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Bioactive nutrition is a fascinating concept that is gaining popularity in the world of nutrition and health. It represents an innovative approach to our way of eating, emphasizing foods that [...]
Liver cleansing, or hepatic detox, is generating growing interest among natural health enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore liver cleansing methods, their potential benefits, and the [...]
The juice extractor has become a must-have in the kitchens of enthusiasts of living and healthy food. But how do you choose the right device among the multitude of options available on the [...]
The liver plays a crucial role in our body, ensuring many vital functions. However, we often neglect its health. In this article, we will explore 8 practical tips to keep your liver healthy, [...]
Rhassoul clay,Is a natural treasure that is gaining popularity in the world of natural care. Originally from Morocco, this unrefined clay offers a multitude of benefits for the body and hair. In [...]
Sprouted seeds of Fennel are a true nutritional treasure, increasingly valued by enthusiasts of raw and living foods. At Biovie, we are convinced that these small sprouts can provide real added [...]
It has now been 11 years since I chose to become a vegetarian. I first eliminated meat and fish from my diet overnight, and a month later, I took a more radical path by becoming 100% raw vegan. [...]
Like many company or business leaders, we often face numerous predictable or unpredictable challenges. These challenges are relational and human (managing our team), financial and economic, [...]
For over 25 years, I have been filtering water at home. I have tried numerous water filters, some expensive, others sold at affordable prices. I have never routinely drunk tap water, nor have I [...]
On October 16th, the planet celebrates the World Food Day, an important moment to raise awareness about the global issues faced by those who feed us. This event, initiated by The United Nations [...]
Cardiac coherence is a simple and powerful method to improve your health and overall well-being. This technique, based on controlled breathing, offers numerous benefits, from stress reduction to [...]
Castor oil is a natural remedy with multiple virtues, particularly appreciated in the field of naturopathy. In this article, we will explore the benefits of castor oil poultices and wraps, a [...]
The assimilation of nutrients is a crucial aspect of our health, often overlooked in our modern eating habits. At Biovie, we believe that the quality of our diet is not limited to what we eat, [...]
Autophagy, a natural process of cellular "cleaning," is increasingly recognized as a key factor in longevity and health. In this article, we will explore the foods and practices that stimulate [...]
In this article, I wanted to step off the beaten path a little by discussing with you, parallel to the benefits of honey widely documented by science, some interesting factsamazing historical [...]
With Aurélie, we are in a particularly intense and engaging relationship. Like many today, we met each other already having experiences and baggage. : We each went through a divorce and were [...]
The debate between coffee and tea Lupin raises interesting questions about our consumption habits and our health. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of these two [...]
Mucoid plaque is a topic that is garnering increasing interest in the field of gut health. Often overlooked, this accumulation of waste in our digestive system can have significant consequences [...]
It looks like your text got cut off. Could you please provide the complete text you would like translated from French to English?lawyer The avocado is a fruit that comes from the avocado tree, a [...]
We wrote this article with the aim of synthesizing common beliefs and discoveries surrounding this alternative therapy, which is now recommended and adopted by many households. This article does [...]
Sleep is essential for our health and well-being, but many people struggle to find restorative rest. In this article, I will share with you 10 natural methods that I have personally tested to [...]
It looks like your text is a mix of French and German. Could you please provide the complete text in one language so I can accurately translate it for you? Body fat "and the"Physical activity [...]
Le (The) Epsom salt, scientifically known as magnesium sulfate, is a natural compound recognized for centuries for its numerous health benefits and multiple uses. Its nameEpsom returns to his [...]
Breakfast is the first meal, the one that breaks the overnight fast. It is a meal sometimes highly appreciated, sometimes shunned. According to the cultures, it consists of sweet or savory [...]
"La" maceration, a term borrowed from culinary science, evokes the delicate art of transforming and enhancing food through prolonged immersion in aromatic liquids. It is a refined culinary [...]
Le (The) apple cider vinegar has long been renowned for its numerous health benefits and its very varied domestic uses. This golden elixir is not only used in cooking, as a condiment to enhance [...]
The engineer Andrew K. Fletcher discovered this method more than 20 years ago, and since then, he has dedicated his life to experimenting and sharing its benefits on a wide variety of health [...]
Seaweeds such as nori, kombu, wakame, and spirulina are packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, and antioxidants. Additionally, they are a natural source of iodine, an essential element for [...]
The skin is our body's envelope; it is what we can show of ourselves, it is the interaction between our inner world and the outer world.The skin is a complex organ that absorbs air, light, [...]
"I continue this section,"we tested for you", because we have not only tested devices, food, health ideas, and tools to get moving, but also personal development techniques, as I am sharing with [...]
Since centuries ago, the lactic ferments prove to have a crucial role in the production of fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese. Very beneficial for the body, the usefulness of [...]
In a world where health and sustainability are at the heart of concerns, the plant proteins emerge as a promising alternative to animal proteins. Long considered inferior in terms of [...]
What is the gluten ? ? Le (The) gluten It is a protein binder composed of gliadin and glutenin, found in certain cereals such as wheat, oats, rye, and barley. These components trigger an immune [...]
How to start being vegan ? Incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet is a very good decision that can be made at any age. However, becoming vegan is a step that goes even further. To [...]
