Spring is the ideal time to do a detox and use the means that nature offers us to cleanse our body.
Recently, the sun has been gaining strength again, and we can observe the return of spring in nature.
The buds are appearing on the trees, the birds are singing and showing off, the flowers are back...
The trees quietly resume an inner life to prepare for the summer blossoming, the budding of leaves, and the sap gently rises...
What is the composition of birch sap ?
Birch sap is very rich in nutrients, trace elements, and minerals, and its exact composition varies: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, sodium, vitamin C, etc. It also contains the following components:
Water: Birch sap is composed of approximately 98% water. It is the main component that transports nutrients and other compounds within the tree.
Sugars: Birch sap contains sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose. These natural sugars give the sap a slightly sweet taste.
Amino acids: Amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, are also found in birch sap. Some of the amino acids present include asparagine, glutamine, arginine, serine, and glycine.
Antioxidants: Birch sap is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds play an important role in protecting against damage caused by free radicals in the body.
Some producers make the composition analyses available.
What are the properties of birch sap ?
The birch sap has been used for a long time to take care of one's health in the spring, just when the sap rises...
Nature being well-designed, our need for detox coincides with the availability of sap.
One can also notice the arrival of dandelions, which help support the liver, just like fumitory or centaury, those famous bitter plants that support and cleanse the liver.
Sap is traditionally used for its properties. diuretics and draining "des" reins.
She also has an effect on the liver and blood cleanser.
It allows for the cleaning of these filters that are so important in the overall and holistic balance of the body: kidneys, liver, intestines.
But in addition to its draining properties, birch sap is also mineralizing.
Fresh sap is rich in organic and inorganic compounds (natural sugars, amino acids, proteins, mineral salts, trace elements, vitamins...)
She cleans and she mineralizes, which makes the birch sap cure accessible even to sensitive individuals.
At the appropriate dosage, there is no risk of demineralization !
A little bonus, birch sap is antioxidant and it would have an effect on satiety.
But birch sap also has properties anti-inflammatories, Sure, here is the translation: ", support of the" immune system and slightly laxativeIt seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like translated from French to English?
The birch sap cure is therefore a panacea provided by nature during this season.
How to do a birch sap cleanse ?
The sap is consumed fresh, to drink plain in the morning on an empty stomach, but also before each meal.
The dosage will depend on each person, their condition, predispositions, needs, and the kidneys' elimination capacities, among other factors.
I suggest that you seek the guidance of a naturopath who can recommend the appropriate dosage for you and incorporate the sap cure into a comprehensive health plan.
In any case, start slowly by half a glass to a glass sap every morning during three weeks approximately.
Ideally, this birch sap cure will be accompanied by a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, possibly with complementary herbal teas.
Some people even use birch sap in external care : leave-in hair lotion, as a spray on the face, or integrated into your homemade cosmetics in place of water or hydrosols.
What is the duration of a birch sap cure?
The duration of a birch sap cure will depend on your needs and your condition. However, a typical birch sap cure usually lasts from two to four weeks. A naturopath can customize this cure to suit your personal situation.
If you are in good health and wish to do a maintenance treatment, you can opt for a duration of about 3 weeks.
Fresh sap can be kept for 4 weeks in the refrigerator.
Sap can be consumed:
- simply fresh and natural
- with a bit of lemon juice
- with mint or lemon balm in a cold infusion
- as a cocktail by mixing it with a bit of sparkling water, some herbs or pieces of fresh fruit or dried fruits infused for a few hours,
- fermented alone or with aromatic plants (mint, lemon balm, verbena, rosemary...) or dried fruits (strawberry, fig, mango, apricot...).
Simplicity or creativity, you will find how to enjoy this living and natural water to benefit from all its advantages.
Don't forget to consume the fresh sap or possibly fermented but not pasteurized.
As for me, I prefer it plain, quite simply !
# The flavor will evolve slightly because it is a product alive. After a few weeks, she will naturally lacto-ferment and enrich oneself with probiotics taking on a slight tangy flavor.
When does the harvest take place ?
The sap rises in the trees at the end of winter and the beginning of spring to irrigate the branches and the upcoming foliage. The harvest takes place between January and March, depending on the regions and the years.
The birch is a tree that grows naturally and belongs to the Betulaceae family.
The sap is therefore harvested at the arrival of spring, after the frosts, when the sun reappears and when nature decides !
Sometimes earlier, sometimes later, the tree generously shares this precious liquid with us, according to what it can share, and it keeps the rest for itself.
To collect the sap, a hole is drilled into the trunk and a collection tube connected to a hermetically sealed container is inserted.
If you have birch trees at home and you wish to collect some of their sap, make sure to get informed, respect your trees, and take good care of the scars left from the collection.
The trees will share their surplus sap with you, some trees being generous, while others keep their precious nectar for their own needs.
Can you lose weight with a birch sap cure ?
Birch sap does not cause weight loss, but it can certainly be integrated into an overall rebalancing plan and contribute to achieving a better overall balance and an appropriate weight.
Draining, slightly laxative, and rich in nutrients, it will provide support to your body.
The holistic view of the body leads us to consider the entire being, including the physical, emotional, and energetic body. A comprehensive naturopathic approach should help you work on these different aspects to find solutions to feel good in your body and mind and achieve a healthy weight.
But birch sap is not a magic potion! It is a drink that comes from nature and should be consumed with respect for nature and oneself !
What are the contraindications and side effects ?
Birch sap is a natural beverage, but it is important to remain vigilant and pay attention to how you feel after consuming it, just as you would with anything you drink or eat.
Of course, take precautions if you are fragile, under medication, or have a history of kidney problems.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women can consume it in small quantities, following the advice of a naturopath.
Birch sap is contraindicated in cases of allergy to salicylates (aspirin).
To summarize...
- Birch sap is consumed fresh, unpasteurized.
- Draining, diuretic, it supports the kidneys, liver, and intestines.
- Mineralizing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant – it will provide you with all these benefits by drinking 1/2 to 1 glass per day for a course of about 3 weeks.
- Seek advice from a naturopath to establish a personalized health plan and support this sap cure with plants, foods, and other springtime recommendations.
To your health !