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Naturopathy and Pregnancy: What are the Benefits? by Fanny Naturo

Naturopathy and Pregnancy: What are the Benefits? by Fanny Naturo

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Pregnancy is a time when you want to take care of yourself and your health, so why not do it naturally with naturopathy ?

During the few months of pregnancy, there are already numerous medical appointments, but most women and couples appreciate having specific support in natural health, a particular listening ear, and quality time to discuss their natural vision of pregnancy.

What is naturopathy ?

Naturopathy offers natural health support.
We seek balance, holistic and overall well-being through various natural techniques such as nutrition, the use of plants, essential oils, breathing, physical exercise, water both internally and externally, the psycho-emotional aspect, treatments, etc.

Naturopathy supports you in pre-conception, during pregnancy, and postpartum., whether there are imbalances or everything is going wonderfully.

One can seek to boost fertility, regulate minor health issues, alleviate the discomforts associated with pregnancy, and aim to bring vitality, energy, and serenity.
We seek to understand the causes of imbalances and attempt to trace these imbalances back to their roots in order to correct them naturally.

Naturopathy is therefore complementary to the conventional monitoring of pregnancy, thus
"than to the other follow-ups proposed by your gynecologist, midwife, doula, haptonomy practitioner, yoga instructor, sophrologist..."

What are the benefits of naturopathy during pregnancy ?

Naturopathy before, during, and after pregnancy allows for:

  • boost fertility
  • prepare your body and improve your healthTo offer the best conditions for the baby,
  • optimize one's health and that of the future child,
  • to experience the most natural pregnancy possible
  • propose natural solutions for the discomforts of pregnancy (nausea, pain, anxiety...)
  • support the mother's health, seek the best natural solutions through nutrition, plants, and many other remedies,
  • offers tools for childbirth preparation
  • but also,prepare for postpartum, breastfeeding, and recovery after pregnancyIn a natural, personalized, and tailored way to your needs and possibilities
  • A pregnant woman experiences significant changes both physically and emotionally.

Naturopathic support aims to accompany these changes so that the pregnancy proceeds under the best possible conditions.

We will look for individualized solutions to optimize the mother's health and, of course, the baby's health.

Specifically, we will be able to work gently on the
land"and the"predispositionsFrom the mother, we will ensure thatmeet the needsFrom the mother and the baby for harmonious growth, particularly through a diet rich in nutrients, trace elements, and full of vitality.

We can, of course, look for the origins of the discomforts of pregnancy and propose natural solutions to alleviate nausea, pain, discomfort, and anxiety during pregnancy.

We also offer specific support at the end of pregnancy to prepare for a serene childbirth according to the wishes of the mother and the couple.

But also, we prepare for the postpartum period, breastfeeding, and this intense time of welcoming the baby.
There is no single formula, but each naturopath will support you in their own way.
I am a mother of three children, and I support women and couples with great joy because I know how important this period is.

I understand women who wish to experience a natural pregnancy, to be heard, understood, and respected in their choices.
I know how important it is to alleviate certain discomforts, and I know that a well-supported and well-prepared pregnancy can make many stages easier, including a more serene childbirth and breastfeeding.
For all these reasons, naturopathic support during pregnancy makes sense and proves to be useful for mothers, couples, and babies. I am committed to finding the best solutions with you, without dogma, without stress, and without pressure...

How to naturally improve fertility ?

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pre-conception is crucial, and I encourage everyone who is considering having a child to prepare before conception.

  • a good preparation upstream can allow:
  • to improve the fertility of both parents
  • to optimize the health parents and therefore potentially the health of the baby
  • to work on the land parents, especially the mother, in order to experience the most harmonious pregnancy possible
  • to integrate this project into daily life, without pressure but with joyIt seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?

Some natural tips to improve fertility:

  • to have a healthy diet, "...by consuming high-quality foods, as close to their natural state as possible."
  • stock up on vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, trace elements...
  • while working on his/her/their land "and his" or "and her" (depending on the context) pre-dispositions and if possible by cleansing their body,
  • in draining toxins "thanks to" plants, ", to the" fasting, to the purges while being advised and supported in this process, of course,
  • while working on his/her/their Emotions, his desires and possibly about his past if necessary
  • in inquiring on conception, pregnancy, life with a baby...

This pre-conception phase is a unique opportunity to prepare in order to provide the best possible conditions for your child's arrival...
Don't deprive yourself !
Without pressure, prepare yourself naturally to maximize your chances and to provide the best conditions for your baby.

Which plants are prohibited during pregnancy ?

There are many taboos and preconceived notions about what is good or bad during pregnancy.
As a precautionary principle, if we don't know, if no study has been conducted, it is prohibited during pregnancy.
There are, however, many plants, essential oils, hydrosols, and other things that are completely safe to use during pregnancy.
Get informed and seek guidance to choose the appropriate plants according to the stage of pregnancy.

Between recommendations related to real risks and the advice from your loved ones on food, drinks, plants, cravings, rituals, etc... Sort it out!

Despite everything, if you don't know, as a precautionary principle, do not make risky discoveries during pregnancy !

During the first three months of pregnancy, the use of most
essential oils. On the other hand, one could turn towards the hydrosols and hydrosols, which are a wonderful alternative for pregnant women and children.

Certain plants with abortifacient effects should be avoided, such as large quantities of sage, mugwort, wormwood, yarrow...

Get support to know which plants are suitable for your needs according to the stage of pregnancy.

Here are some plants that you can use throughout the entire pregnancyIt seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?
- the
mauve For the transit, the lemon verbena For relaxation, theNettle Minéraliante, the Lemon balm For the calm, the peppermint "and the" fennel for digestion.

Some natural tips for a serene pregnancy:

  • Rest. and listen to your needs
  • Support your body to avoid exhaustion
  • Rebalance your terrain to optimize your health and that of your future baby
  • Favor a diet rich in high-quality fruits and vegetables.
  • Add foods such as seaweed, spirulina, pollen, lacto-fermented products, and seawater to meet the needs of both mother and baby.
  • Drink quality water and herbal teas tailored to your needs
  • Get some fresh air, go out into nature, treat yourself.
  • Move, have a gentle and adapted physical activity (walking, yoga, swimming)
  • Prepare yourself for childbirth and prepare for the postpartum period.
  • Enjoy this pregnancy to the fullest, savor the present moment, and cultivate joy in your daily life.
  • Be accompanied by an experienced naturopath with whom you feel confident.

In a few words, to summarize,

Prepare yourself ahead of the design phase.
Take care of yourself naturally during pregnancy.
Prepare for the postpartum period,
Get support from a naturopath specialized in pregnancy care to personalize these recommendations.

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