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The Food Transition by Fanny Naturo

The Food Transition by Fanny Naturo

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A transition is an intermediate stage between two major stages.
This means here that we want to switch from one dietary mode (rather conventional) to another dietary mode (generally healthier).

If one is in good health, one might simply want to move towards a diet that is as natural as possible, respecting their physical body and emotions.
I think that most of us are still in transition, both in terms of diet and everything else !
Adaptation is life.

When one wishes to move towards a raw food diet, it can be done more or less quickly depending on one's temperament, needs, desires, and health.

I receive consultants who wish to be supported in their dietary transition, and it is a pleasure to search together for the appropriate solutions for each person.

Far be it from me to advocate for dogma or a single form of diet that suits everyone.
The only diet to follow is the one that suits us individually, here and now.

But today our senses are so disrupted by years of processed foods, food additives, and industrial foods that it is difficult to return to a natural diet and distinguish natural instincts from food cravings. It is sometimes a real challenge that requires willpower, learning, and establishing new habits and routines.

How can we distinguish the "normal" effects that encourage us to continue from the effects that would prompt us to slow down ?

Of course, if one starts from a "conventional" diet: pizzas, pasta, cheese, meats, and sugar, it may be useful to have steps to help the body gradually adapt to the vitality of raw foods.

If one has disrupted digestion, regular pain, irritable bowel, and for all those who can no longer "tolerate" raw food, it will be beneficial to make gradual and gentle changes to support the body without overwhelming it and, most importantly, to provide it with vitality.

And of course, if it is "too difficult" to eat raw, let's integrate it gradually, adjusting priorities according to each person's constitution, temperament, and needs.

Generally speaking, there are foods to avoid and others to prioritize, although we will go further by personalizing and individualizing these recommendations.

- It is advisable to avoid consuming the processed foods such as prepared dishes and industrial foods (candies, snack cakes...)
- We will also avoid the fritters, barbecued foods, chips, deli meats,
- We decrease and then eliminate the sodas and energy drinks.
- the idea being to gradually reduce everything that modified and transform foods: industrial processes, high-temperature cooking, additives, preservatives, flavor enhancers, industrial preservation...

- To begin with, it is important to drink enough and, if possible, a quality water,
- We will be able to consume infusions and herbal teas adapted to support the body during detoxification and remineralization phases.
- Prioritize, when possible, products that come from organic farming or reasoned,
It looks like your text got cut off. Could you please provide the complete text you would like translated? fruits outside of meals: fresh fruits, dried fruitsfig, apple, pear, apricot, grape, mango, pineapple, papaya, date...), seeds and oilseeds (almond, hazelnut, pecan, Brazil nut, sunflower, pumpkin seedsSure, I'd be happy to help. Could you please provide the text you would like translated?
It looks like your text got cut off. Could you please provide the complete text you would like translated? vegetables Raw as a starter: a beautiful plate of raw vegetables with each meal.
You can make mixed salads by combining several vegetables or prepare several bowls of separate vegetables to have different flavors.
Salad, arugula, purslane, lamb's lettuce, wild herbs such as mallow, dandelion, nettles, plantain. Root vegetables and others like carrot, beet, as well as cabbages.

If you have children, try serving the vegetables separately in pieces and sticks, without seasoning. Indeed, they like to identify the flavors of the foods and choose what they prefer.

- If you own a juicer, consider the vegetable juice.
- Then, if needed, you can add some lightly steamed vegetables.
- If you wish to continue consuming cereals, prioritize whole gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, quinoa, brown rice, and gradually reduce the quantities and frequency.

There is an important link between diet and emotions.
Observing one's reactions and food cravings based on emotional state can be interesting and can help in getting to know oneself better.
Cravings and food "binges" provide us with information about our physical toxins and our emotional needs.


Periods of dietary transition can be an opportunity to observe these connections because they will be more noticeable than usual.

Raw cuisine or raw gastronomy can be a valuable tool to meet our various needs and bring a gourmet touch to living food.
Rich in flavors, textures, tastes, and originality, raw cuisine delights our taste buds while preserving the precious nutrients of the food.
I often find that we need a few transition recipes at the beginning(a raw chocolate cream that helps to satisfy a strong sugar craving, for example, or an exotic salad with a bold dressing)But gradually, simplicity generally finds its way to our tables.

Listening to one's emotions remains, however, a major element in finding dietary balance and long-term harmony.

Women can fully benefit from these dietary changes.
This attention to food cravings based on emotions but also depending on the time of the cycle is very useful and provides us with a lot of information.

Indeed, for example, dietary intake can be adjusted during periods premenstrual "and during the" rules to alleviate the discomfort that many women may experience during these times, starting from puberty.

A suitable transition will be beneficial for women in pre and post menopause for better balance and to improve metabolism.

Each woman and each man is unique, which is why it is useful to adapt the foods we consume to each stage of life.

And if you have a baby project, it is highly recommended to incorporate vitality-rich foods and to do a detox for future parents.

For children, it's the same.
The consumption of fruits and vegetables in a State closest to their natural state, will be favorable to them.

For babies, listen to them, observe them, and try baby-led weaning. DME by offering several fruits and vegetables at each meal.
The child will discover different textures and flavors at their own pace and will naturally choose the foods that suit them, provided there are no processed foods that could interfere with this. natural instinct.

For older children, who already have established eating habits, simply add as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
Find a few recipes they enjoy and go gradually.

Show the example but do not impose your choices forcefully as it could make things even more complicated.
And always remember that change begins with yourself...

To summarize,
- Treat yourself with beautiful fruits and vegetables Fresh, a glass of juice red, orange, or green,
- make a beautiful plate, a pretty, colorful, and cheerful table, full of vitality,
- be Listening to your body and your sensations. Observe your vitality, your energy, your desires, your mood, your satiety, your skin...
- Spring and summer are the easiest seasons to start incorporating more raw foods, so take the plunge !
- and get support To adapt your dietary transition, listen to and understand the signals from your body, and try to find a proper balance here and now.

I will support you through individual consultations and workshops to find your own balance.

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