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Lacto-fermentation with marine plasma

Lacto-fermentation with marine plasma

- Categories : Vegan recipes Rss feed
Lactating is a simple and cost-effective method to take advantage of the flavours and nutrients of your favorite estival vegetables year-round. And get their nutritional value! much richer than fresh vegetables, lactate-fermented vegetables are full of natural enzymes and probiotics, for energy and immunities to the top. Using marine plasma allows to further develop their mineral and trace elements????
????the simple recipe
????Place grated vegetables with mandolin or robot in a glass jar that closes well (e.g. with a rubber seal and metal clips). cup with a spoon.
????recover from hypertonic marine plasma brought back to isotonic (1/3 plasma for 2/3 of mineralized source water).
????close the jar is left 5 to 7 days at room temperature.
Once the fermentation is stabilized, a slight white deposit is formed at the bottom of the pot: you can keep it in a cool place (between 12 and 15 degrees, the best being a cellar or a cellar).
????to be enjoyed from 2 weeks and up to 1 year.
Once the pot is opened, the vegetables are kept for several weeks in the fridge!

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