Operation direct producer organic avocadoes Hass from Spain !

Yes, let's go !
Initiate the children to believe.

Initiate the children to believe.

children are the first beneficiaries of a living diet.

Make them discover, it's a real treat for the five senses.

colors, shapes, textures. compose your bowls and plates like tables, favoring small well-filled containers and a nice and nice, pleasant to the touch (wood, bright colors...) give the dishes original names, or even compose them small stories!

Show them the example

Your child naturally tends to imitate you!

eat in consciousness, away from the screens, breathing and enjoying each bite. Make meals a fun and enriching moment of sharing by telling food anecdotes.

Be patient!

any change must be made gradually. persevere and do not worry if the child refuses food. Show him a little every day, without insisting. Start by showing them the whole food. Let them touch it, play multiple cutting options (in dice, flowers, sticks, grated...)

Stop the sugars!

For the little ones, the blender is often the star of the kitchen! Avoid fruit juice for home smoothies. Prepare them together and give them funny names. Add chia seeds: these small "dinosaur eggs" rich in protein and omega 3 have great success with children!

Still stop to sugars!

the durian monthong lyophilized is the ideal substitute for candy! rich in calcium and phosphorus to strengthen teeth, this exotic superfruit is literally a concentrate of energy, able to store and drive large amounts of energy. researchers even study its ability to charge electronic devices!

Crusin' together!

making your bambins small crustots by entrusting them simple tasks will enable them to gain confidence in themselves and independence! they raffoliate for example seeds germination: a beautiful adventure to share with family.

webinar the small crustots

in this interactive webinar, aurélie and sarah convey their passion for the living through 18 attractive and creative recipes to prepare for the family and available to the infinite. save time and energy and free your creativity.

the crusine of children

Pink tapnade, makis, biscrus, peanut pirouette, island cream, mandala pie, dinosaur juice... 27 easy and fun recipes to create, experiment, taste, travel with your children! developed by ten parents and prefected by irène grosjean, it is intended for beginner and confirmed crusine lovers.

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