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Preparing before pregnancy

Preparing before pregnancy

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prepare before pregnancy:

making the decision to have a child is not anodin. It is today, often the result of reflection, individual reflection and a reflection to two.

we think of the material aspects: the house, the number of rooms, the size of the car, the work, the logistics.
you feel a lot of emotions at the idea of becoming parents, with the responsibilities that this entails, you were expected in front of baby images.
but few parents have the reflex to prepare their bodies, their bodies to create life!

kesako? What the hell is this?
preparing his body?
But we know that making a baby is quite simple!...

when designing, the gametes (the papa's sperm and the mom's egg) will unite their genetics, their chromosomes.
the fertility and future health of the baby will be greatly influenced by the quality of the gamets of the father and mother.
and of course, the genetic potential, the quality of chromosomes will be influenced, in part, by the epigenetics of the parents, that is, by their hygiene of life.
and yes, vitality, food, morals, physical exercise, breathing, emotions. all this will influence our reproductive systems and therefore by extension our fertility and a large part of the genetic capital we transmit to our children.

We understand that taking care of yourself before having a baby will be useful: this is what we call preconception preparation.

I get in consultation with couples who want to prepare their organizations and we set up personalized plans to optimize their health and vitality.
adjustments are made depending on whether the project is short, medium or long term, depending on their vitality, the involvement and motivation of each partner.

What's the best gift to give her future child than this health preparation?
What's the most beautiful gift for yourself?

If you have a desire for a child now or in a few years, it is never too early or never too late to start.

Here are some tips, that it will of course be appropriate to customize according to your terrain to go further:

• Add living!fill in vitamins and minerals!
eat fruit, vegetables, seeds, algae.
Enjoy and treat yourself with healthy foods filled with vitality.

• Take time to welcome your emotions, doubts, fears. Exchange, share, inform about pregnancy, childbirth, parental support, communication.
Prepare yourself psycho-emotionally to change your life and to welcome a child.

• Relax, meditate, take time with your friends, take a walk in nature.
enjoy life and its wonders.
Let yourself be filled with joy and happiness!

• give attention to your couple: talk about this project, your desires, your expectations. take time and give space for a conscious, fulfilling sexuality and rich in high exchanges and vibrations.

• Take care of your body: make sports you love, adapted to your tastes and possibilities, practice breathing exercises.
Move while enjoying yourself: walking in nature, going by the sea, the mountain or the forest if possible.

• Drink high, low mineralized water, mineralizing vegetable juice and herbal teas tailored to your needs.

the objectives of this preparation are multiple:
- optimize its vitality and overall health
- boosting fertility
- improve genetic capital
- know the female cycle and fertile periods
- prepare for harmonious pregnancy and natural physiological delivery
- hosting baby in a healthy and serene environment
- cultivate joy and harmony for today and especially for tomorrow, to accompany your children to the best of your daily life

• spermatogenesis, sperm production cycle in man, lasts about 3 months. It is therefore essential that the future father optimise his lifestyle at least three months before conception.
for the future mother, according to her field, it will be useful to prepare 6 to 12 months before pregnancy.

Of course, in case of particular pathology and terrain, it will sometimes be necessary to make a specific preparation and to adapt the duration of this preparation.
This is the case for women with cycle disorders, having taken hormonal contraception for several years, with an endometriosis.
It will then be interesting to adapt the preparation to find a suitable terrain for reproduction and full health.

In general, it is essential to limit:
- the many endocrine disruptors from the environment, food, cosmetics, furniture, paintings, clothing and other
- stress, depression
- processed foods, additives, preservatives, acidifying food, promoting the inflammatory state of the organism

to summarize, prepare your body, your heart and your head before designing a child for your good, that of your child, your couple and humanity.

Nature has everything planned for us to live happy and healthy.
We just have to choose the right path, that of love and health.

for more information, contact me.
remote consultations


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