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How to promote better digestion?

How to promote better digestion?

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We are becoming increasingly aware of the intimate relationship between the health and quality of food, the difference of products (refined, of biological origin,) of the diversity and balance of food classes.

But another concept such as digestion must be taken into account to ensure real and authentic health.

As long as there are various chronic digestive disorders (intestinal baling, burns, stomach sourness, diarrhea, constipation) one cannot reach an optimal level of health.

Indeed, all these disorders demonstrate difficulties of digestion, which can cause a great loss of energy, inflammations of the digestive mucosa, various toxins born of incorrect digestion, etc.


If the digestion of fruit or starch is hindered, instead of normally obtaining simple sugars (glucose, levulosis, galactose) that can be easily absorbed, it occurs:

· carbon oxide,

· oxalic acid,

· acetic acid,

· alcohol; causing discomfort such as intestinal bloating, with malodorant gas emission, diarrhoea, etc.

The digestive process can be disrupted for one reason or another, because:

· from a bad chewing,

· an incompatibility in food associations,

· absorption of liquids too abundant during meals,

· of significant stress inhibiting the secretion of digestive sugars, (in this case there will be an increase in the normal process of fermentation and putrefaction with production of toxins. )

As soon as the cells of the liver (named kupfer cells), as well as the cells of the intestinal lymphoid tissue (literal follicles and peyer plates) are exceeded in their detoxin function, it occurs an intoxication of the body through the passage of intestinal poisons in the moods (sang, lymph, interstitial fluid).

Then we'll talk about toxilymphemia.

Later, these toxic substances born of incorrect digestion may be eliminated by mucous membranes (membranes that tap the inner face of all the hollow organs of the body):

- digestive tube,

- respiratory system,

- uterus...

They play, vis-à-vis internal surfaces, the same protective role as the skin for external surfaces.

Some secretions are digestive, others are defense secretions that have the role of agglomerating the first, isolating harmful substances, neutralizing acids and diluting them. Other secretions represent the expulsion of waste from which the body tries to release.

These secretions appear as mucus.

The irritation of the mucous membrane by toxins to cause inflammation or catarrhal (linked to the flow) and may result in various disorders causing attacks of the O.R.L sphere triggering:

- Sinusitis,

- rhino-pharyngitis,

- otitis,

- conjunctivites.

Indeed, during the increase in the normal fermento-putrescence process, there is an intense proliferation of viruses and colic but also enteric bacteria, caused by the installation in the hail of a fecal type flora, because the bacteria that populate the caecum and the ascending colon, migrate into the intestine hail (deep according to the work of the doctor. )

Due to the inflammation of the digestive mucous membrane, these bacteria may extend from close to close, from mucous membrane to mucous membrane, as it carpets the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestines to rectum, and even extends within the female organs.

This "protection line" of the digestive tube extends beyond the mouth, to the nose, to the eyes, and to the eyelids. Inflammation can even reach the ears by internal ducts such as Eustache’s trumpets! all these bodily regions are therefore intimately connected to each other.

According to the doctor seignalet, this additional intake of bacterial waste, and food from the small intestine, can lead to many pathological conditions.

Various pathologies can be seen:

- elimination (sinusitis, rhino-pharyngites etc.),

- crushing (arthritis, fibromyalgia, drop etc).

- autoimmunes (sclerose in multiple, basedow disease etc.).

In general, the evolution of autoimmune diseases is of a chronic inflammatory type.

In his book, "Save your body" (ed. I have read,) the Kousmine doctor tells the story of some of his patients healed of very serious diseases.

To do so, periods of fasting or diet, together with dietary corrections, will be used to promote better digestion. dietary supplements should be proposed to fill nutrient deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fats, etc.).

In some cases, lavaments spread over a few days to be studied according to each person. the Kousmine doctor says that she also uses various specific measures (medical treatment) as a doctor (medical treatment, etc.). according to the persons and characteristics of each.

