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Natural ways to restore the integrity of our intestinal mucosa

Natural ways to restore the integrity of our intestinal mucosa

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A "porous" or altered intestinal mucosa will be the cause of numerous food intolerances and allergies, as well as many elimination, clogging, and even autoimmune pathologies.

How can we promote the integrity of our intestinal mucosa?

In terms of diet, it will be necessary to maintain a high-quality, balanced, and personalized diet for each individual. It will also be very important to ensure trouble-free digestion.

Then we can promote certain foods or dietary supplements.

Restoration of the intestinal mucosa and optimization of the functioning of the small intestine. General advice.

- Beta-carotene or vitamin A (cabbage, carrot, lettuce, pineapple, cherry, etc.).

- Quercetin (antioxidant, bioflavonoid: yellow and red onion, shallot, zucchini, broccoli). Quercetin, this antioxidant flavonoid, plays a role in intestinal regulation. It notably reduces the permeability of certain capillaries and decreases the risks of food allergies. It is even more effective when it is present with bromelain and vitamin C.

- The D.H.A (fatty acid: walnut oil or rapeseed oil) The D.H.A and phospholipids are components of cell membranes. They are also essential for the renewal of the intestinal epithelium (enterocytes live on average only six days), just like L-glutamine and zinc. Additionally, the D.H.A gives membranes their flexibility and promotes the active transport of nutrients that take this route to enter the bloodstream from the intestinal lumen.

Le The D.H.A "and the"E.P.A (fatty acids) improve the effectiveness of probiotics by promoting their adhesion to the mucosa. Like the D.H.A easily converts to E.P.A (the reverse is less obvious), the supplementation of the diet with D.H.A-phospholipide is recommended.

- Alkylglycerols are other components of cell membranes. Like the D.H.A, They promote cell renewal, and furthermore, they improve the selective capacity of the digestive mucosa and facilitate the multiplication of saprophytic bacterial strains. They are abundant in the oil of certain animal species, particularly the Greenland shark and chimaera.

- The amino acid glutamine (found in parsley, fish, spinach, beans, etc.) is also available in dietary supplements. It is preferable to obtain glutamine from food rather than from individual dietary supplements. Glutamine can convert into glutamate, which in excess can be neurotoxic.

Claude Lagarde, doctor of pharmacy and biologist, specifies regarding L-glutamine:

- "(...) Glutamine represents the main energy source for the cells of the small intestine (enterocytes) and is essential for maintaining the trophicity of its epithelium. It also contributes to the prevention of villous atrophy and its potential complications of hyperpermeability or bacterial translocation."

- Polyphenols or pigments in fruits and vegetables help reduce inflammation in the intestinal mucosa.

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- Vitamin U (from raw cabbage) is protective of the mucous membrane.

- Zinc is essential for numerous biological reactions involved in tissue regeneration and immune defenses. It has the same indications as vitamin A or beta-carotene. One can either use trace elements or minerals in their pure form but of plant origin: oligotphytum from Holistica, or through common foods: zinc (oysters, whole grain bread, egg yolk, nuts, garlic, beetroot, etc.).

- Magnesium (found in cocoa, almonds, walnuts, onions, brown rice, lentils, Swiss chard, dried apricots, molasses, etc.) and B vitamins (found in hazelnuts, eggs, beets, avocados, hake, parsley, chestnuts, sardines, cabbage, green beans, bananas, mushrooms, white beans, oysters, apples, shellfish, cheese, apricot kernels, etc.) are both essential for the proper functioning of the Krebs cycle and thus for the optimal use of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins) to produce the energy necessary for restoring overall health.

- An antioxidant complex including: vitamin A or beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, carotenoids (primarily Lycopene), selenium, zinc, etc. Therefore, one can either rely on diet to obtain all these nutrients or use a dietary supplement naturally rich in all these nutrients, such as the specialty from Biovie, which is very interesting for its quality/price ratio.

When digestive disorders originate from stress, neurovegetative dystonia is often observed. In this case, in addition to providing a wide range of nutrients, the intake of trace elements can be specifically reinforced with oligophytum from Holistica.

° Manganese-cobalt

° Manganese-Cobalt + Sulfur for problems with bloating, spasms.

