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Read to flourish, four books to live its full potential

Read to flourish, four books to live its full potential

Did you know?

biovie was born in 2007 under the sign of reading, with the aim of publishing in france the first raw food book! in order to finance this project, eric viard has embarked on the marketing of easygreen automatic germs. In January 2009, he published 5000 copies of this book...

living kitchen for optimal health

You will discover 170 raw recipes ... but also a point on food combinations and crusine techniques: "Living cuisine for optimal health" gives you all the secrets of the hippocratic institute in florida, one of the most known natural revitalization centers in the world, opened in 1956 per ann wigmore.

an exceptional collection

Today available in ebook, these recipes as healthy as gourmet have been concocted by kelly serbonich, former head of the institute. chad sarno - star of vegetal cuisine having opened 6 restaurants around the world and trained in many chefs, added 20 exclusive recipes!

life in abundance

the passion of the living

the synthesis of 60 years of naturopathy practice, nothing but that! of ancestral methods such as fasting, purges and mono-diets to its raw know-how, irène invites you to be the architect of your life. This 384 page bible now exists in audiobook!


an interactive book

david tan - osteopath, physiotherapist and life coach delivers the quintessence of his practice across the globe! its powerful method, based on neuroscience and natural techniques, is accompanied by 60 plugs and numerous video tutorials accessible via qr codes

by love of children

Bestseller international

This parenting guide from 0 to 16 has elapsed to over 1 million copies worldwide! 800 pages full of wisdom, humour and humanism by the Swedish child expert. a wealth of tips and information on the psychology and well-being of the child. And parents!

biolife values

the books are printed in the most ecological print of france: pure impression! inks are vegetable, and 100% recycled paper. the works are distributed by dilisco, a subsidiary of albin michel that also distributes the editions Leduc.s and trédaniel

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