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Crossing the Pyrenees with Sprouted Seeds - Episode 1

Crossing the Pyrenees with Sprouted Seeds - Episode 1

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My name is Nicolas, I am a student in Osteopathy and Naturopathy.

I have always loved Nature, as it gives me an incredible feeling of freedom, simplicity, and a return to the essence of life.

I am turning 28 and I am setting off to cross the Pyrenees, which is 920km from Hendaye to Banyuls-sur-mer, and I will do it completely self-sufficiently.

In long hikes like the one I am about to undertake, and especially in my life, the role of food has always been central...

A great advocate of self-sufficiency, I chose to have basic products with which I can cook, while maintaining a qualitative aspect from a nutritional point of view.

In my specifications, I wanted to move away from gluten (I had wheat semolina during my previous trips)

I also wanted to increase my share of living food. That's when I found on the Biovie website bags to sprout seeds during itinerant trips. I thank them for agreeing to support me in this project.

In my bag, I have the following basic products:

- Chickpea semolina (preparation faster than quinoa or other seeds)

- Sardines and other small fish for protein and especially good fats

- Freeze-dried vegetable broth (without additives)

- Oat flakes

- A mix of dried fruits containing fresh dates, Brazil nuts, dehydrated Durian, dehydrated Jackfruits.

- Seeds to sprout (Mung Bean and Fenugreek)

In addition to that, I will get fresh products along the way whenever I have the opportunity.

The idea is to have one hot meal a day, in the evening, and during the day to mainly eat dried fruits and fruits.

As I write these words, I am on the eve of departure.

Like any great journey that deserves respect, the meaning is paramount, and this walk means a lot to me.

It is a total questioning, for example, of my way of eating because I have a rather unhealthy relationship with food, with regular binge eating episodes that prevent me from being consistent in eating healthily.

This walk therefore symbolizes the alignment of my actions/habits with what I think: which have been in contradiction until now.

I want to get rid of this incessant back-and-forth between healthy eating and excessive junk food.

And I find, from experience, that walking and prolonged contact with Nature allow me to distance myself from the distractions that invade my daily life and to create silence to let new things emerge, answers to questions that are close to my heart.

Ultimately, it is a wonderful means of disconnection, or should I say reconnection.

And what an adventure, both physically and mentally, that I am about to embark on!

I can't wait to tell you more, see you soon,

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