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Is coffee good or bad for your health?

Is coffee good or bad for your health?

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The popularity of coffee does not seem to decrease and has become part of the lifestyle of many people: it is the 2nd most consumed beverage in France. However, a question has divided nutrition and health experts for decades when it comes to determining whether the Coffee is good or bad. For health. On one hand, some experts claim that a reasonable consumption of coffee can be beneficial for health due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, while others warn against the harmful effects of coffee on the nervous system and the digestive system.

It is important to address this question by examining the advantages and disadvantages of coffee on an individual's overall health and by considering individual differences before recommending or advising against coffee consumption. In this article, we will explore the effects of coffee on health, focusing on the benefits and drawbacks of this popular beverage within the context of a balanced diet.

What are the active ingredients in coffee ?

Coffee is a complex energizing beverage that contains a variety of active elements which can affect the health and well-being of the individual, or have beneficial effects. It is said to contain more than 1000 chemical compounds, with the most interesting active elements being:

Caffeine: It is an alkaloid that has a well-known stimulating effect and is naturally found in coffee. Its stimulation of the central nervous system and cognitive functions increases alertness and concentration, which helps combat drowsiness and sleepiness. It is also believed to have a protective effect against neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.).

Chlorogenic acids: These are antioxidants naturally present in coffee that can help protect the body's cells against oxidative damage. They can also help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Polyphenols: These are antioxidant compounds that have protective effects on the body against oxidative damage due to their ability to neutralize free radicals. They reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Essential oils: These are aromatic compounds present in coffee that can affect the flavor and aroma of the coffee. Some of these essential oils may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Minerals: Coffee contains a variety of essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

What are the main benefits of coffee ?

Here are the main benefits associated with regular coffee consumption as part of a balanced diet:

Improvement of cognitive performance: Well known to coffee consumers, caffeine can help stimulate concentration and short-term memory, as well as energy levels, alertness, and physical performance.

Reduction of the risk of chronic and cardiovascular diseases: The high antioxidant content present in coffee would reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and certain forms of cancer, as well as cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and stroke. Indeed, the antioxidant effects prevent cellular damage.

Reduction of the risk of depression: An observational study conducted with more than 50,000 women in the United States, published in 2011 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, ... showed that women who drank four or more cups of coffee per day had a 20% lower risk of depression compared to those who drank none or very little. However, the authors of the study emphasized that other factors could also contribute to this association and that further studies would be necessary to confirm these results.

Weight loss assistance: The caffeine present in coffee helps to stimulate metabolism, increase fat burning, and maintain blood sugar levels in the body, which can promote body weight loss. It is also incorporated into many weight loss dietary supplements. It should be noted that coffee stimulates motility, the muscular contractions of the digestive tract, which would improve digestion and stool excretion, giving it a laxative effect.

Reduction of the risk of liver disease: Some studies have shown that coffee consumption can help reduce the risk of liver diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Coffee would also be beneficial for the functioning of the gallbladder and would help reduce the risk of developing gallstones.

bienfaits du café

Are there coffees that are healthier than others ?

Indeed, there are differences in quality between types of coffee; it varies depending on the region of production, the cultivation method, the processing method, and the roasting method.

Specialty coffees, for example, are generally considered to be of superior quality because they are grown using sustainable practices, selected for their unique flavor and aromatic profile, and roasted with care to highlight their distinctive qualities. On the other hand, ordinary coffees, such as those sold in many coffee chains and supermarkets, are often produced intensively with the use of many chemicals. They may be blended with beans from different regions to produce a uniform flavor. These mass-produced coffees can also be roasted at high temperatures to mask undesirable flavors or produce a uniform taste, which can detract from their overall quality.

Ultimately, the quality of an ordinary coffee will depend on the variety and quality of the coffee beans, but it will also remain a personal choice as taste varies from person to person. For coffee enthusiasts, it is therefore important to choose a superior quality one for better health and to fully enjoy the flavor and aroma of this beverage.

What time is it preferable to drink coffee ?

