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Spring detox: how and why to do one?

Spring detox: how and why to do one?

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Spring, the long-awaited ideal period of beautiful days, and also The season for cleaning up internally, as well as externally.

Plants germinate and grow, birds sing, the sun peeks out, and the days get longer. It is possible to do a detox at any time of the year. The type of detox will be adapted depending on whether it is summer, autumn, winter, or spring. But spring is the beautiful season that suits it best.

Why is spring ideal ?

Spring is the time of renewal, rebirth, change, and the transition between winter, the more inward, introspective season, and summer, the more outward, relational season.

It is also the ideal time to undertake a spring cleaning, both physically and mentally, to get rid of the winter's accumulations and prepare to welcome the vitality and freshness of the new season. The temperatures are milder, and energy returns.

We have generally accumulated toxins and harmful substances during the winter because we eliminate less, eat more, Christmas and New Year's have come and gone, we exercise less, we spend more time indoors than outdoors, and we are more sedentary...

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Could you please provide the complete text you would like translated? Ayurveda, It is considered that we accumulate Kapha in winter. Our body stores it, and this excess Kapha can clog the respiratory passages and sometimes cause water retention. One may feel fatigue, a lack of enthusiasm, a lack of mental clarity, and sometimes even a bit of depression.

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Could you please provide the complete text you would like translated? traditional Chinese medicine, Spring is the symbol of renewal. It is the season dominated by the Liver - Gallbladder pair. An imbalanced liver can lead to various issues such as nervousness, anger, mucus, hormonal imbalance, depression, menstrual disorders, skin problems, and vision problems, etc.

Les fleurs du printemps

For what reasons should you do a spring cleanse ?

  • to rid one's body of accumulated toxins, to cleanse
  • to gain vitality, energy, and regain full fitness
  • to maintain or regain the joy of living, the motivation
  • to shed a few extra pounds or give the opportunity to gain a few missing pounds
  • to promote the drainage of emunctories and to cleanse and support the organs by giving them a boost, particularly (liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, uterus...)
  • to reduce symptoms, pain, digestive disorders, recurrent or chronic conditions
  • to experiment and better know oneself
  • to take some time for oneself, to take stock of one's life
  • to make a decision, change career paths, move, travel, commit or disengage
  • to offer the best conditions for her baby, in pre-conception
  • as a preventive measure, like annual hygiene
  • to take care of oneself and one's health

What type of detox can one do ?

So, I'm going to repeat myself: you need to personalize and adapt the type of treatment to be done! In consultation, I will create a detailed personalized plan for you.

Herbal teas, plants: Plants can be used to deeply detoxify and cleanse the body, opening the doors to purification (diuretic, hepatic, digestive, laxative plants), but it is sometimes necessary to first undergo a remineralizing cure (nutritive, mineralizing, balancing, adaptogenic plants). Fresh birch sap usually arrives at the right time.

Food: One can choose to have a healthy, nourishing, and low-toxin diet. Replenishing vitality and minerals to support waste elimination. Opting for a vegetarian diet can also be beneficial to promote better toxin elimination and overall health.

Fasting: It is possible to do intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, short or medium fasting, mono-diets... The duration and type of fasting are adapted to the individual's condition, capabilities, and possibilities, including incorporating mono-diet days if necessary.

I offer you a personalized at-home fasting program, where we have a consultation each day during the fast and the refeeding period.

Purge: If it is necessary and if you are ready, we can do some purges. A bit like an internal shower, purges sometimes provide a quick and powerful cleansing of metabolic waste, which can save time and relieve the body.

Movement, sport, activity: It is good to accompany this period with some movement. Resuming physical activity, walking, gardening, swimming...

It is possible to use certain specific exercises to aid detoxification (yoga postures, qi gong, hypopressive abs, for example).

Breathing: Breathing allows for the elimination of toxins, and combining breathing exercises with a spring detox helps optimize cleansing while promoting good oxygenation of the cells.

Water internally and externally: You can drink a specific type of water to cleanse the kidneys (distilled water, low-mineral water), which will help you maintain good hydration. You can, of course, also use hot baths (baths, sauna, hammam) or cold baths depending on your condition.

Détox du printemps

Where to start ?

If you want to start simply today, here are some general suggestions that you can then delve into and personalize:

  • "Drinking water like" ginger lemon water which is a detox recipe with many benefits, and herbal teas.
  • Eating fruits and vegetables, preferably seasonal vegetables and raw vegetables, is part of the good eating habits to adopt.
  • Consume superfoods to properly nourish the body, fill any potential deficiencies, and promote detoxification: seaweed, , barley grass juice, spirulina, pollen, , sprouted seeds, , sea water, but also flax seeds, chia seeds, psyllium.
  • Move, walk, engage in physical activities
  • Breathe deeply in the morning and evening and in case of stress.
  • Take a bath or a hammam session

In consultation, we tailor all these recommendations to your situation, your temperament, your possibilities, and your current desires.