Improving digestion contributes to the healing of many pathologies associated with specific treatments related to each pathology.

This doctor said in his book "be well in your plate" ed. tchou, that cancerous mice support doses of deadly intestinal poisons for healthy mice. the tumor could appear here as a parenthesis bet of many intestinal toxics, in order to avoid them being found in the general circulation.

The Kousmine doctor says: “A cancerous tissue is therefore able to capture micro-organisms and toxins in circulation in the blood, my experiences on cancerous mice allowed me to demonstrate this property.”

It has also performed on several occasions, biopsies or fragments of tumor tissue, for in-depth analyses. her research has allowed her to regularly discover bacteria (colibacilles, corynebacteria, etc.). usually found in the small intestine (duodenum and jéjunum).

The intestinal poisoning could explain, why the cancers concerning the organs of digestion such as pancreas and liver are among those who “kill” the fastest. In fact, these organs are constantly impregnated and poisoned by the toxinic “bath” of gastrointestinal origin due to chronic indigestion. In addition, food toxic substances (conservatives, additives, pesticides, heavy metals, etc). and those caused by grilled, burned, caramelized foods, etc.

As robert masson noted, the lack of fiber in the diet, promotes the stagnation of fecal matter against the mucous membrane of the colon. some of their components can be carcinogenic due to the pathological degradation of bile salts or simply an excessive increase in fermentation and putrefaction phenomena.

The prolonged contact of these components is likely to participate in the outbreak of colon and small bowel cancer. Although there may be many causes for the imbalance of the intestinal flora, fibre deficiency contributes significantly to this.

Many people agree to live on a daily basis with all kinds of symptoms related to chronic digestive disorders (bloating, gas, chronic diarrhea, etc.). without realizing that, in the end, they will never really recover a good health. all these chronic disorders promote the lack of assimilation and organic deficiencies, the alteration of the food bowl and the intestinal flora, and the permanent poisoning of the organism.

These symptoms are caused by chronic inflammation and irritation of the tissue, contributing to the appearance of more or less severe pathologies that can go to cancer.

It is not a matter of creating the panic or fear of more or less serious hypothetical pathologies, but rather of promoting the application of all factors contributing to ensuring perfect digestion without any symptoms indicating digestive disorders. normality should be the right state of health and not the sharing of common symptoms with the largest number.

To be truly healthy, it seems illusory to give importance only to foods. It will therefore be necessary and imperative to promote and respect all the rules governing good digestion, without which no food product can actually benefit the body.

The simple fact of respecting its digestive physiology by respecting the "digestive time" according to the quantity and nature of the food bowl, but also the rules concerning compatible and incompatible food associations; all this can lead to a clear improvement in his health, when our troubles originated from problems related to defective digestion with all the indirect consequences that it can cause.

For example, it is not necessary to combine aqueous acids and semi-acids (especially citrus fruits such as orange or acid apple) to a meal where floury or cereals have been consumed, otherwise one may cause excessive fermentation of complex carbohydrates that cause bloating, intestinal dysbiosis, sourness, acid upstream, etc.

On the other hand, it is highly advisable not to practice incessant snacking between meals, as many young people do, by the timeless and regular consumption of candy, confectionery, treats, cakes, etc. Indeed, such a practice will permanently monopolize a lot of energy on the digestive sphere associated with permanent poisoning by the disorders of digestion that can cause which can lead to a decrease in immunity with chronic orl disorders.

Let’s not forget that the energy we have is a bit like the budget of a household; when there are unforeseen and significant expenses, this can challenge the balance of the budget.


Information about the author.

EricDarche/ Naturopath-hygienist, author of 9 works, lecturer.
Creator of a school of naturopathy and online hygienicism:Enhed

Consults in the office of auzon en auvergne or by skype or by tel:09 50 24 05 34.

Facebook :Naturopathy, hygienist and living diet.


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