficient quantity.
water needs increase during pregnancy:Have the water and tisane reflex.

What do we need to avoid?

- Avoid themindustrial food, containingaddenda,preservatives, dyesand others: prefer fresh, living and homemade food.

- Avoid foodrefinedsuch assugar,flourwhite: sugar with fresh fruit and dried fruits, possibly honey, test new recipes, be creative and go to simplicity.

- Avoid themprocessed and oxidized fatsandheavy metalsfound in industrial foods.

- Avoid themEndocrine disruptors(in food, furniture, clothes, laundry, cosmetics, smoke and gas): read the labels.

all these elements will hardly be filtered by the placenta.

- Avoid him.stress: I often accompany future moms in the search for concrete tools to stay Zen.
yoga, prenatal singing, adapted physical activity, contact with nature, breathing or meditation techniques.
The tools are numerous, you just have to find what is best for you here and now.

Dad's place in all this?

in pre-conception, I speak a lot of the dad because it provides 50% of the baby's genetic heritage.

during pregnancy, all attention can be focused on the mother's belly, but the partner also plays an essential role and sometimes forgets it.
It can be a great tool for a moment of sharing between the future parents and the baby.

the partner can of course accompany the future mom
- preparing her delicious meals full of vitality,
- by about giving birth, breastfeeding, parenting,
- taking care of him and his companion for the well-being and overall health of the family.

its role does not stop at fertility and it is useful to integrate the other parent into thoughts and decision-making around pregnancy.

in summary.

Do your best.
naturo follow-up also allows to keep the motivation over time.

Go to simplicity in your plate, in your head, in your home.
it is a unique opportunity to take care of your health and that of your child.
Take that chance!

fanny russaouen martins
naturopath hygienist
specialized in the support of women

remote consultations
fasting courses for women in the Portuguese


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