How to fast without taking risks ?

Start slowly and have someone accompany you to be supported, supervised, and guided.

Preparation: It is essential to do good preparation before fasting. A dietary cleanse, plants that activate elimination, addressing deficiencies, taking time to prepare emotionally, and freeing oneself from fears. All of this allows for a profound and safe experience.

Resumption: Breaking the fast is a crucial period that should be managed well in order to benefit from and optimize the advantages of fasting.

Accompanied: The ideal situation is to be accompanied and advised for the preparation, the fasting, and the exit. This allows for a serene and secure experience, and above all, to optimize and enhance the effects of fasting through herbal teas, plants, nutrition, listening, and sharing.

And the purges? Are they dangerous ?

Yes and no !
Purges can be extremely useful and promote quick and effective cleaning.

On the other hand, it may not be advisable to purge too often without an apparent reason. A purge can sometimes be irritating or exhausting.

It is advisable to choose the appropriate purge: saline purge (Epsom salt, chloromagene, magnesia), oily purge (castor oil), plant-based purge (senna, sorrel), or water purge, and sometimes a combination of several techniques.

Each situation deserves to be studied and adapted in order to provide the best conditions and to respect the organism.
I am in favor of purges, but not always !

It also seems important to me to be guided by a professional who knows and has personally experienced purges and fasting !

Who can do a detox cleanse ?

Quite simply everyone! You just need to adapt the advice and personalize the treatment.

Men and women can undergo a detox program. Young people, the elderly, working professionals, the inactive, retirees, those living in the city, in apartments, and those living in houses in the countryside, those traveling by truck, those in France or abroad. There are no limits as long as the program is personalized and adapted according to each individual's possibilities, temperament, vitality, level of toxicity, motivation, lifestyle, and daily routine.

This is why I do not offer the same detox program for everyone! On the contrary, I offer you personalized support with an individual program that matches your needs and capabilities.

I am a woman, are there any adaptations to be made ?

Women can undergo a detoxification treatment. It can be adapted according to the needs, period, and lifestyle of each woman.

Menstrual cycles We will include the menstrual cycle in the detox program. Indeed, it is possible to adapt the detox according to the period of the cycle. Sometimes it is possible to select the period during which to do intermittent fasting, water fasting, or to schedule the cleanse according to the menstrual cycle.

Menopause: It is entirely possible to undergo a spring detox during the perimenopause period or once menopause has set in. The advice will be tailored accordingly.

Pre-conception: In any season, one can undergo a detox regimen in preparation for welcoming a pregnancy. Detox is highly recommended before having a baby, if possible for both parents.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It is possible to undergo a detox regimen by personalizing and adapting the advice according to the stage of pregnancy, symptoms, the age of the breastfed child, and the number of feedings.

Fasting for women: Taking into account and integrating female-specific characteristics in fasting support allows for optimizing its effects by adapting the fast according to each individual's physiology and rhythm.

The same goes for purges, detox cures, and pregnancy preparations.

I support you in all these specific situations concerning women's natural health.

Is it possible to do a detox period for children and adolescents?

Yes and no.

Children: Of course, we are not going to put a young, healthy child on a long fast and purges! But it is possible to offer tailored advice according to the needs of the children.

One can notably use foods and herbal teas with plants suitable for children. Adjustments will also be made depending on whether it is just a preventive measure or if the child has specific symptoms (skin problems, eczema, asthma, constipation, allergies, ENT issues, behavioral disorders...). Natural techniques that are appropriate for children will always be used, respecting their physiology and their high sensitivity in terms of recovery.

Teens: In adolescence, we can go a bit further depending on the teenager's situation, motivation, and needs. This can be very useful in cases of acne, skin problems, ENT issues, stress, fatigue, lack of concentration, lack of mental clarity, lack of vitality...

Adolescence is a period when a young person can decide to put things in place for themselves, and the results can be truly impressive.
Giving children the opportunity to take care of themselves naturally will provide them with the foundation to develop good habits as adults.

I will help you and your children find the ideal plan to nourish, clean, and regenerate.

To summarize...

  • Take advantage of spring to cleanse your body
  • Start gently
  • Get support to personalize the detox plan
  • Everyone can do a detox, provided they adapt the advice.

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