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Sprouted leek seeds

Sprouted leek seeds

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????new! pear germs have a sweet onion taste and a surprising color of a bright yellow green. They will come to raise your dishes and give them powerful diuretic, detoxifying and antioxidant virtues!
????their benefits:
????rich in potassium and low in sodium, leek is a very useful diuretic in case of urinary retention or constipation.
moisturizing and detoxifying, its germs are recommended to combat rheumatic conditions and acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory and urinary tract.
????rich in vitamins B6 and b9, vitamin c and iron, they participate in the formation of collagen and red blood cells, thus ensuring our good immunity.
????their sulphur and antioxidant compounds are a major asset in diabetes prevention and cardiovascular health! They are rich in kaempferol, known polyphenol for its anti-inflammatory virtues, associated with reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancers.
????They contain allecine, the molecule that gives garlic its anti-microbial virtues, hypocholesterolémiantes and regulating tension!
????prebiotics, they ensure the health of the microbiota thanks to the presence of inulin.
☺️See you onwww.biovie.fr/graines-a-germerto discover in detail the virtues of our organic seeds✨

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