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Sunburn? Have the cataplasm reflex

Sunburn? Have the cataplasm reflex

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☀️Anti-inflammatory and healing, clay is the reflex to have in case of injury or irritation. the first reflex of injured wild animals or victims of a heat blow is to ride in the mud! in the event of a sunburn, a clay cataplasm and ricin will come to repair the epidermis in depth. Antalgic and soothing, the essential oil of lavender is the incontournable of summer! it will also be useful in case of mosquito bites????
⭐the recipe
mix until you get a smooth paste:
????2 tablespoons of green clay
????2 tablespoons of ricin oil
????4 drops of essential oil of aspic or officinal lavender
spread the dough on a cotton cloth and apply to the skin. let stand at least 2 hours, and if possible all night. gently remove using a wet towel with warm water.
❣️Do not forget: clay must not come into contact with metal. Use a wooden or plastic spoon.
find our green clay on the shop :https://www.biovie.fr/soin/clay/clay-illite

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