There are a large number of people around the world who suffer from digestive disorders due to a lactose intolerance. After consuming milk or products containing milk, these individuals may [...]
Quinton water, or Quinton plasma, is named in honor of the French biologist René Quinton (1866 - 1925), who is certainly the person to have studied it the most. Originating directly from the [...]
What are the benefits of barley grass juice? Known and recognized for its multiple benefits in the world of natural health, barley grass juice activates a set of parameters to restore the [...]
It looks like your text got cut off. Could you please provide the complete text you would like translated from French to English?drinking water is essential to human life, but it can contain [...]
The popularity of coffee does not seem to decrease and has become part of the lifestyle of many people: it is the 2nd most consumed beverage in France. However, a question has divided nutrition [...]
What is animal naturopathy, or animal naturopathy? Animal naturopathy is a therapeutic method of holistic medicine or alternative medicine that aims to improve the health of pets using natural [...]
Poor digestion, feeling of heaviness, or simply a desire to detox? Your digestive tract needs rest to regenerate. Doing a few days of intermittent fasting regularly is undoubtedly highly [...]
IS NATUROPATHY DEAD? Currently, various people suggest that naturopathy is dead on the grounds that it is not scientific enough. That said, such a "statement" is interesting because it [...]
A "porous" or altered intestinal mucosa will be the cause of numerous food intolerances and allergies, as well as many elimination, clogging, and even autoimmune pathologies. How can we promote [...]
For this week dedicated to detox, @lesalchimistesduvivant guide you to help your body cleanse on all levels: physical, mental, and energetic.Today, discover the Wim Hof breathing [...]
Blisters, wounds, cramps... Treat minor injuries with natural methodsSpeed up healing or treat a blister: In case of a cut or blister, apply a Green clay poultice. The clay will absorb [...]
Where is the hiking team?After a hike, it is necessary to recover well before resuming any sports activity. Discover our tips to promote good recovery and reduce effort-related [...]
It's hot, isn't it? These foods are delicious, excellent for health, and... known to boost libido! Discover how to naturally boost your libido with a suitable diet. Explore our selection of [...]
Today, there is a renewed interest in one of the ancient methods of internal cleansing: purges and fasting.After having talked to you about fasting in another article, today I will specifically [...]
You sleep well and yet, you are still tired?The season doesn't help! The temperatures have changed, the light is different, and this can affect the whole body (and mood).Here are [...]
Natural beauty, we love it! Here are our favorite essentials (natural and organic) to take care of your skin.- Virgin oils from the first cold pressing. We offer Linseed and Hemp oils [...]
Feet are often forgotten, yet they carry us! Here are 3 recipes to take care of your feet naturally, at home.Step 1: Coffee grounds scrub. Mix coffee grounds with coconut oil and then [...]
What is cholesterol used for? Cholesterol is one of the essential constituents of the cell membrane; it is therefore essential for life. Part of the cholesterol is the source of hormones such [...]
New year, work resumption, new cycle ... The month of January is a great opportunity to start again on a sound basis after these last lively days/weeks/months.Here are some tips to [...]
Raw cacao is good for your health!Here is a superfood we love: both delicious and excellent for health, it's a pleasure to take care of yourself while enjoying cocoa !Raw cocoa is a [...]
While an American consumes an average of 2,500 calories (2.5 kcal) per day and a French 2300, a resident of Okinawa only absorbs 1800. However, there is no trace of malnutrition among these [...]
In our body, brown fat (or fluid fat) is primarily located in the neck and along the spine. The cells that form them are particularly rich in mitochondria and are specialized in heat production. [...]
Discover the clay guideWhich clay? It depends on your skin type and your needs! We have prepared an explanatory guide to present you 4 clays (montmorillonite, morélie, illite, rassal) and [...]
Protect your skin and hair more by filtering the water you use.
This article does not wish to focus on a topic in particular, even though many people will not be able to prevent themselves from thinking about a topical topic...
What's more disturbing and unpleasant than getting stinged by mosquitoes during the holidays. What if you try the green clay to relieve these bites?
Prepare your skin with tan thanks to this natural scrub recipe
Binaural sounds are sounds listened with the help of a stereo headphone whose frequency differs from one ear to another.
Confronted with a stressful situation, the body reacts in three phases.
There are three categories of food: alcalinizing foods, acidifying foods and acidic foods.
Sprouted seeds and barley and wheat grass juices are extraordinary ways to revitalize ourselves.
The immune system allows us to defend ourselves against external attacks that could be harmful to our health.
The principle of slow life is to slow the pace, return to oneself, to Nature, to the simple things of life in order to live away from stress and be happy.
Don't miss the excerpt from the upcoming book: "Le livre de Vie" in which Agnès Durand will share numerous information including her knowledge of the harmful effects of fluorine.
Do not miss this questions/answers session in which we share some tips to improve your oral and dental hygiene.
Here are some techniques we share to improve your view and the relaxation of your eyes.
A comprehensive workshop-clinic with a sophrologist presented in a virtual class on November 21st!
First international training in natural sleep management (somno-pedagogy / somno-therapy) offered throughout the French-speaking countries!
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and the study of the human energy light system: the health of tomorrow By Elsa Paccoud
Pregnancy and its preparation are privileged moments to take care of the health.
By Gaëlle Ellis of the Detox Institute of Brittany