It is generally recommended to consume coffee in the morning or early in the day, ...rather than in the evening, to avoid disrupting your sleep due to the caffeine content in coffee, which gives it its stimulating effects. However, there is no need to drink your coffee early in the morning between 7 and 9 AM, as our body naturally secretes the hormone cortisol, a natural stimulant, which reaches its peak between 8 and 9 AM. It is therefore preferable to have your coffee between 9:30 AM and 12 PM when the cortisol levels decrease.

Regarding the amount of caffeine in the body, it can remain for several hours. Be careful, if you consume it late in the day, it can cause you difficulty falling asleep and a poor night's rest. This is why it is recommended to limit coffee consumption to about 2 to 3 cups per day.

Is coffee harmful to health ?

The consumption of coffee in moderate amounts is generally considered safe for most healthy individuals. However, excessive consumption can lead to harmful effects:

  • Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and palpitations caused by an accelerated heart rate. Indeed, heart rate and blood pressure temporarily increase after a cup of coffee: be mindful of the amount of coffee consumed throughout the day. Coffee can also be a risk factor for individuals with cardiovascular diseases (high blood pressure, angina, arrhythmia, heart failure, etc.).
  • Some people may be more sensitive to caffeine and experience negative effects such as headaches, tremors, and digestive issues. It is preferable to adopt moderate consumption by reducing the number of cups of coffee per day.
  • The quality and preparation of coffee can have health implications. For example, low-quality coffees may contain contaminants such as mycotoxins and pesticides that can be harmful to health. "Coffee drinkers" will prefer consuming high-quality coffee over ordinary coffee.
  • Coffee can yellow teeth with heavy consumption because it contains tannins that are responsible for this color.

Should one drink coffee with milk ?

Coffee with milk is a popular beverage in many cultures; the choice to drink it or not depends on your body's reaction after consuming it.

It is important to know that adding milk can increase the calorie and saturated fat content of the beverage, which can have health implications, particularly by increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. You can opt for skim milk or almond milk, both low in fat, to reduce your intake of calories and fats.

It is possible that the digestion of coffee with milk is disrupted due to the tannins in the coffee, which have the property of coagulating the casein in the milk. This protein then transforms into small clots that can hinder and slow down digestion in the stomach. If you do not have this digestion problem, you can continue to drink it without any issues.

café au lait est-il bon ou mauvais ?

Is coffee a poison for health ?

No, coffee is not considered a poison for health when consumed in moderate quantities. If consumed in large doses, many adverse effects can appear, as we have seen earlier. However, many studies have shown that daily coffee consumption can have benefits for the human body, such as on cardiovascular health in healthy individuals. Nevertheless, each person is different, and it is recommended that pregnant women, in particular, limit their coffee intake or even stop consuming it altogether.

What drink can replace a cup of coffee ?

Here are some examples of coffee alternatives for people who wish to reduce their caffeine intake or to vary their beverage consumption:

Lupi coffee: This is the best alternative to coffee as a hot beverage! Made from lupin seeds, it is naturally caffeine-free, free of irritants, but with a delicious coffee taste, without its harmful effects. It is available at the BIOVIE store in 2 intensities: the Lupi espresso "and the" Original Lupi.

Tea: It is a popular and healthy beverage that also contains a good dose of caffeine but at lower levels than coffee. There is a wide variety of different teas, each with its own flavors and positive health effects; tea is particularly well-known for fat oxidation.

Herbal infusions: Chamomile, mint, and verbena are a caffeine-free option. These infusions are often used for their soothing and relaxing properties. For a stronger taste, the Golden Mellow golden milk is an adaptogenic infusion that will either boost or soothe you depending on your state.

Cereal-based drinks: A good cup of oat or rice milk, for example, which have a creamy texture and a slightly sweet flavor.

Lemon ginger water: It is a refreshing and healthy drink that can be used as an alternative to coffee for its energizing effect. It is easy to prepare and can be consumed hot or cold.

Photo credit: Coffee Geek Drinks

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