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Marine plasma to sublimate and treat my skin?

Marine plasma to sublimate and treat my skin?

- Categories : Wellbeing advices Rss feed

????marine plasma to sublimate and treat my skin?
????include the sea water in your beauty routine will allow tone and remineralize the epidermis, decrease the cutting, regulate excess sebum. Hypertonic plasma is very easily used in your home creams and masks, with honey, clay, vegetable oil, aloe vera.
????reduced to isotonic (1/3 plasma for 2/3 low mineralized source water), marine plasma also acts as an ideal rinsing water for the skin. Tonic, sea water regulates the ph of the skin! try: the feeling is much better than with tap water????
✨Plasma also allows easy realization of green clay cataplasms in case of injury, tendon pains, muscles and joints. but also on the stomach so digestive problems.
????How to proceed? mix the 2 ingredients to obtain a homogeneous paste not too liquid. lay a layer of 2cm on a compress and apply to the area. use a band to hold (do not tighten.) remove before the cataplasm is completely dry????

find the marine plasma on the shop :https://bit.ly/2UWor7Q

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