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Vegan Crepes: The Recipe Without Eggs or Milk

Vegan Crepes: The Recipe Without Eggs or Milk

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Who among you doesn't love eating crepes with melted chocolate for breakfast? Personally, I am crazy about these thin and delicious pancakes (of course, I don't eat them every morning all year round!). However, some people are allergic or have chosen to follow a vegan lifestyle might miss out because the classic recipe for traditional crepes contains eggs and milk. Don't worry! Today, I bring you a recipe for 100% vegan crepes that are soft and delectable, with no animal products.

In the rest of this article, we will show you possible alternatives to eggs and milk without changing the taste and flavor of traditional crepes. Let's discover together our amazing recipe for egg-free and dairy-free crepes, which will certainly become a staple in your vegan kitchen because they have the advantage of being lighter, thus healthier, and more economical, thus better for your wallet.

What ingredients are needed to make vegan crepes ?

To make delicious vegan crepes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of T55 or T45 wheat flour (or another flour of your choice).
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • A nice pinch of salt.
  • 500 ml of plant-based milk of your choice.
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (such as olive oil, melted coconut oil, or another vegetable oil of your choice).
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

What are the different preparation steps ?

Here are the general preparation steps for making crepes without eggs and milk:

  1. In a large bowl, mix the flour, cornstarch, sugar, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Add the plant-based milk, vegan oil, and vanilla extract to the bowl containing the dry ingredients.
  3. Gently mix with a wooden spoon or spatula until the batter is smooth. Be careful not to overmix to keep the pancakes light.
  4. Preheat a non-stick pan over medium-low heat and add a drop of neutral oil if necessary to prevent the crepes from sticking.
  5. Pour the batter into the pan in small amounts. "crêpe bien" translates to "good crepe" in English. hot to form a round crepe. Spread the batter by tilting the pan so that it is evenly distributed and forms a circle. Let it cook until bubbles form on the surface of the crepe and the edges begin to brown (about 2 to 3 minutes).
  6. Using a spatula, gently flip the crepe and let it cook on the other side for another 1 to 2 minutes, until it is golden brown. You will get some Soft crepes that will be a real treat for your taste buds.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to cook the remaining batter.
  8. "Leave the" "Let the crepes cool to room temperature and"Serve them with a garnish. You can also use this recipe for the savory version of the crepes. We will offer you different topping options later in the article.

Here is our vegan recipe for pancakes without eggs or milk, with all the necessary steps to prepare original, delicious, and fluffy crepes.

Recette végan des crêpes sans œufs ni lait

Raw crepe recipe:

For even healthier and very original crepes, you can opt for raw crepes, which are also an interesting alternative to traditional crepes. They are mainly composed of raw ingredients and do not require high-heat cooking, thus retaining all the vitamins and minerals from the fruits they contain. Here is our simple recipe for raw vegan crepes:


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 cup of pitted dates (about 7-8 dates)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt


  1. In a blender, Combine the bananas, pitted dates, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Blend the ingredients until you obtain a smooth and thick batter. If the batter is too thick, you can add a little water to reach the desired consistency.
  3. It seems like your sentence is incomplete. Could you please provide the full text you would like translated? dehydrator, pour the batter in circles to create your raw crepes. You can make them as thin or thick as you like.
  4. Place the leaves in the dehydrator and let the raw crepes dehydrate for about 4 to 6 hours.
  5. Remove the raw crepes from the dehydrator and let them cool.
  6. Once cooled, you can fill them with the toppings that we will suggest later in the article.

How to replace eggs in vegan crepes ?

In our vegan crepe recipe, cornstarch replaced the eggs and acted as a binder. It helped give structure to the crepes and keep them together. However, there are other egg alternatives that act as binders and help achieve a texture similar to that of classic crepes:

Unsweetened applesauce Apple sauce acts as an excellent binder due to its thick and viscous texture, which helps to bind the ingredients of the recipe together, contributing to keeping the pancake batter intact. Additionally, it adds moisture to the pancakes, making them fluffy and light just as eggs would, and it also adds sweetness to the pancakes.

