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Why the all-azimut grease hunt, promotes weight gain?

Why the all-azimut grease hunt, promotes weight gain?

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Hormone imbalances in progesterone, testosterone, dhea; at the origin of weight gain.

Omega fatty acids 3, 6, 9 being the raw material, sex hormones and dhea that have a lipolytic role or fat removal.
In fact, hunting fat will help to reduce the rate of certain hormones. Unfortunately this can lead to weight gain because:

- progesterone promotes, among other things, fat oxidation and regulates the metabolism of sugar.

- Testosterone helps regulate fat storage. This hormone is also produced in women in very moderate quantities by ovaries and renals. This hormone helps, among other things, prevent fat accumulation, especially in the abdomen, by inhibiting the activity of lipoprotein lipase enzyme.

- the dhea plays a role in regulating weight by curbing appetite, normalizing the functioning of fat cells. Moreover this hormone stimulates by "feed back" effect, the growth hormone, which also contributes to curbing the overweight.

The decline of all these hormones in relation to weight gain, explains in part, why from 40 years old, man and woman usually accuse a more or less important weight gain, when all these hormones tend to be less secreted by the body,

By eliminating refined sugars, we lose more weight and body fat than by limiting good quality food fat. before removing or restricting sources of omega 3 fatty acids(e.g. nut oil, rapeseed)It is good to know that these fats have an important role for the nervous system, brain functioning, vision, and mood.

When we become aware of the important roles that these fatty acids play in our body, how do we want to remove them without thinking about the possible consequences of our health?

The decline of good hdl cholesterol, liposoluble vitamins a, d, k, as well as carotenoids, result from fat-based products, where they are often replaced by carbohydrates, hence the increase of triglycerides, promoting weight gain.

As the body uses, among other things, fat bodies to protect itself from cold and hot, it can be led to retain water to overcome this deficiency of lipids, thus causing the appearance of oedemas. Water is not a specific insulator, but essentially a driver promoting cold and hot.

It should be noted that the visceral fat adipose tissue helps burn fat, produces heat and opposes weight gain. Omega 6 fatty acid from sunflower oil or walnuts, for example, stimulates, through prostaglandins, brown grease mitochondria and leads to a gradual normalization of weight, without the need for draconian dietary measures.

Nota. it seems that a good relationship between omega 3/Omega 6 fatty acids should be between 4 to 5 parts of Omega 6 for 1 part of Omega 3.

The rapeseed oil is close to this report.

Consume 2 to 4 tablespoons of these oils a day. Nut oil with a slightly different ratio remains as interesting, but less concentrated in omega 9.

Sunflower oil can also be consumed without exaggeration.

The problem with omega 6 fatty acids, among other things, comes from their transformation (i.e., heated, partially hydrogenated, either the two or still processed by chemical solvents. )

In this case they are denatured, in trans form, and are harmful to health.

These fatty acids promote obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic inflammation.

Therefore, consume only first-pressure oils of biological origin preferably.

Significantly reduce fatty acid foods"trans"Like the pastries(chocolate breads, croissants, cookies, biscuit or industrial cake, nuggets, fries, hamburgers, etc.).


information about the author.

Eric Darche/ Naturopath-hygienist, author of 9 works, lecturer.
Creator of a school of naturopathy and online hygienicism:Enhed

Facebook group:Naturopathy, hygienist and living diet.

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