° Zinc-Nickel-Cobalt for people with bulimia in relation to the pancreas

° Manganese-Cobalt and Manganese-Copper alternately for problems related to the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine)

° Zinc-Nickel-Cobalt for colitis located on the right side of the colon and Manganese-Copper for colitis located on the left side of the colon

Reminder: Immunology specialists have been interested for several years now in the crucial roles that complex sugars, also known as "polysaccharides," play in the immune system's defenses. These can be found in certain mushrooms like shiitake or maitake, brown seaweeds, as well as in whole grains, potatoes, etc.

Dietary supplement: Shiitake fructo-oligosaccharides.

Superfine green clay. For people who do not suffer from constipation, it is perfectly fine to prepare a glass of green clay. Put a teaspoon of superfine green clay in a glass of water and drink it all in the morning on an empty stomach, before anything else. Half an hour before breakfast. It is a very good healer for the intestinal mucosa. Do not forget to drink plenty of filtered or spring water throughout the day to avoid constipation (available in health food stores in superfine powder form).

- Boswellia serrata exerts a profound anti-inflammatory action. It notably inhibits the activity of 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of leukotrienes (molecules that promote inflammation and are produced in excess during rheumatic and allergic conditions).

- Turmeric. In light of the latest scientific research, turmeric rhizome extract, highly concentrated in curcumin, is now considered the major phyto-nutritional support in cellular protection. Turmeric has long been the main asset (among others) attributed to the very good health indices displayed by the Indian population. These indices are superior to those of other countries, particularly in terms of proper cellular function.

Research has demonstrated the highly protective role of curcumin, not only in general cellular protection but also in joint discomfort and various physical discomforts, primarily because it helps maintain a good balance of cyclooxygenase-2 and lipoxygenase enzymes as well as prostaglandin 2 (the latter having a pro-inflammatory action). Indeed, the active ingredient of this spice (curcumin) has a significant, even exceptional, anti-inflammatory effect according to some specialists. Curcumin helps to curb the destructive mechanisms of excessive inflammation as well as its symptoms such as pain, stiffness, etc.

Turmeric has a remarkable effect in neutralizing the effects of various heavy metals and toxins. This is particularly interesting when we consider that heavy metals, by blocking certain digestive enzymes, contribute to food allergies and "intolerances."

In the "Dolupérine" specialty from Holistica, the curcumin from turmeric is combined with black pepper (piperine) and ginger (gingerol). This creates a synergy that helps improve physical well-being in cases of various bodily sensitivities: stiffness, rigidity, pain, etc. A few milligrams of piperine (the active ingredient in green pepper) absorbed simultaneously with curcumin improve the assimilation of curcumin by approximately 2000%, that is, 20 times, allowing the body to benefit from its exceptional protective effects.

One can also consume the equivalent of a tablespoon of turmeric per day, mixed with a bit of pepper in food or in the preparation of a sauce to mix with food.

- Cinnamon in powder or essential oil form. Cinnamon has antiseptic and antioxidant properties. The capsules should be taken on an empty stomach: at least 30 minutes before or 2 hours after meals.

Immuno-modulating or adaptogenic plants: Lapacho. Kudzu is particularly recommended for nervous or stressed individuals. These plants have a rebalancing effect. However, there is little scientific evidence demonstrating their beneficial action in autoimmune diseases.

- Ginkgo Biloba exerts a protective action against ischemic and oxidative risks to which the digestive mucosa is exposed. In the form ofE.P.S (standardized plant extract) in liquid form that can be found in pharmacies, (Phytoprevent Laboratory) or in capsules.

- The oyster mushroom (fungus) inhibits the 3-hydroxy-methylglutaryl-CoA reductases that are involved in the genesis of inflammation and digestive permeability.

- The phillinus linteus (mushroom) stimulates the intestinal immune system (particularly during autoimmune or antibody-dependent conditions), normalizes digestive function, opposes allergic phenomena, and may help prevent or contribute to the prevention of certain cancers regularly induced by chemical toxins. It goes without saying that such products should be offered in conjunction with healthy nutrition and behaviors; otherwise, they will have no effect.

- The coriolus (mushroom) also has a strong immunostimulant effect.

When combined with a quality diet, the use of specific dietary supplements can help maintain the integrity of our intestinal mucosa, which is essential for genuine health.

The health-related information in this article is provided solely for informational purposes to promote health. It cannot replace a medical or naturopathic consultation. It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to substitute for appropriate medical care provided by a doctor or other healthcare professional.

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