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How to Reconnect with Nature? (6 Ideas)

How to Reconnect with Nature? (6 Ideas)

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The human being is a mammal that, until recently, has always lived in connection with nature. Societal organization and our current lifestyles are increasingly distancing us from nature, and thus from our inner nature... Many people today do not feel in their place, feel lost, have difficulties integrating, adapting... More and more children have behavioral disorders, and adults too...
What if it were the environment and society that were upside down? What if these "different" people had simply activated their internal alarm saying "something isn't right"? And what if reconnecting with nature could help find answers and reconnect with oneself and one's deep needs ?

How to Reconnect with Nature? (6 Ideas)

There are many ways today to reconnect with nature.
If you feel that you are disconnected from nature, here are a few suggestions.
Proceed gradually, respecting your needs and slowly expanding your comfort zone and your adaptability:

  1. Go on foot or by bike "At work, do the shopping and observe the trees along your way."
  2. The weekend, go to walk, , to have a picnic or to camp under the stars.
  3. "For the" vacation, ... take the opportunity to choose a cottage, a chalet, a yurt, or a campsite by the sea or in the mountains, go on vacation with locals, on a farm, or even pitch your tent in your friends' garden !
    Or for the next vacation, exchange your house/apartment to go into the great outdoors.
  4. Please provide the complete text you would like to have translated from French to English. outings to learn to discover plants, algae, birds, stars, trees, gardening...
  5. Cultivate a few plants: create a vegetable garden if you have a yard, and plant in pots if you are in the city.

marcher en pleine nature

What is the percentage of men living in urban areas ?

Humans have gradually gathered in cities to benefit from infrastructure, comfort, and then to find work.
The countryside has emptied and the cities have gradually expanded for more than a century.
Today, we talk about nearly 80% of the French population living in urban areas, compared to 50% of the global population !
This rural exodus has significantly altered the configuration of the environment, and agricultural activities have shifted from small-scale, family farming with small plots, diverse crops, and hedgerows to a largely industrialized, mechanized, and dehumanized mode of agriculture. This shift has had numerous repercussions on the land, the quality of products, and the pressure on professionals.
But for a while now, many have been dreaming of a return to the land, from a house to the campaign, of a plot of land for cultivate your vegetable garden and plant trees.

Why do we need to reconnect with nature ?

Many people today feel a strong need to reconnect with nature.
I think that contact with nature, immersion in nature, allows us to be more in connection with one's own nature "and therefore to be more" Listening to one's own needs.
External solicitations artificial are lower (light, car, noise, activities...) and the harmony of natural elements (vegetation, animals, sound of the wind...) bring a sense of serenity. It's as if, sometimes, the natural environment allows things to be put back in their rightful place. This can manifest as a sense of peace, well-being, calm, joy, or greater mental clarity...
Everyone will find their favorite element: for some, it will be the beach; for others, the mountains, the river, or the forest; but also simply a park or a tree, plants, the sky, etc.
How do you feel in front of a sunrise or sunset? After a swim in the sea or in the river? During a walk in the forest, in the mountains, on the coast ?

15 tips to reconnect with nature

We are naturally in symbiosis with nature. To reconnect with it, we simply need to give ourselves a bit of space and time.

  • programmer on your schedule for outings to go to the forest, the mountains, the sea, the lakeside...
  • go out regularly: every weekend, for example
  • observe a beautiful tree, look at the details on its bark, its foliage
  • to expose oneself to the sun in the morning and late afternoon to benefit from solar energy without getting burned
  • to bathe / to swim in the sea or the river
  • breathe the fresh air in the countryside
  • to stroll, to walk in the woods, in the mountains, in the forest, by the sea...
  • observe the insects
  • watching the sky, the movement of the clouds, the "drawings" of the clouds, looking for shooting stars at night
  • take advantage of sunset and its glowing lights
  • getting up at dawn from time to time to enjoy the sunrise !
  • go to camp to enjoy sleeping close to the ground, listening to the owl's song at night, the crickets in the summer,
  • sleeping under the stars in the garden, on the trampoline with the children...
  • go to have a picnic by the sea, by the river, in a park
  • riding a bike along a canal
  • boating, skiing, surfing, sailing, etc.
  • eat good fresh fruits and vegetables, seasonal, quality, that you buy from the producer

la mer

How to reconnect with nature when living in the city ?

