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Natural treatments to relieve menopause

Natural treatments to relieve menopause

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Today, people talk about menopause as if it were a disease !
It is actually a passage ,a stage that spans several years and gradually brings hormonal changes.
These changes in hormonal activity lead to, among other things, the woman's body no longer being fertile.
There is a similar phenomenon in men, and it is called andropause.

It is possible to experience menopause without unpleasant symptoms, to remain in good health, and to fully enjoy this stage of life and period of transition.

What are the different types/stages of menopause ?

"Just like the" puberty In adolescents, which occurs in several stages, progressively, menopause will take place more or less discreetly in several stages.

"La" pre-menopause : hormonal changes occur, but the woman continues to have menstruations.
These can change gradually: cycles that become increasingly irregular, very heavy periods, absence of periods in some cycles, hot flashes, etc.

Then during menopause: there is a cessation of menstruation and various consequences may occur. The hormonal situation stabilizes.

Menstruation allows the body to expel certain waste and toxins, ... the body then loses this outlet and sometimes uses various strategies to compensate: sweating to expel acidity, hence the famous hot flashes, for example.

Like any stage and any hormonal change, menopause is a completely natural phenomenon. normal and natural . .
As such, a woman who reaches menopause in perfect health, in complete balance, and in a state of overall harmony would have few or no discomforts.

The discomforts associated with menopause are a reflection of a general imbalance, and therefore, it is appropriate to address this overall imbalance, considering each individual's condition, to restore harmony and reduce the inconveniences related to menopause.

What is the best natural treatment for menopause ?

The best prevention and the best natural treatment for menopause is to take care of your overall health! As always, having a harmonious body and a generally balanced lifestyle will allow the body to avoid or at least limit the well-known discomforts and side effects of the menopause period.

Healthy eating, regular consumption of dietary supplements and natural remedies (foods rich in trace elements, adaptogenic plants, herbal teas, essential oils...), exercises with muscle strengthening, sports activities, breathing, sleep, rest, digestion, elimination... all of this will have beneficial effects and will allow a woman to experience a serene menopause.
Psycho-emotional support is also essential.

The image of the ideal woman in the West is a young, active woman who does not seem to age !
The women in movies or TV series rarely exceed fifty years old, and they always look radiant; they have no wrinkles or gray hair !
The woman over 50 is hidden while the man has a more positive image at this stage of his life. He enjoys more favorable media coverage for a few more years !

Women who are mothers often reach this stage when their children "leave the nest."
They, who have generally dedicated more time to their children, are therefore more affected than the fathers when the children leave.
One could say that a certain part of her loses its purpose, and if they have not anticipated this, the lives of menopausal women can be a difficult and emotionally intense period.

Maintaining an active life, doing things we enjoy, socializing, moving, engaging in physical activity, eating well, sleeping well... all of this will contribute to the well-being of a menopausal woman at this strategic stage of her life.

She is gradually becoming a wise woman, a woman with experience who can therefore share that experience.

This is how elderly people were viewed in traditional societies, as wise individuals who possess knowledge and experience.

It is also useful to know how to recognize one's cyclicity despite the permanent cessation of menstruation.

Many women have not had the opportunity to understand the power of their cycles during their fertile years.

But it is never too late, and it is very interesting to learn to recognize your personal rhythms in order to adapt your life and activities to your individual energy and vibration.

Bon équilibre de la femme ménopausée

What natural treatment can delay menopause ?

Just like everything else, the best prevention is to take care of our environment and our lifestyle.

It is about seeking a holistic balance that includes harmony of the body and harmony of the being.

- Taking care of your body It seems like your message is empty. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?
Eat well, move, breathe, stay active, gradually increase your adaptability without causing your body distress, respect yourself, listen to yourself, do yourself good.

- Taking care of your emotions It seems like your message is empty. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?
Welcome the waves of emotions that pass through us each day, embrace them, and perhaps sometimes try to understand them.

- Taking care of your energy It seems like your message is empty. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?

Go into nature, surround yourself with people whose vibrations resonate with yours, free yourself from things that "weigh down" your energy, and feel in tune with your soul, your purpose.

Against which menopause symptoms can natural treatments be used ?

First of all, let's remember that in natural health and the field of alternative medicine, we do not fight against symptoms !
This is not war; we are going to try to balance and harmonize the body.
We are still looking for the deep causes "and so we take care of the" land to treat the symptoms of menopause.
These symptoms may or may not appear: some women experience many symptoms and difficulties during the perimenopause and menopause periods, while others have no symptoms or discomfort and go through this period calmly.
It is not a fatality. If the body shows disturbances, it is a message.

It is up to us to learn to understand and decode these messages and alerts from our body.

