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The purges according to our rhythm... by Fanny Naturo

The purges according to our rhythm... by Fanny Naturo

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Today, there is a renewed interest in one of the ancient methods of internal cleansing: purges and fasting.
After having talked to you about fasting in another article, today I will specifically discuss purges.

Purges, an ancient method

They were used to support the health of the people. Doctors would prescribe them.

For a little anecdote, there is an episode of the cartoon Tom Sawyer that mentions the castor oil purge !

I myself have met several people of various origins during my travels in South America and Europe who told me that their parents would have them do a maintenance cleanse from time to time, which supposedly helped them avoid the many colds and winter infections that affected their peers !

Many cultures encourage cleansing the body through fasting and purges once or twice a year with multiple goals: physical, mental, and spiritual.

The different purges

There are many purgatives around the world. Here are the most well-known and easiest to obtain today in France:

- It looks like your text got cut off. Could you please provide the complete text you would like translated from French to English?castor oil : ideal for cleaning mucus, phlegm, and others. It will allow a deep cleansing of the lymph.

- Le The Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate: ideal for draining the liver and cleansing the intestines.

- San Pellegrino Magnesium : which is found in pharmacies and is mainly used to clean acidic and crystalloid build-ups.

- Chlorumagene : also sold in pharmacies and which allows for cleaning crystals and removing acid build-ups.

- The yogic cleanse Sure, I'd be happy to help! Please provide the text you would like translated from French to English. Sankha Prakshalana "which allows for a deep cleansing of the digestive system. It is practiced by taking warm salted water internally, accompanied by specific yoga postures."

- The different purges Plant-based which can also be useful. One could mention Senna, Chinese Rhubarb, or Alder Buckthorn. Herbal purges are still commonly practiced in Africa with many local plants.

- The osmotic purgative, which draws water into the intestines like Manna: this extract of manna ash sap, originating from Italy, which is extremely sweet.

- and again the laxative foods prunes, tamarind, rhubarb, oils...

My personal experience with the purge

I first became interested in fasting, then I practiced the purges Several years ago, accompanied by Irène Grosjean, a naturopath who is over 90 years old and in great shape, and who has been practicing naturopathy for more than 60 years. Subsequently, I trained with Irène and Sylvie Grosjean, focusing on purges among other things.

For health reasons, I have therefore decided to do a major internal cleanse.

Indeed, the conventional diet of my childhood, the excesses of parties and gastronomy of all kinds in my young adult life had provided me with a good reserve of toxins.

So I took the bull by the horns, and here I am embarking on a marathon of purges, well guided, I must say.
Following this intense experience, I continued with maintenance fasts and purges as a preventive measure.
I can testify to the benefits "on the level of both" Physics that Mental and spiritual.

Today, I am accompanying individuals in consultations to maintain or improve their overall health.

I do not recommend purges to everyone.

You have to be ready, but for those who are motivated, committed, and prepared, it can be a great experience to maintain or regain full health.
Of course, I strongly advise you to be accompanied for this and to follow a preparation protocol both before and after the purge.
You don't purge without being prepared and accompanied !

Detox for women: adapt your detox to your cycle

For you, ladies and young ladies, depending on your constitution, health goals, and the purpose of the cleanse, it is useful to adapt the type of cleanse and the protocol according to your individual cycle.

I have observed for several years, both on myself and on numerous clients, some truly interesting effects.
Impact on premenstrual syndrome, on pain, mood changes, but also on the flow and duration of periods, preparation for having a baby (pre-conception), intestinal decongestion, and impact on the genital and pelvic area, etc.

I am talking about the menstrual cycle which concerns menstruating women, but menopausal women can also learn to identify their cyclicity and then use purges according to their own rhythm.
I invite each and every one of you to observe your individual rhythms and take them into account for your diet and the detox periods you wish to implement.

I support women and young girls, in workshops and consultations, to identify and embrace their cyclicity.

Purging ideas

Purges act on a physical level by cleansing the body, but their effect is much broader.
It is useful to fast and cleanse when one needs to have clear ideas or make important decisions. During consultations, it is not uncommon for my clients to tell me about their mental clarity and insight. They see things more clearly, which sometimes makes certain decisions, commitments, or other actions easier for them.

The effects vary from person to person, and I cannot guarantee the outcome of a cleanse, but it is common during these detox periods to have clearer thoughts !

On a spiritual level as well, the effects can be felt: it may be easier to meditate, easier to clear the mind and access one's inner self, to reach fullness and serenity...

Many religions practiced fasting and internal cleansing to allow disciples to access these spiritual dimensions.
Purges can therefore come to accompany spiritual development.
Again, I do not recommend testing purges with a specific goal in mind. There is no guarantee of results !

It is important not to have any specific expectations and to let the body choose its own priorities in order to cleanse what needs to be cleansed !

Trust in the intelligence of the body and your self-healing abilities.

Once again, it is essential to have support when testing purges safely, by adapting the preparation phase, the type of purge, and the recovery phase after the detox.

Get support from a professional, from a naturopath.

How to choose a naturopath to assist me with detoxes ?

Choose a professional who is knowledgeable about the subject and who can provide you with personalized advice on how to adapt the type of cleanse, the duration, and the method of preparation beforehand and after the cleanse.

Ask your naturopath about their personal experiences with fasting and cleanses.
One can only transmit and share what one has personally lived and experienced "in their gut."
No one would think of asking for guitar advice from someone who has never played the guitar! Well, it's the same thing for health !

Choose someone who suits you and with whom you feel confident.

And once well accompanied, you will be able to discover the joys of cleaning safely.

Purge: yes, but not for everyone and not just any way !
It is really necessary to prepare before the purge.
If the "Purge" adventure tempts you but you don't feel ready to take the plunge yet, then start with your diet (add vitality to your meals, remove processed foods), breathing (experiment with cardiac coherence and other breathing techniques), and physical activity (yoga, walking, or other activities).

In summary...

Take care of yourself, take care of your health !

Choose foods that bring you vitality, cultivate joy in your daily life, and as soon as you are ready, seek support to help your body regenerate in order to maintain or regain full health.

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