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The Spring Renewal by Fanny Naturo

The Spring Renewal by Fanny Naturo

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Spring is the season of renewal, the season of blooming, of awakening to life...

In naturopathy, it is a favorable period for various cleansing cures to eliminate toxins, strengthen the body, regenerate the body, but also simply an ideal season to change some habits.

The spring season arrives gradually and gently blends with the end of winter.
Depending on the regions and each person's sensitivity, one can feel this spring energy from February to June.

Like many people, I am very sensitive to the energy of spring and it is truly a season that enchants me!
When you have the chance to live in contact with nature, what a joy it is to wake up with the morning song of birds, the mix of morning dew's humidity and the rising sun in the sky...
The buds, the flowers, the greenery awakening and enchanting us.

Change of pace...

After winter, where we normally slow down the pace, favoring more indoor and calmer activities, spring announces renewal, the drive towards the outside, sowing, planting, and other garden work, along with a normal resurgence of vitality.

Unfortunately today, society imposes a linear rhythm all year round: metro, work, sleep.
It is sometimes difficult to distinguish this cyclical rhythm of the seasons. But it is evident that, even if we keep the same work hours, the energy is not the same, the day/night ratio influencing our endocrine system and our entire body, as well as the resulting vitality.

The temperature also varies, even though, once again, modernity has certainly disconnected us from these sensations, abandoning the crackling fire for central heating...

Spring cleaning...

Spring also marks a rather favorable period for change, transition, and establishing new routines to take care of oneself and one's health!
It's the ideal season to do a thorough cleaning of the house with the famous "spring cleaning" and move towards more simplicity.
But it's also the right time to do a "spring cleaning" inside and take some time for a body detox, to cleanse your system.

Even though it's true that our seasonality is less marked and detox can be done at any time of the year if necessary, I still strongly encourage you to seize the opportunity of spring to take care of yourself in a holistic and comprehensive way.

The cleaning will be more or less intensive depending on your temperament, vitality, and availability.
Spring invites rebirth and new beginnings, take advantage of this energy to change some elements of your daily life and take care of your health.

The spring detox, like everything else, is ideally personalized and adapted.
No identical and standardized cure for everyone, but an individual plan is sought with a naturopath who will accompany you in finding the elements that suit you.
I do not propose taking miracle capsules and other magic powders in spring to cleanse the liver to support a processed diet all year long!!!
I propose to aim for better health all year round and to support your body with a plan adapted to the spring season, your energy, and your needs.

Of course, we can use herbal teas, essential oils, hydrosols, and others to support this internal cleansing and regeneration.
Little tip : consider placing a hot water bottle on your liver in the evening. This gently supports liver functions and helps you fall asleep.

Add vitality to your plate...

Spring invites greenery.
The color associated with spring is green, and it is easy to see that as nature awakens, it brings us all these shades of green with young shoots, buds, nettles, dandelions, mallows, plantains, wild garlic...
It's an opportunity to take or resume good habits by incorporating lots of fruits and vegetables into your diet.
Remember to always have fresh or dried fruits with you, make hearty salads with lettuce, arugula, lamb's lettuce, purslane, watercress, aromatic herbs...
Take a trip to the market and choose the fruits and vegetables that appeal to you the most to create beautiful, colorful, and vibrant plates.
Drink vegetable juices, add sprouted seeds, and most importantly, lots of joy during your meals!

In the East...

In traditional Chinese medicine, spring is the season of the Liver, so it is a good time to support this essential and important organ in many functions of our body.
Of course, it's not just about detox but also about liver regeneration and support. No intensive cleansing if the body is not ready!

A liver cleanse needs to be prepared and accompanied.

We can also support the liver by addressing our anger. This emotion is indeed associated with the liver, and it can be interesting to become aware of this link between the physical body and emotions.
Learning to take a step back and focus on the essentials can sometimes be very useful!

We can also turn to India and use some Ayurvedic practices:
- yoga postures and breathing techniques, of course
- body cleansing practices such as nasal washing with warm water or oil pulling

Spring break...

Ideally, you should also take some time for yourself, take a break to gain perspective on daily life, and offer yourself a moment of reconnection with yourself.
Depending on your availability and life context, take a few hours or a few days to dedicate to yourself.
This could be an opportunity to spend time in nature, go for walks, of course, do some gardening, but also treat yourself to a massage or a hammam session.
Spring brings the energy of movement, so it's also the time to get moving: resume a physical activity that suits you and that you can maintain. Do yoga, go for walks, garden, get into the habit of doing all or part of your journeys on foot or by bike, challenge yourself!
It is important to live your life and find things that bring us joy in our daily lives.

Taking time to take care of yourself is essential; you can't take good care of others if you don't take care of yourself. Charity begins at home, so remember to set an example and listen to your own needs (especially if you have children!)
It's not always easy to do something for yourself, but it's really important to occasionally take a step back to ensure you're on the right path, doing what suits you.

Why not celebrate the energy of spring and Nature with a conscious gathering with family or friends, featuring a meal of fruits and vegetables, a walk in nature, a meeting at the beach or in the woods, or a campfire?

You can also have a feminine ritual by setting intentions, picking beautiful wildflowers, and sharing a moment with yourself or with a few close friends.

Simply do something for yourself...

In summary...

- Spring invites us to get things moving again, to take care of our health!
- Re-establish good habits
- Add life to your plate
- Take time for yourself
- Go for a walk, garden, resume physical activity, do yoga, practice breathing exercises
- Get support for a spring cleaning tailored to your current personal situation: dietary adjustments, cleansing, mono-diet, fasting, choosing suitable plants...
- and enjoy life!

I support you during individual consultations to take this time to reflect and take care of your health in a comprehensive and holistic way.

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