The bothersome symptoms can be varied:
- hot flashes, vasomotor symptoms
- physical fatigue, mental fatigue
- weight gain
- dry skin and vaginal dryness
- low morale, periods of depression or feeling down
- lack of enthusiasm, vitality, decreased libido, hormonal drop
- weight gain, weight loss, weight fluctuation

- bone demineralization, risk of osteoporosis, risk of bone fracture, decrease in bone density

- menstrual cycle disorders in perimenopause: very heavy periods, menstrual pain, irregular periods, irregular flow
- premenstrual syndrome: muscle pain, joint pain, irritability, mood disorders
- sleep disturbances, night sweats
- hair loss

The best way to limit these symptoms in menopausal women is to take care of oneself preventively: have a rich diet, engage in physical activity, get good sleep, manage emotions, limit stress, and cultivate joy in life !

Acupuncture and Menopause: Is It Effective ?

Acupuncture is interesting because it works deeply on the body's energy circulation.

As we have seen, the ideal is to have an approach preventive "and" global.
Symptomatic approaches, whether conventional or alternative, only aim to alleviate the symptoms.
It is therefore generally not very sustainable, even though it must be admitted that it is sometimes effective in the short term.

In a holistic approach to menopause, women generally notice a significant improvement in major symptoms within a few weeks, sometimes longer.
And if there are still things left, we will use other techniques to continue to relieve the women and especially to seek a Complete balance which brings back joy of living, vitality to be fulfilled and do all the things they love.

Menopause could be a liberation ! !
No more contraception issues, the children are growing up, you find time for yourself, you can do the things you've always wanted to do... provided you are in good health and have vitality, energy, and a positive mindset.

Most natural solutions and treatments aim to mimic a medicinal treatment by trying to provide phyto-plants.Estrogens for example. But once again, we find ourselves in symptomatic approaches where we try to fight against the natural changes of the body and erase the side effects of the menopause period instead of treating them in depth.

Natural remedies such as plants, herbal teas, hydrosols, certain exercises can relieve certain symptoms and help restore hormonal balance.

We can use them as a complement to a treatment background and medical advice to alleviate the discomfort.


A closer look at some often recommended natural treatments:

- The plants I find that plants are often very useful allies. I readily recommend them during menopause, but always in a holistic way and not just for symptoms.
I prefer herbal teas and whole, natural plants over extracts! Far be it from me to use snake oil powders! Don't believe that 2 miracle capsules a day will solve your problems.
Take charge of yourself, get support to find, regain, or maintain complete balance !
Natural treatments must always be personalized and adapted to your individual condition.
Not all women need to take sage, for example.

- Acupuncture : once again, acupuncture, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, as well as naturopathy, when applied in a general manner, all seem to me to be very good approaches, especially when they aim to balance the body's constitution.
Unfortunately, it is once again too often a symptomatic approach.

- The Ayurvedic and Chinese approach : it is another way to approach health. Let's take the example of hot flashes. In Ayurveda "and in" traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered to be an excess of Fire / Pitta and water / Kapha. Therefore, techniques that bring coolness and dryness, such as plants with drying and cooling effects, can be used.

- Fasting : cleansing one's body and regenerating it seems quite useful to me, provided that fasting is done in an appropriate setting and with proper guidance, especially for the first fasts.
Too often I receive calls from people in distress who have fasted in a group but find themselves completely lost when they return home.
Of course, cleansing the body, relieving it of overloads and toxins, generally allows the body to regain a better overall balance.
Once again, it will be necessary to first ensure that the body is capable of abstaining from food without difficulty. It will be essential to make good preparations, take your time, and support the body so that the detox is comfortable and beneficial.

- Detox Of course! Please provide the text you would like me to translate. You can also do a detox period without necessarily fasting.

A few days of raw food, a different diet, a mono-diet, a juice cleanse, etc... there are plenty of ways to give your body a break.
It is really helpful to have guidance in order to determine priorities, the way to proceed, and to adapt the detox as needed based on the effects and symptoms experienced.

I organize fasting retreats and detox, vitality, and raw food retreats in the spring and fall, in the heart of nature. These are personalized retreats where each participant prepares before coming. Sincerity and authenticity for moments of sharing and rest in complete safety.

To summarize It seems like your message is empty. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?

- Take care of yourself preventively Drink quality water, eat healthy, fresh, and vibrant foods, engage in regular physical activity, move around, surround yourself with positive people, go out, meet new people, do activities that you enjoy and that bring you positive effects and joy, treat yourself, connect with nature, return to the essentials, to simplicity.

- Cleanse your body regularly for better overall balance, to promote good liver, hormonal, digestive, and urinary function

- Anticipate this period Sure, please provide the text you would like me to translate. slow down Stressful activities, work, give yourself time to relax and embrace your emotions.

- Get support by a naturopath or a professional in alternative medicine who will help you gain perspective, choose the solutions, and natural treatments that suit you

- Have confidence in yourself, in nature, in life, and offer yourself the best conditions to live in full health, happiness, and vitality !

I accompany you during individual consultations and workshops on this path to full health and balance.

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