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The benefits of hemp oil

The benefits of hemp oil

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It is one of the vegetable oils richest in omega-3! ?
Vary the oils and try hemp oil, known for its positive effect on emotional balance.
? How to use it ?
Hemp oil is used in cooking to season salads or to give an original taste to your dishes. It will also add a unique flavor to your desserts !
It is also suitable for use on the skin and hair. Highly valued by those with problematic skin, it penetrates well into the epidermis (magic tip: mix in a bit of water or isotonic marine plasma!) and rinses off more easily than thicker oils.
? This virgin oil, cold-pressed, is delicate: it cannot be used for cooking or frying food.
Did you know? France is the leading producer of hemp in Europe! We are even prouder to offer you this oil from a Breton oil mill that works in an artisanal manner.

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