Even when living in the city, it is possible to connect with nature.
- Outside It seems like your message is empty. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?
in the parks, the gardens, the rivers...
I am always surprised by the beauty of the large trees in certain cities, the wild plants that grow everywhere, the birds, the insects...

- At home It seems like your message is empty. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?
by installing indoor plants, by looking at the sky through the window, by listening to the birds, by looking at the trees, the flowers, the gardens, etc...
There is always a way to connect with nature.

It is above all a State of mind positive and open to theWonderment in front of every element that nature brings to our senses:

  • to watch the trees, a beautiful landscape, a flower, a butterfly,
  • Listen the song of the birds, the sound of the wind or the rain, the rumbling thunder,
  • smell the scent of flowers, the smell after the rain in summer,
  • feel the wind in your hair, the rain on the skin of your face, touching the bark of a tree,
  • taste The flavors of nature's products: fruits and vegetables !

Stay open to the contemplation and rejoice whenever life gives you an opportunity.

How to educate oneself about nature ?

No need to spend a lot of money, take long trips, or attend intensive courses !
It is enough to justopen your heart and your senses on a daily basis to reconnect with nature.
Of course, certain activities will help you:

  • Gardening allows one to be attentive to nature. You put your hands in the soil, learn to observe the relationship between the climate, the rain, and the needs of the plants, as well as the seasons.
  • Walking, strolling, hiking, and engaging in outdoor sports activities also allow one to be attentive to the environment.
  • and why not, to camp, sleep with the song of the owl ?
  • - the discovery workshops Plants, gathering, or bird watching can also be a nice opportunity to relearn knowledge that tends to be lost.

There is no age, no limit, no injunction, nor obligation... do according to your feelings, listen to your heart and your intuition to know what is good and right for you.
Go gradually to enjoy yourself and not get overwhelmed, and if you have children, share this passion for nature, ecology, and awareness with them.

What are the psychological benefits ?

Reconnecting with nature, the earth, and natural rhythms allows us to reconnect with ourselves, to reconnect with our true nature. I sincerely believe that it is a powerful way to restore our connection with ourselves, with life, and with the world around us. happiness.
My personal experience has shown me how being in tune with natural rhythms allows us to connect with our deep needs, thereby greatly improving our quality of life, our health, and above all, our joy of living !
What pure joy to to see one's child playing in the water, , to marvel at observing an anthill and play with the earth...

What a marvel to feel one's skin gently warmed by the sun...
What profound vitality one can feel after immersing oneself in the water of the sea or the river...
And What a delight to bite into a fruit just picked from the tree.It seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?
Many of us today wish to return to the land.
We realize that some of our needs are better met: more space, the possibility to cultivate a vegetable garden, to plant trees, to gather wild plants... More tranquility, etc.
But it is sometimes quite possible to find good compromises while being in the city: shared gardens, farmers who offer pick-your-own, wild plant outings, organic baskets, cycling and public transportation, etc.
And the return to the land request also some adaptations, some effortsIt seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?
It's not like in the books: to cultivate your vegetable garden, even with permaculture, you have to work hard! Renovating a house is not a walk in the park.
So, before making any radical changes, as with everything, test it., experiment, "Go gradually according to your interests, your possibilities, and your ability to adapt."
Take a nature vacation, go camping, try volunteering, WWOOFing, a trip with your camping tent in the trunk or a mattress in your van !

I personally had a gradual journey back to nature, and traveling allowed me to return to simplicity. Notably, I undertook a year-and-a-half-long family trip across the Americas by car.
This intense life experience allowed me to live in extreme simplicity and regain freedom. We were sometimes in cities, but we spent a lot of time in nature. We needed water, rivers to wash ourselves, and space to settle down. We did volunteer work to deepen our knowledge and diversify our experiences.
But the greatest lesson during this journeyon the way to the essential"it was the" simplicity "and the necessary and beneficial connection to nature..."
This adventure led us to choose an alternative lifestyle, in full connection with nature, but above all a lifestyle that suits us and meets our current needs.
I am delighted to share this during consultations and especially during fasting and vitality retreats for a complete disconnection and deep regeneration.

Everyone must seek the ideal balance, what suits them and allows them to feel fulfilled and receive the benefits that nature offers us.

I will accompany you during individual consultations to find your path to health.

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