Ground flax seeds Ground flaxseeds are used to replace eggs because they have the ability to form a gel when mixed with water. This gel acts as a binding agent, giving cohesion to the pancake batter. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds with 3 tablespoons of water, and after a few minutes, the mixture becomes gelatinous, allowing you to use this preparation to replace one egg. Flaxseeds are rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which add nutrition to your vegan pancakes.

Unsweetened vegan yogurt This ingredient is commonly used to replace eggs in vegan crepe recipes. You can choose a soy-based or almond-based yogurt to add texture and moisture to the crepes. Use about 1/4 cup of vegan yogurt to replace one egg.

Silken tofu Silken tofu is a versatile ingredient often used as an egg substitute. It can be mixed with other ingredients to create a texture similar to that of eggs. It has a neutral flavor, which means it won't overpower the taste of your pancakes and will allow you to maintain the desired flavor.

Mashed banana A mashed banana can be used to add sweetness and cohesion to pancakes. When mashed, it takes on a slightly viscous texture that helps bind the ingredients of the recipe together, just like eggs would. Use about half a mashed banana to replace one egg.

Do not replace it: And yes, for crepes it is not essential! If you have the right flour, you can make crepes by simply adding a bit of water and milk.
Quinoa wraps: Soak 250g of quinoa in 500mL of water overnight. Blend the drained quinoa with spices and salt + 250mL of clear water. Cook it like a traditional pancake. The recipe works for both savory and sweet versions !

How to replace milk ?

It is very easy to prepare crepes without cow's milk because it is simply enough to use plant-based milk instead of animal milk. There are many options for vegan milk such as:

Almond milk : It is one of the most popular plant-based milks for vegan pancakes due to its mild and neutral taste. You can prepare it yourself using the almond puree for plant-based milk "de Brin de Foli."

Soy milk : It is a versatile and protein-rich option that can give a good texture to pancakes.

Oat milk : It has a creamy texture and a slightly sweet taste, making it a good choice for crepes.

Coconut milk : It can add a tropical flavor to pancakes and is ideal for pancakes with an exotic taste.

Rice milk : It is another mild plant-based milk that can work well in pancake recipes.

Nut milk (such as almond milk or cashew milk) Nut milks have a slightly thicker texture and a nutty flavor that can add character to your pancakes.

Hemp milk : It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and has a mild, slightly nutty taste.

You can choose the plant-based milk of your choice according to your tastes and personal preferences.

Which vegan topping to choose ?

The vegan crepe recipe we provided above works very well for both sweet and savory crepes. You might ask, but how do you differentiate between the two? It's thanks to the filling. The crepe batter doesn't change; it's the filling you choose that will determine whether your crepe is sweet or savory. Here are some ideas for vegan sweet and savory fillings that we have put together to enhance your crepes according to your preferences:

Sweet toppings

Maple syrup A classic! It is so commonly used in vegan crepes because pure maple syrup is vegan and perfect for adding a sweet touch to the crepes.

Fresh fruits Such as red fruits or seasonal fruits will do the trick to garnish your crepes.

Fruit compote : Make a compote of apples, pears, or other seasonal fruits for a sweet and soft topping.

Fruit puree Mix some cooked fruits into a puree with a bit of cinnamon for a tasty topping.

Melted chocolate : Melted vegan dark chocolate is also considered a classic, you can also use our raw cacao paste who is my favorite and is used like classic dark chocolate bars by simply melting it and drizzling it over the crepes.

Savory toppings

Mashed avocado For the savory version of the Crepes, you can eMash the avocado with a bit of salt and pepper, and you will get a creamy and healthy topping.

Sautéed vegetables : You can choose the vegetables you want according to your taste. Sauté these vegetables, such as spinach, mushrooms, bell peppers, and onions, for a colorful and nutritious topping.

Scrambled tofu : Prepare a scrambled tofu with herbs and spices for a protein-rich topping.

Vegan cheese : Melt some vegan cheese on your crepes for a savory flavor.

Tahini or hummus Spread tahini (sesame paste) or hummus on your crepes for a Mediterranean touch.

Garnitures vegan sucrées et salées

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